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Everything posted by Sam

  1. which kind skipper can take the Annear clan, the boys were well behaved on alfresco and good fun to fish with, and I suppose you just have to put up with Charlie im sure someone can help
  2. Hi Ian I will talk to you nearer the time as I will be on board with dad as chief deckhand and probably bacon sarnie chief again. Hopefully we will be lucky with the other. And look forward to taking the kids out on alfresco Sam
  3. Afternoon All, now that the first competition is done and dusted it is time to start planning for the next one that is only two weeks away, can you please add the names to the list including which boat you will be fishing on, I have started it off with the boats/juniors I have confirmed for the 2nd competition, if you have juniors wishing to fish but no boat confirmed please add to the list and I am sure one of our kind members will volunteer there boat. Jayden Wald- Ian Simpson Emma Simpson- Ian Simpson Amy Simpson- Ian Simpson Thomas Boyle- Megabyte also can I ask that all members who offered to donate prizes for the competition bring them along to the next meeting, I am away in Germany at the end of august and need to organise before I go away. also after our committee meeting earlier in the week and discussing with Mal we have made a slight change to the rules to take into consideration the safety of the juniors, moving forward I will discuss all marginal weather with Mal before competitions, the rule change is as follows All boats must fish within a mile of the commodore boat (alfresco) unless the skipper of the boat feels unsafe to do so in which case they are permitted to fish within the harbour. commodore boat to be informed of move to the harbour. simple change to the rules to consider all the juniors safety, hopefully it will be as successful as the first competition tight lines sam
  4. thanks Coddy, I was looking for that link, I have filled one in for Jayden, can we all please do this as everyone has a chance in this competition. sam
  5. Afternoon All, well done to all the juniors who fished yesterdays competition, I was more than impressed that we ended up with 11 Juniors on a less than ideal forecast, and even more impressed that the club came together to provide all of the juniors with a boat to fish on. also a big thank you to all the skippers involved for Giving up a sunday to take the kids fishing, I know for one that I am truly knackered today and looking for a rest on my next trip mid channel wrecking, the results for the first comp are as follows, Total number of species- Sophie Driver with 11 different Species Largest Fish- Curtis Driver with Undulate ray of 14lb 8oz 1st best specimen- Curtis driver, undulate ray, 103% 2nd best specimen- Thomas Boyle, Dogfish, 58% 3rd best specimen- Sophie Driver, small eyed ray, 55% well done to all of the juniors for there efforts and well done to Curtis for a 100% specimen, first 100% specimen recorded in any of the junior comps run by me. can I ask if any photos were taken that they are posted on the website for oli to decorate the front page and all fish are recorded, can I also remind all that the best prizes in this competition are awarded for the top 3 specimen over the 3 comps, there is still another two comps to move up the leaderboard, all prizes will be awarded after the 3rd competition, also there is one prize per top place which will be organised after the 3rd competition, I have kept a spreadsheet of all fish recorded to work this out at the end, so it is all still to play for. once again thank you and well done for the first competition, time to start crossing my fingers for the weather for the next one tight lines sam
  6. Sam

    junior comp

    yeah completely agree, a whole day catching tope is less tiring, but worth it to see the kids enjoying themselves. getting home and having a beer and a bacon roll certainly finished me off sam
  7. looks like fun, cracking fish to catch, by far one of my favourite fish to catch they just don't give in
  8. Sam

    junior comp

    thanks guys, I have all the results now so will post later the final results for the first comp, just about to have a snooze on my desk absolutely knackered today, hard work this junior fishing
  9. Sam

    junior comp

    Well done Brian and the kids. I have added it to the spreadsheet. I will sort out results tomorrow once I have had everyone else's Come on guys how did you all do Sam
  10. Sam

    junior comp

    No problem see you when you get out there
  11. Afternoon All, after checking the weather most of today I am happy with the forecast for the comp to go ahead, and after talking to Eileen and telling jayden on the phone that the competition is on and hearing the excitement in his voice I now remember why I volunteered to do this again this year, comp start time will be 0900 and the commodore boat will be alfresco as dad mentioned, we will be listening on channel 6 from about 8 onwards and my mobile number is 07508414335 if anyone needs to get hold of me on the day, we will be heading towards poole patch and all boats must be within one mile of Alfresco, depending on the weather the area might slightly change but all boats will be informed on the day of any changes, end of fishing is 1500 and all fish to be reported to myself, to keep it straight forward can we please report all fish on the website on this thread, including any pictures if possible for Oli to add to the frontpage would be great. look forward to seeing all of you on sunday and any last minute entrants please feel free to join in, the rest of the competition rules are on the previous thread, tight lines to all and see you sunday regards, sam
  12. wheres the chef with the biggest fish haha :ph34r:
  13. Sam

    Jumior Comp

    not a problem, gives the rest of them a chance before the Burt clan arrives on the new boat
  14. Sam

    Jumior Comp

    Hi All, is there any kind member who can assist Paul with this, I have spoke to Paul at a club meeting and sounds that his kids are very keen to get involved, apologies paul for missing your call last night, signal is terrible in bovington, I am really hoping one of our many members will be able to assist, thanks in advance sam
  15. Sam

    Not working.

    someone touch a nerve there greg
  16. Sam

    Not working.

    the joys of being the boss sat in the office Terry, which also means I don't get going on a Monday until after 12 haha
  17. Evening all. I have a couple of juniors who currently do not have a boat to fish on for the junior comp. Can someone please help these two juniors with a lift for the July and August competition. They are not available for the last competition. This is for a couple of new juniors Curtis and Sophie Driver Thanks in advance Sam
  18. Sam

    club bbq

    thanks Martin and veronica to another great evening, all the family enjoyed it especially the boys exploring your Garden. it took both of them all of two minutes to fall asleep in the car, thanks again sam
  19. Sam

    Lady Luck

    that is a great report Greg and it sounds well deserved to end up in third place after your efforts, nice to see the generous gesture from Fred, I bet Tom was made up, should I look forward to seeing Tom added to the list for the Junior Comps? well done and a nice read sam
  20. Hi Greg, thanks for that, I should be there myself this month as Eileen will not be at work regards, sam
  21. Thanks Martin Hope the boat goes well coming to poole
  22. afternoon all as we are now fast approaching the first junior comp I need to finalise who is fishing with who currently I only have 5 juniors confirmed for all 3 competitions, this is less than last year and less than half of the juniors who showed an interest in this competition. please can you indicate who you will be fishing with and on what competition, we need the interest to increase in this competition to make it worthwhile, a lot of effort has gone in for the children and I need your support . 19th July Alfresco- Jayden Wald, Sam and Dom Annear Marlin - Bradley Toms MegaByte - Thomas Boyle, Tamzin and Kate Osborne 9th August Alfresco- Jayden Wald, Emma and Amy Simpson MegaByte - Thomas Boyle, 6th September 6th September Alfresco- Jayden Wald, Jacob Givans, Jack Allen Marlin - Bradley Toms MegaByte - Thomas Boyle, Tamzin and Kate Osborne can you please fill in the gaps and feel free to add more juniors to the list regards, sam
  23. I think you would have to discuss that with Dan terry, could be something he is interested in, Brian he will be at the club bbq, make sure you tell him who is doing his advertising for him so he at least buys me a beer sam
  24. Sounds like you both need to talk to Dan. Cheaper price better job
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