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I feel like Charlie does at the moment but "going for it" anyway.

Helen says I am mad but going to see how I am in the morning. After all I have Martin's bait so have to turn up at least !



Neal invited me out on Court Jester and we headed in the opposite direction to the rest and went to the carpark.First mark was dead so after some discussion we moved a few miles out which was a good call first cod 6lb to Neal then we both dropped a fish mad.gif Then a good take to me a big pollack.Tried to weigh it with Neals scales but it definitely wasn't 37lb laugh.giflaugh.gif More like 10+lb ,I left Neal to catch doggies which he is very good at doing laugh.gif .Then I had a good bite which thankfully I didn't drop @18lb14oz .

It was good enough for 5th my mate Nick Bainton won with 22lb.

PBSBAC members done well with quite a few catching..........even Jim........yes Small Flies biggrin.gif

A big thanks to Neal for today a great host the sausages were lovely.......or would of been if we had any gas tongue.gifbiggrin.gif

Oh and the radio was interesting on the way back in with Martin not able to get it up blink.gif But Dave apparantly stood by until he did blink.gifblink.gifblink.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif And some clever dick then says on radio "do you need some Viagra " laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

A good day and great to see so many members at the pub.



Well done on 5th Nigel


and another good fish to add to many in 2011.


Well done to all of the other Members who won a prize too.



I could not let my cold spoil the only day that the weather seemed OK, so I had a late start and 4 hours on an inshore mark.


Nothing big for me, but I did get a few nice whiting to 2lb 12 oz.


Its hard work alone on Alfresco and I did not sit down much untill the run in. But even in the rain I enjoyed it.




No cod for me and Martin today but good to see jim catching. Suffering a bit with the cold now but was surprisingly good conditions out there and once again a great trip on AWOL. Many thanks to Martin.



Well done Nigel, and all those who took part.

PBSBAC members done well with quite a few catching..........even Jim........yes Small Flies
Wow, well done Jim. What size plant pot does it need? rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif


Cabin Boy and I had a few hours with the flounders, whiting and pollock in the harbour. Didn't want to venture too far with the weather reports.


8lb 10oz Cod to me ! ! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif

It didn't win any prizes, but it kept plenty of banter going.

Martin is a great skipper and we had a fantastic day aboard a bloody good boat.

We were catching fish most of the day.

We had Congers, Pout, Doggies, a Spur Dog or maybe a Tope and a few good Dropped hook-ups ( if they can be called good ) oh yes and a Cod biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Brilliant day out on AWOL.

Great banter from the two Old Codgers ( Martin & Paul )

You're both welcome on Small Fry ( if I ever get chance ).


Thanks Gents.



Jim wink.gif


PS I've got a great Video of Wight Magic coming back into the Harbour.

I'll get it on a disk Dave wink.gif





To all from the club that managed to catch a cod Well Done


I managed to get it up in the end (without the use of viagra) and thanks to Dave for hanging on to ensure we were released ok.


Weather wise as has been stated more comfortable than expected and that goes for the company as well tongue.gif Paul and Jim you were and are both very welcome onboard AWOL anytime. Nice to have pleasant company giving and taking copious amount of banter, it certainly helps the day along.




Thanks Martin.

I think I can speak for Paul too, We had a great day.

Shame there weren't more fish, but far more than I usually catch. wink.gif









You certainly can speak for me too smile.gif

Had a great day on AWOL as always, despite not managing the target species and like Charlie I was not going to let my cold spoil the day.


Thanks for the invite Martin and a most enjoyable day.


I would like to thank Dave not only for the invite but a great day on White Magic the biggest surprise has to be the sea state what a lovely day to be out unfortunately only Dave managed a Cod and a 17lb + Ray which was returned.

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Banter was great all day even when Paul had a good fish on for over five minutes it was a good job I only had this picture as the air went slightly blue.user posted image

Cod king Nigel took 5th with a nice Cod over 18lb, as said it was great to see other club members at the weigh in.user posted image


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The Wining fish 22lb11ozuser posted image



Craig .... thanks for the pics and report mate ....


There I was in Sainsburys doing the weekly shop and slaving over two loads of weekly washing while you boys were out enjoying the fishing...


Nige .....well done on another cracking fish and 5th prize


well done all members who fished and especially those that got the target species..


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Thanks for the report and pictures Craig

as said it was good to get out with good company

Thanks to Martin for sharing his spot

and showing us how to lift his anchor blink.gif

all the best for the new year



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