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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. plaicemat

    Hollow braid

    What the chuff are you going fishing for, Trev? Terry.
  2. Large'ish polyform marker buoy (orange), suitable for alderney ring style of anchor retrieval, in perfect condition. Normally about
  3. plaicemat

    Hub Flush Kit

    Looks pretty effective to me, Gordon, and it should improve with the 'lid' on. Terry.
  4. plaicemat

    Hub Flush Kit

    Gordon, I'm pretty sure your braking system is the same as mine. To save me having to dismantle, let me have a shot of the back of your brake plate and I will put on the position of mine. Terry.
  5. Nothing to do with fishing but fits the thread regarding the steering on the wrong way. I used to do some freelance work for a company putting on team building events for companies. One of the 'toys' we had was a Suzuki jeep that we could reverse the steering on. This had to be driven around a course with obstacles and it always amazed me how few people could do it, until I tried, that is. With practice it is fairly easy but without even a warm up lap, incredibly difficult. Terry.
  6. Happy Birthday Chaps. Terry.
  7. Anyone offering a ride, it will be much appreciated. Terry.
  8. plaicemat

    Lead Moulds

    The last lot I did recently (28lb of lead used) I used the single burner gas stove I use on the boat. This is the one with a large gas cannister inserted into it and it did the job just fine. I think I paid
  9. Alun, I'm coming down for the meeting Thursday night, I'd be happy to come down earlier for a spot of fishing. Let me know what your thoughts are. Terry.
  10. plaicemat

    Fishing bug

    Tie flys and rigs and dream! Terry.
  11. plaicemat

    help "again"

    The maximum engine for a Warrior 165 is 75hp. As Mike say's, either that's a mistake or be bloody careful when you wind it up! Terry.
  12. Anything over 9lb is definitely worth putting in the keepnet. Congratulations, Dom. Terry.
  13. I'm up for it again as crew. I had a good time on Enticer last year and would be happy to land some more rays. Terry.
  14. I understand, Rich, that a licence for a Warrior size boat is about
  15. What about veg oil or bio fuel in marine diesels. I know it's a pain in the backside carrying fuel to the boat but if the savings are there, perhaps it is an option. Terry.
  16. About a quarter of what I paid for the others, Tom Terry.
  17. Thanks for all that input, chaps, I have now sourced my big cigar floats. Tom, that sounds a good idea for a winter's evening entertainment, I'll have a look into it. Gary, I have some of those (as mentioned earlier) which I obtained from the tackle shop by the bridge in Ringwood. Although they support a lively mackerel easily, I do find them more unwieldy and put up a lot of resistance, even when reeling in. I'm sure it doesn't put the fish off but I just have more faith in the cigar shaped ones and that aids confidence. Probably misplaced I'm sure someone will tell me but there's none so strange as folk. Terry.
  18. I notice from another post that you have a 16ft boat with 40hp outboard. I think you would find it much cheaper to find a storage option rather than a mooring. It also makes routine maintenance and cleanup a lot easier. If you ask on here, you may strike lucky as I had some advise on this subject a couple of years ago. Terry.
  19. Morning, James. Why don't you get our safety officer, Mike Fox, to give your boat the RNLI safety check/once over. You will receive sound advice and can be confident your craft is up to scratch. Put you wishes on the forum and use the research put in by other members on sourcing kit. Happy and safe fishing. Terry.
  20. Nice cheap idea Mark. The reason I like these large cigar floats is that they will support a lively mackerel but don't offer too much resistance to a taking fish. The one I have, I picked up on the Needles after someone obviously lost it. It is now getting a bit battered so time for replacements, although obviously this one will remain my 'lucky' float. I do have some large catfish floats but they are quite bulky. I have just found some on ebay and ordered 3; search over until I lose some more! Terry.
  21. Nice try, Pete, but no cigar. Unfortunately, they are the slim ones, some of which I bought online last year and realised my mistake the firast time I tried them. But thanks for the thought and effort anyway. I shall be down for the meeting on Thursday due to a generous offer of a bed for the night so will be able to check out some tackle shops then. Info still appreciated. Terry.
  22. Thanks, Mike, glad to hear you're getting up and about. As I said earlier, there are plenty of 20cm ones but I want the larger 25cm ones that a mackerel won't pull under. Give me a shout if you find out anything. Terry.
  23. Regrettably, Mark, the part of Dorset I'm in is about 14 miles from Oxford! This is why I'm trying to organise something this week as, if I can organise some accommodation, I'm hoping to make the meeting on Thursday to see the GPS demo. I will then be able to do some local shopping as well and stock up on items I can only normally get on the internet. Heavy ones like lead moulds are usually quite expensive in the post department so it can be worth collecting sometimes. So, thanks for that info. Terry.
  24. Who is the range, Mark? Terry.
  25. If anyone is browsing in tackle shops and happen to see any 250mm cigar floats, could you please let me know where or grab me
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