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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Went out with my brother to see if there were any bream about.


Martin caught two, best 2.5lb, plus some wrasse and the usual bits and bobs. Come high water slack we decided to drift, Martin using bait, me bouncing the bottom with a plastic sandeel on a lead head. After about ten mins my rod arched over and line was being dragged off at a rate of knots. Ten nail biting minutes later, this is on a two ounce spinning rod, up pops a bass. Not just any old bass either. It was the biggest we have ever seen.


Some careful netting by Martin in came the clonker. It weighed 13lb dead! After a couple of snaps back she went apparently none the worse. There followed a wrasse of 4lb and couple of other smaller fish.


Not a bad day's work. Snaps to follow once I can get them onto photobucket.


One happy Easter bunny!




Nice fish, remember to record it in the right place for fish of the month!


Could be inlign for the C&R BASS trophy for 2012!


Thanks for putting her back.




Brilliant mate


I was just thinking today how much fun it was to catch 2lb Bream on my 10-30gram spinning rod. But to get a 13lb Bass on one WOW.


I bet that was a nervous 10 minutes


Great fish and Very Very well done for releasing her, hope to see the pictures soon


Do not forget to let the press know. biggrin.gif






Brilliant fish, well done. Bet that got the heart rate going when you first saw it.


Some good other fish too, great trip.




there are 2 reasons to drift IMO - one is that you don't have to anchor biggrin.gif but the other is that you can (generally) fish appropriately light...


sounds like it worked for you here! Excellent!


What a great catch and release fish


Shame about the pictures , have we any photo shop experts that can clean the middle one up?

It would be well worth the effort.


email the original to me Chris [wchapman212@ntlworld.com]

I am far from expert, but my brother may be able to help.

IMHO your efforts to return the fish deserve a nice picture to send to the mags and remember her by.


I am sure it would be possible to cut and paste the water and sky to remove the finger blur.


It would be a great picture to send to BASS, the Club is affiliated. They love our catch and return results and your fish would definately interest them


Charlie biggrin.gif



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