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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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With the Flatty  and Ray weekend Comp having been cancelled, and with Tuesday looking good at the moment, I could well be looking for Crew. Nothing too strenuous, after 9 start and return around 4pm. Please PM. Share costs. The only requirement is the ability to handle a large landing net.




Still got a space if anyone interested.



Will you come and " Dead Leg " my boss please Allan ?


It's the only way I'm gonna get the day off !  :D

Have a good day and think of us. ;)




No problem Jim. We will put out an extra rod for you with all the space we have and let you know what you catch.


Allan :lol:

Probably a lot more than I'd get if I really was there ! :D  :D  :D  :D


Let me know how I get on will ya ?


Should have taken the day off


Can not believe how nice it looks out of my office window :(  B)


Don't start THAT again Charlie.


We know you've got a fantastic view at work.

I'm gonna need to swap my tissues to a mop & bucket for MY TEARS :(  :(  :(  :(


Jim ;)


Probably a lot more than I'd get if I really was there ! :D  :D  :D  :D


Let me know how I get on will ya ?


Well how did "Jim" get on from the confines of his office?


With the predicted weather coming true, I finished work at 11 and launched at Branksome beach in the hope of snagging a bass.

Using the fiiish minnow I trolled to Bournemouth rocks but nothing.

Tied on to a buoy and dropped it down . Straight into small pollock,


Had half a dozen in the same way , but watching a retrieve it was followed by Gar.

Switched to the trusty dexter wedge and gar first cast.

After that I was watching them darting all around the boat, quite a big shoal of them , and ended up playing with them by dropping down. Water was really clear and I could see down about 25 feet Vis



I left the dexter on and let it drop down.

1st a maccy, then a good tub, then a piranha bream.

Back on with the battered fiiish and more pollock

Squid remained untouched and all 5 species fell to lures today.

A fantastic October afternoon



Well done Steve, and what an achievement to get to 30 species on your yaks!


You have got every species you have gone for I think.


Just need to get to get a job like yours where I can grab a few hours when the weather is right!


Good luck with the species hunting the rest of the year.




Hi Lofty, could only pick up about half of the conversation on the radio, but I understood that you were getting lots of Gars and enjoying some fun action as evidenced by your usual high quality pictures.

John Stephenson came out for a few hours as they have cancelled his hospital operation in Dorset for the fourth time. The weather was superb and the boat clocked 39.8knts. with 400 revs to spare. There were several boats near us on the Horseshoe, but it was no way near as good as last month.. We caught a number of species,but mainly Dogs and Red Gurnards. Jim who fished three big Mackeral strips and then three unwashed squid only had Dogs, but they were at least a good size. Maybe he will have better luck next time when he manages to come out .

Tony, not sure about the weather for Friday,but will talk to you/PM if there is an opening.


I can't even add those Doggies to my species list - - - - they were'nt on MY boat.

Cheers for the day out Allan. Do I owe you some fuel money ? ? ? ? ? :D  :D  :P





Ok Allan when your hitting them speeds how's the fuel consumption on average

How often do you fill up




I have only done these speeds twice for a very short time in flat calm conditions. Generally, if conditions allow, I cruise between 16 knots (3500 revs) and 24 knots (at around 4500 revs) with 4000-4200 giving 20 knots or just over. Max revs are 6000. Fuel cosumption is about 1.8 litres a nautical mile. As the tank holds 285 litres I probably fill up every three or four trips. I leave a minimum of a quarter tank for safety ( about 40 miles worth) and usually fill up to 3/4 of a tank. The only problem is petrol is more expensive than some of sources of Diesel which are out there. However, Service costs should be a bit cheaper. It's swings and roundabouts. If I could have found a newish diesel Pilot House with a leg at the right price I could have gone that way.


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