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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Sam

  1. thats wicked im so jealous nice one kam sam
  2. Sam

    Fishing In New Zealand

    dave the fishing in new zealand is amazing so many different species snapper kingfish even marlin it is just incredible. we went to the north island and did alot of fishing in the corramandal and the bay of islands and we caught loads of fish. sam
  3. Sam

    Big Fish Reels

    everytime we go wreck fishing we use the tlds 15,20,25 and dad also likes to use a calcutta. sam
  4. Sam

    Diawa Sl20sh

    i agree with alun on the 6000 for the lighter rods plenty of power for your type of fishing and can easily handle a decent fish. sam
  5. Sam

    Studland Bay

    trolling a lure along the training bank would proberly be a good start for the bass or a set of feathers with a pirk on the end. sam
  6. well done james what a cracker i am so jealous will be out there sunday trying for one of those rays. sam
  7. Sam

    Fish And Boat Photos

    hi guys i still need all your photos for this project does anybody work with leaflet holders or can get hold of a couple of different ones just so i can photograph them and use them on my development sheets any old leaflets would be great aswell but i would need them asap thanks in advance sam
  8. what a great day really enjoyed it, and the water was great the ringoing was great fun with little rob and me bouncing around everywhere. thanks again bob for the ride and thanks adam for trusting me with your boat when in the ringo. a great day out and must do it again sam
  9. Sam


    bob after you left we had some small bass and dad lost a plaice duncan was using a popper and it looked pretty impressive. sam
  10. Sam


    welcome and enjoy the forum sam
  11. we might be out but dads having problems with his engine and has an electrical fault. we conked out in front of the chain ferry last week and last night we conked out by brownsea island and the engine would just stay on long enough to dodge the boats hes been working on it today but hes not sure if hes fixed it sam
  12. well done paul nice fish sam
  13. exactly what i do most of my fishing in without dad and we had 10 bass and a silver eel today. sam
  14. no right up if you did it there it would tear a hole in the throat killing the fish right up next to the jaw bone. sam
  15. we do exactly the same as adam but when we are using a 300lb mono with a big old meat hook you can normally just lift them straight in. kam dont worry about the slime it washes off. sam
  16. paul this was somewhere alot further away a bit far for neo might be alright if you launched from kimmeridge. sam i think the next aim will be a cod im getting a bit hopeful know.
  17. excellent we just cant help showing you how to do it sam
  18. as for you that dont know my aim for this year was to catch a 10lb pollack well i can know say i have don it with a pollack of 10lb 10oz headed out early this morning to the sky and anchored up but soon got chased off by a gathering of divers so plodded out to another wreck and stuck in the anchor. as we got ready fair lady and illusion made there way other and just as they got there i hooked into something heavy and stroppy ! 43 lb! soon we had a boat either side. soon everybody on all 3 boats were hooking into conger and the odd tope every boat had one over 40lb. total for the wreck for us: 13 conger [ biggest 43lb], mackeral[ 1lb 3 oz] and millions of pout just as we were about to leave we pulled in the anchor and decided to have some drifts finally what i had been waiting for. we decided to have a little competition between the shad and the redgill me using shad dad using redgill. dad had first 2 fish then wollop i had a fish what a dive i was well impressed it didnt want to come up but when it eventually did i was well chuffed 10LB 10oz we had 3 more fish and decided to call it a day and started on the 2 hour drive home. arrived back on the pontoon and just as everything was going well i had to go step back to far and step backwards off the pontoon and the worst bit dad didnt even notice until i got out. a nice day to be afloat sam
  19. mike get sandeels and have a crack on pevril and could always finish back in the harbour like we did last week today we had 8 pollack on them feathers right in next to the other pier. sam
  20. Sam


    you all need a boat like gw only a fiver for a days fishing and we go just as far as you lot just takes a bit longer. i agree with you 75hp is the best just spent 2 days on a rib with 75hp 20 knots at only 3/4 throttle lovely sam
  21. thanks coddy
  22. Sam

    Table For Sale

    got it
  23. Sam

    Table For Sale

    all the booze in the background
  24. we launched at hamworthy with our little 2.6m inflateble with a few fishing rods and planned to fish around hamworthy but because of strong tides we changed and headed up the harbour towards the quay passing a very nice looking cat and i waved to be polite and dave maine stepped out the cabin good job we werent fishing. stopped on the quay for a bar of chocolate and continued heading towards baiter when got to baiter it was a bit uncomfertable with all the boats headed towards dads yacht club and had a fish had 3 bass straight away and then it went quiet, said a quick hello to my teacher who was on his boat and the continued are trip up the harbour. went pass salterns and had a swim and a play at evening hill and a bit of lunch and then headed back to pyc for a fish with the plugs nothing. we had travelled along the way from hamworthy to evening hill and then back to parkstone. just as we went into pyc dad asked us to help launch some boats and we got to test them that was fun they were jeanneau newmatics with 15hp mariners on the back. after all this travelling we still had only refilled the engine once. sam ps does anyone know were you can by a second hand jeanneau newmatic i have tried boats and outboards but the dont have any.
  25. adam i must be unlucky then because my engine fell off the back of my dinghy and i had just put the anchor in the boat thank god for the oars. sam
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