Well, yet again thrown from pillar to post in a fishing comp. Monday was the pits. We had to fish in Portland harbour to hide from the weather. Started fishing like a goon but came good towards the end and finished fourth. Plenty of fish as is expected with no size limits. Bass, Wrasse, Mackerel, Garfish, Pout, Poor Cod, Pollack, Bream, Mullet, John Dory, Red Bandfish, Blennies, Gobies, Scad, the list goes on but not really my bag this tiddler bashing. Unfortunately it is part and parcel of modern comps so we have to go with it. Tuesday was uch better. Got out to the East. Lulworth and the Banks. Very good day but pipped at the last by a Smoothhound with 5 Mins to go. ("!%$^$