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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi Guys - can you post your best fish on here, to make it easier for me to see who caught what.


If you post them first on the Record your fish, first it then works out the specimen %


Neal   Red Gurnard 1lb 3oz - 95% Specimen

 Also caught, Blonde Ray, Small Eyed Ray, Dogfish, Bream, Mackerel (plenty!) Tub Gurnard 


Me....Garfish 12oz

Small eyed ray 7lb2oz

Black bream 2lb1oz

Also had bass,loads of tope to 16lb,loads of macy,gurnards,pout,lots of wrasse,a zillion dogfish


Allan Green Dog Fish 2lbs 4ozs.77.08%, 3 Bearded Rockling 1lb 6ozs.91.67%. I will try and post a picture in Dave's Fish ID Section. I also think it could be a new Club Record?

Jan Trisca Undulate 14lb 8 ozs. 103.57%.

John (Non Member) Black Bream 3lb.


I was out early on Friday, so missed the comp....but at least could get out for a play. Ballard seemed devoid of bream whilst on the ebb (I should have known this!)....and the mackerel on peverill were scattered...but at least a few baits. Then off to a bank SE and had a good few small tope..nothing big but good fun all the same. Amongst all the doggies a bonus turbot..plate sized only but very welcome. Pity just the one, but worth trying for next time. Well done to all those who fished.


Turbot ( my first ever )





(  By Eck it were OT ! !  )

Scorching hot weather and no wind. What a scorcher ! ! :D


Thanks for a WICKED day afloat mr. chairman.


I'll try and post a picture of your Undulate Ray later.

I'll try to send you the full size copies too.  ;)




Results so far..........


1st Place      James Parker - Bass           10lb 9oz      105% Specimen


2nd Place     Jan Triska - Undulate Ray   14lb 8oz     104% Specimen 


3rd Place       Kev Couzens - Cod             20lb           100% Specimen


James - you may have to attend another club meeting! 


9lb Pollack,  7lb Bass and circa 7lb (est ) Cod was the best I could manage.

All to lures, so would have been good for a lure species comp !


Please, please, please, put your fish in to the "Report your catch - here"


I can then pick up the best % Specimen


Revision 2!


1st Place       Ben Allen - Bass                11lb 10oz     122 % Specimen


2nd Place      James Parker - Bass         10lb 9oz       105% Specimen


3rd Place       TBA



Please, please, please, put your fish in to the "Report your catch - here"


I can then pick up the best % Specimen


Revision 2!

1st Place Ben Allen - Bass 11lb 10oz 122 % Specimen

2nd Place James Parker - Bass 10lb 9oz 105% Specimen


3rd Place TBA

I did put both fish in the report your catch here for me and Tracy ......


Please, please, please, put your fish in to the "Report your catch - here"


I can then pick up the best % Specimen


Revision 2!


1st Place       Ben Allen - Bass                11lb 10oz     122 % Specimen


2nd Place      James Parker - Bass         10lb 9oz       105% Specimen


3rd Place       TBA


Ditto, but mine was never going to get up the list - lol


1st Place       Ben Allen - Bass                   11lb 10oz     122 % Specimen


2nd Place      James Parker - Bass            10lb 9oz       105% Specimen


3rd Place       Jan Tryska - Undulate Ray   14lb 8oz      104% Specimen



Cash prizes to be presented at next months meeting 


I caught a 14t Mersey Class lifeboat.


I couldn't find it on the list, does anyone know what the % specimen is?

Nice fishing mate !!!!!


14 tons I guess - unless we are measuring our catches by length now.


Though I'm sure that is less than 75%.



  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Neal I'm coming to the meeting tommorw, will pay you then, I was going to go fishing seeing the weather but the tides are all wrong!

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