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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Seems like I have only had my Arvor 200 for five minutes, but it must go to make way for a slightly bigger and faster boat. I have put an ad on this site, and will make arrangements with brokers after the weekend.


WOW indeed......Not in the least bit jealous.... wink.gif

She looks fabulous John......best of luck with sale, purchase and time afloat with her !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Flippin heck John,I know u said u wanted to go quicker but ur old boat will feel like a rowing boat compared to that beauty

Hope all goes well Nige

P.S if u need a chauffeur/pilot for ur new beast I am always available



Very Nice Boat !!!!!....... we are talking of the one behind the inflatable arent we ?? laugh.gif


You may find that the sheer enjoyment of the twin engines outweighs the prospect of managing on one. Two engines will get you up on the plane much faster, then you can throttle back so they are running sweetly - the economy will be better than running a single at nearly full throttle. The only downside is the servicing sad.gif and getting the same output from both.


Have great Fun in Her.








I agree with Paul,try both and throttle right back.BUT one day when its nice and flat it would be rude not to just try her out,wouldn`t it?

I know I would sod the fuel,your only here once!



If they are newish DI's ie: Mariner/Mercury Optimax it shouldn't be to bad so long as you don't kane it all the time however if they are ordinary old type 2st engines then you will definately need deep pockets.


Would agree with others about using one engine, not a good idea




Looks great fun.


I looked at one of these a few years back - it had a big petrol inboard though.


The two big outboards look fine... it's not as though petrol is expensive at the moment... tongue.gif .... I'd fit a sail biggrin.gif


Whole deal crashed, got gazzumped.


Deal agreed on phone on Friday, completely okay all round, even agreed on wording for bill of sale.


Meeting arranged in eastbourne today at 1.00pm to complete paperwork and money.


Met his wife at 1.00 today at eastbourne marina, she tells me she sold boat to a german chap who turned up fresh off the ferry at 9.00am this morning, and offered her higher price.


Totally pi****d off, told her to do something impossible.


Going to get drunk tonight.






Sorry to here that John,obviously they don`t have mobile phones or morals!

I am a firm believer that there is a reason for sh3t like this and something better will come along



had very similar situation arise myself today .... am selling a little house I have, and was due to exchange contracts last Friday ..... Friday came and went and no exchange .... I then get a call asking to drop my price by

had very similar situation arise myself today .... am selling a little house I have, and was due to exchange contracts last Friday ..... Friday came and went and no exchange .... I then get a call asking to drop my price by

Been there myself John - very similar circumstance too! Found a lovely little Featon 630 in Devon, offer accepted, transport arranged, went down to pay the man.... and he sold it to a cash buyer...


I was furious too - but in hindsight, everything happens for a reason and I wouldnt now have JV if I'd have gone down that route.

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