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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I joined the club about 6 months ago and have now got to decide where to keep my boat.Dry stack seems the best bet as still working and little time for maintainance in the winter months, so arriving and going sounds great having been on a swing mooring in Devon for the last 4 years. I have looked at most yards and marinas and down to Cobbs and Rockley, i have a Pirate 21 and told i can get under both bridges most of the time?Cheap fuel at Cobbs but friendly gang at Rockley.

Any ideas greatly recieved Jerry



I think i just left a message in the wrong place!Joined the club recently but have just bought the boat home and now looking for a mooring/dry stack at Poole.I think either Cobbs or Rockley look best bet.Any ideas?

Brian you kindly said you would show me Rockley which i have looked round and looks very friendly but cheap-----er fuel at Cobbs looks good at the moment as long as i can get under the bridges (Pirate 21). Any advice suggestions gratefully recieved.




Hi Jerry.

Being much smaller than Cobbs, you get a friendly first name service at Rockley.

As for fuel, I buy mine at the local garage and take it with me. If carrying fuel to the boat isn't practical, there's always Corals by Poole Bridge. Might be worth asking Martin (aka Maverick) or Tony (aka Fisherman 1055) what they do.



They dont do petrol at Corals .... And Rockley lads are very friendly (although my boat isnt there at the moment purely for financial reasons)


Personally I found Rockley to be ideal. It did worry me when I came back late and had to leave the boat on the water but to be fair nothing ever happened to it. 



I have a 640 pilothouse at cobbs with the radar dome i can get out between the iron work on the old bridge at 2.400 mtrs the new bridge is about 1/2 a mtr higher than the old one hope this helps




I have had boats at both if  the price at cobbs is ok i would go to cobbs the cafe toilets bar and parking is better I found them friendly at both



There are a few club boats at Rockley , the price is good but the distance from the sea is long


The lads in the yard are flexible and like people who use their boats regularly


I have been there 6 years and have never had a problem while the boat has been on the pontoon 


It is worth considering




One thing read the small print some yards don't allow you to fuel up on the moorings just a thought




Wouldn't be on a mooring, dry stored.

Jerry is your boat petrol or diesel?


My boat is an outboard petrol,i had been told that Rockley being out of the way does sometimes have problems with things being pinched on swing moorings but drystack  is ok.(Thankyou for merging topics!)



Even though both yards have cameras they both suffer from theft same as any other yard.  All you can do is make sure you remove valuables and leave nothing worth pinching aboard.


Re fuel there isn't fuel facilities at Rockley.   Those with diesel use Corrals alongside the quay not sure how petrol users get on, cans for a guess.  I believe Cobbs have both diesel and petrol available




I had my boat at Davis Boatyard for a month in Aug, was ok but found it restrictive as they close the main gate at 2200 and don't open till 0800.


I am at cobbs no real bother at all fuel up and go as i said on another thread 2.400 mtrs or more on the old bridge and i am out




I'm at Rockley, outboard with portable fuel tanks, so I take them with me and fill up on the way home.

Be careful there is a max amount of petrol you can keep at home (esp with no boat there).


2x10litres in metal or 2x5 litres in plastic!!!




We stayed at cobbs whilst portland was shut for the olympics. Plusses were cheap fuel, parking decent shop and nearbye tackle shop. Dry stack staff were very efficent.


Be careful there is a max amount of petrol you can keep at home (esp with no boat there).


2x10litres in metal or 2x5 litres in plastic!!!




I know, but there's no way I'm leaving the fuel tanks on the boat and as Diane and I both drive diesels I can see no way around it.


I'm at Rockley, outboard with portable fuel tanks, so I take them with me and fill up on the way home.


Don't fill up on the way home.

Fill up on the way down to the boat.

Less to nick - - - - less to evaporate - - less to carry - - - - - and fresh fuel every time :)





Worth considering Parkstone Bay Marina.


Its where I dry store my Aquafish 23. They dont rack the boats over 20' they store them on launch trailers, so easy access when ashore. Very secure, not many issues with theft. Great new faclities - new posh shower block etc. Close to the entrance - saving you about 15-20 mins over Rockley. They also have a fuel berth onsite which does both petrol and diesel on an account basis and self service.


The downside is that you pay a little more for these extras - worth consdiering.




Don't fill up on the way home.

Fill up on the way down to the boat.

Less to nick - - - - less to evaporate - - less to carry - - - - - and fresh fuel every time :)





Problem is my son-in-law also uses the boat, so by filling up our way home we each pay for the fuel we use.

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