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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well after much anticipation and weather checking the trip was on for Sunday in a forecast of a breeze in the afternoon.


It needed an early start as we had many miles to cover, so we met at the boat at 6 to RV with Dave who was under the 6.30 bridge.

Thick fog had all of us talking on the radio and the Radar in full use.


For a change we were out first and feathered a few Macs as we waited for Dave and a decision to go ahead with the trip.

We followed them as the vis came and went and at 0900 arrived at the first wreck.


The fishing started well with Cod Bass and pollack on both boats. while not as frantic as previous trips it was good.


Fishing eased and we tried some other marks, the intention to anchor more this time,to use the small tides.


We let Dave anchor first on a big wreck with the intention to slip alongside as we have done several times before.

No problem for Dave but my anchor would not bite. On the third attempt it went in but the breeze pushed us far too close to Dave for my liking.


This is where the wheels came off, a communication cock up between Dan and I regarding the whereabouts of our warp saw me run it over sad.gifsad.gif

we swang around stern on to sea and tide. sad.gif


We tried all we could to free it, but could not.


Dave came to assist and took some of the weight [towed us backwards a little] which allowed us to transfer the warp to the bow.


We asked him to fish again while we tried our best to free the rope.


Unfortunately even though some turns came off the last one would not, and by now completely soaked we had to accept a very long tow home.

We used the windlass with the engine running in nuetral, to lift our anchor

[when as tight to a boat as we were, we should have done that the first time, lesson learnt]

Dave past us a long tow line and off we set at just over 7 knots rolleyes.gif


Dave and his crew of Kev, Ben and Jim seemed to be in high spirits even if our cock up shortened their fishing day.

We would like to send a very public THANK YOU to them and other friends who offered us help yesterday.


I have deliberatly put this in an Open area because more can read it, maybe even learn from our mistake, but more importantly see why, when we can, we go with other boats for company and safety reasons.


It was one of those days, spoilt initially by fog and in the end by our own mistake.


However we returned safely with some fish, owing a huge dept of gratitude [ and Diesel money] to Dave and his crew.

Great to see that the crews took it in such good faith and kept smiling.


We all learnt a little, for another day biggrin.gif



THANKS Charlie biggrin.gif




Glad all of you are safe and well.

Mistakes do get made which most of us learn from, but above all, another time the club shows it's colours with such great members helping each other out.


Bad luck Charlie. No damage I hope?




Good bit of "buddy boating", when an unfortunate incident happened.


Well done to all involved for handling a potentially difficult situation so effectively, and without needing to involve the RNLI.


Very nicely done!




I did'nt do a lot Charlie.

But did'nt mind coming home that bit sooner. I even managed an hour's kip.

Just glad Dave got you all home safely. wink.gif





PS I'll bring some photos to Thursday's meeting.


Rotten luck Charlie ..... and having experienced yours & Sams skippering first hand this just goes to show it can happen to the best of us.


Well done to all concerned for a safe outcome.


Unlucky Charlie. Really good job Dave was with you and pleased you all got back ok. I was gonna ask you a few things about anchoring wrecks hummmm!!!!! ?????? wink.gifwink.giftongue.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif





Unlucky Charlie. Really good job Dave was with you and pleased you all got back ok. I was gonna ask you a few things about anchoring wrecks hummmm!!!!! ?????? wink.gifwink.giftongue.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif







Generally speaking I am not sure there is anyone better in the club. ph34r.gif


Unlucky Charlie, having been in a similar position once before I know how it feels! ohmy.gif


Glad every thing worked out safely and Dave was close by to lend a hand.


Displacement speed can be a tad slow wink.gif






I'm glad you and your crew made it back to port safely. It sounds like a tricky situation was dealt with in a calm and orderly fashion without involving the R.N.L.I so well done to all concerned on that front.



Best wishes,



Pleased you're all safe,DAVE you're a hero always ready to help.

We all make mistakes that's why there's a rubber in the end of pencils rolleyes.gif



Charlie would you like Coddy to go over the Alderney method again? ohmy.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Seriously I think you're boats to big for you and I'm willing to swop for mine tongue.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif





Only joking



Bad luck Charlie,


Goes to show even those of us who do it alot get it wrong sometimes (but that is twice now... I seem to recall Speedy Rock tongue.gif ) Just teasing!


This is one of the reasons I try to always buddy boat when going further offshore, it's such a piece of mind.


One question - would a 'stopper triangle' holding the buff a boat length off the bow have helped? I ask as I always find the most dangerous time in recovering using the Alderney buoy is when the buoy runs down the bow and before it pops up past the stern, most of the time Ive a crew at hand to grab the line and pop it over (not around) the rear post, but I wonder if having the buff in view at all time would have helped?




PS - Well done Dave


Charlie as others have said you and your crew are tops but it goes to show that even the best can and do get caught out, now you know why I love to buddy Dave on White Magic biggrin.gif as he is a man that can be trusted and will put others safety first and the fishing second. wink.gif

So glad you all returned safe and well. biggrin.gif

Dave you are a true ambassador to this club as I know how hard you tried to help Nigel, when he lost his engine, and the time I made the call as I lost my power steering and you were along side in no time. wink.gifwink.gif



Thanks Guys for the positive responses biggrin.gif and the teasing wink.gif


As Adam says this is the second time in 4 years, which is two times too many.


Ist time it was a close rock that distracted me and this time a boat.


Problem caused by the close proximity of Dave's boat and his anchor warp, I could not do my usual reverse manoeuver to keep an eye on the buff. No fault at all of Dave's as he was at anchor first.



As Adam says using a triangle to stop the buff may have helped. But I would probably have run over that as well. laugh.gif

in hindsight I could have shortened in with my windlass to make more room first.


Rope is off now, leg repainted and I will have to keep an eye on things to check that the seals are OK.


Thanks again to Dave and his crew, they saved us a call to the RNLI and a wait for the boat to come out.

WM towed us like a dream, not sign of any problems on a long tow





She seemed OK yesterday, although teh port steering ram has a slight leak [parts on order]



we will give her a short run on Friday evening to check all is OK


Charlie biggrin.gif


It has all been said ... all I can do is repeat the sentiments....

Tough one Charlie ..... hope Alfresco is ok....

Nice one Dave .... job well done mate....

Lesson for us all about buddying....


what a great club !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Just a thanks to Dave for putting us on the fish

the trip was cut a bit short but we already had a big box of fish

what more do u want

it was a pleasure to help with tow in . And a good lesson how to use

AIS and Radar very impressed a thing I must look to buy

glad to here boat looks ok Charlie




glad to hear all ended well and hope your test goes well tomorrow.


in the spirit of your original post i will add the following.

i use the alderney ring single handed, having the bouy on a stop well in front of the boat i find helpful/essential. It allows a wide sweep round to pick up the line and i can see the rope all the time

the time i C***ed it up big style was when with an untrained crew, (again the communication issue comes up,) and in the, for me stronger unfamilar tides near portland, fortuantly no harm done- warp went right under the boat without catching anything, but it does seem to be the case that when distracted away from "normal" wether by differant conditions, crew or proximity of something else is the time when things go wrong.



When Lady Bad luck kicks in it can effect the best of us.


I rekon the stopper is well worth looking into - I will be.


FWIW - I wont proceed with the anchor recovery unless I (or my crew) can see the buff all from the moment I go forward to the time it pops up past the stern. Frequently I start forward loose sight and then drift or motor back tigh until I/m 100% sure where the buoy is.



Hi All


You are right

Backing off to keep the buoy in view is our normal way, on Sunday we finished too close to the other boat and I was very concerned about fouling his anchor warp.


It was a mistake that had nothing to do with the kit used, all down to driver error.


I will be taking more care tonight




Finally got around to taking the photos off my phone.

I'll bring to thursday's meeting and maybe Charlie can add to photobucket or something ? ? ?

Some good videos of Alfresco before the Miss-hap.

Good Video of Kev catching his 16lb Ling.

I didn't get a picture of my 14+lb Cod though ! weep.gif

The photos will show the foggy conditions ! ! unsure.gif




Finally got around to taking the photos off my phone.

I'll bring to thursday's meeting and maybe Charlie can add to photobucket or something ? ? ?

I didn't get a picture of my 14+lb Cod though ! weep.gif

The photos will show the foggy conditions ! ! unsure.gif



Is that the reason there are no Cod pictures?


Too foggy!! now that's the best excuse I have heard for ages! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Look forward to see the other pictures wink.gifwink.gif




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