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Everything posted by boybilly

  1. Hi Adam, We fish mainly inside the Hood entrance and inside Chequers which is the next one down. You do need a permit for all fishing inside the harbour. If you do fish just fish as light as you dare, The heaviest snoods were 15lb but we went as light as 5lb for mini species. Hooks from 6 down to 12. You do tend to lose a fair bit of tackle fishing that light but Hey thats part of it all. Maddies, tiny squid strips, maggots(white) and white rag all work. Frozen garfish strip works as well. BB
  2. boybilly

    6lb Class rod

    Adam, I made one from a Greys Jerkbait blank. Excellent for light lining but only 7ft long. Cost me
  3. Looking forward to a fishing session Paul. How is Marks Boat coming along? I will have to bell him. Codfather, You cannot fish Portland harbour without a permit. I think they are
  4. Well, yet again thrown from pillar to post in a fishing comp. Monday was the pits. We had to fish in Portland harbour to hide from the weather. Started fishing like a goon but came good towards the end and finished fourth. Plenty of fish as is expected with no size limits. Bass, Wrasse, Mackerel, Garfish, Pout, Poor Cod, Pollack, Bream, Mullet, John Dory, Red Bandfish, Blennies, Gobies, Scad, the list goes on but not really my bag this tiddler bashing. Unfortunately it is part and parcel of modern comps so we have to go with it. Tuesday was uch better. Got out to the East. Lulworth and the Banks. Very good day but pipped at the last by a Smoothhound with 5 Mins to go. ("!%$^$
  5. Glad you enjoyed it mate. My address is: 14 Haywards Avenue, Weymouth, DORSET DT3 5JU. Two spools of braid, 20lb and 30lb plus a few hooks mate. Regards, BB
  6. Does anyone know if Rich is back from his hols yet? I would like to speak with him. Regards, BB
  7. Make it October lads, there will be plenty of other stuff about as well as Bass. BB
  8. Well that was a no-no. Plenty of fish off the Hood(Some nice pollack) Cuckoo wrasse, Ballan to 1.5lb, Corkwings(Some big ones) and 1 solitary bream. Dont panic PJ, you are safe for another week my friend. BB
  9. Paul, I didnt know it was your record(Icant find the record list on this site) I will feel guilty if it goes now. BB
  10. Thank you Mark, offer kindly accepted. I will sort the bait mate. BB
  11. Anyone down here tomorrow? The forecast is great so I am going to chase your Wrasse record. Some good ones about at the moment. For those of you fishing on Sunday, you will not be able to get on the Hood as there is a local comp on the breakwater. The Hood end will be packed lads. Last weekend there were 4 Wrasse to 4.5 lbs landed from there and even bigger fish that snapped off. Bring on the swimming crabs. BB PS I am now the proud owner of a digital camera so the picture quality will be much better. Work of art aren,t they?
  12. Hi Gents, I noticed that the Nov. comp is registration at Baiter slip. Does this mean all vessels must leave from there? If this is the case then I am looking for a space ( Are you fishing it Mark?) Regards, BB
  13. Silly me, just found the dates for trailaway. That weekend is good but which day is it? I need to book it in asap. BB
  14. Thanks gents, Yes it was top banana. I went in to see Andy Selby at WAC today (withdrawal symptoms) and he has the livebait buckets retailing at
  15. Dont know if they sell that exact one my friend (just back from hols in Bulgaria and havent read any mags yet) but they do sell one with a pump. It is an oval bucket with lid, pump etc, we use them for the Poole species hunt and they work a treat for sandeels. BB
  16. Hi Rich, I have fished this comp since its instigation and it is an excellent comp. Each day has a different set-up and as you say, the money is a big carrot. I finished 4th overall last year and came away with a fair bit of tackle plus
  17. Great stuff lads, Had a good day then. Pan size Brill are the cahones Mark Well done.. BB
  18. Thanks for the invite lads but we have the family BBQ on Sunday, always the same isnt it when a decent fishing trip crops up. Iam just waiting for 4 lobsters to cook then I am dressing them?????? If you are coming give us a bell and I will try and sort you some live eels. Regards, BB
  19. Well there has been some great fishing down here recently. Lulworth fished its butt off and the bream were jumping in the boat. Biggest at 5lb 2oz. Bull huss to 5lb, Ballans to 3lb and plenty of other stuff. Went on my first Bass/Bream charter of the season and bagged a dozen or so nice bream, my first Starry( Charter boat unfortunately) and seven Bass. Not huge ones as the tides were very small but they are here now in good numbers. Early sessions with big tides are producing on live eels. 4 fish over 8lb in one session ledgering on an inshore wreck with mackerel head and guts. There is also some big plaice on the beds and a lot of big gurnard about. Things are certainly looking up at the moment. Regards to all, BB
  20. I rent a sinker mooring by the Mulberries for
  21. Lads, Don,t forget that you should have a licence from Portland Port to fish inside the harbour. They dont always check but just be aware. Most of the best fishing is in the entrances anyway so good luck. Regards, BB
  22. boybilly

    Braid knots

    Bob, Try the SIG knot. This is by far the bestknot I have ever seen for attaching to braid. Type SIG knot into Google then look in argylls post in anglers net. It will give you the web site for the knot. When fishing downtide I agree with daviduk, just a 4 turn nail knot to make a loop then swivel and trace. Never had any problems. regards, BB
  23. Lads, cannot fish on Sunday but plenty of fish in Portland harbour if you are stuck. A young lad caught a 15.5lb thornback from the shore at Sandsfoot last week. Plenty of bass, mackerel, pollack and a few bream starting to show. Some decent wrasse from the rocky sections and plenty of mullet. You will need to groundbait up to hold these though. Decent bull huss from back of bank. Blondes from the Adamant and tope from back of Adamant. Regards to all. BB
  24. Hi Paul d, Please tell me more.
  25. Less than
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