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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Afternoon All,


after checking the weather most of today I am happy with the forecast for the comp to go ahead, and after talking to Eileen and telling jayden on the phone that the competition is on and hearing the excitement in his voice I now remember why I volunteered to do this again this year,


comp start time will be 0900 and the commodore boat will be alfresco as dad mentioned, we will be listening on channel 6 from about 8 onwards and my mobile number is 07508414335 if anyone needs to get hold of me on the day,


we will be heading towards poole patch and all boats must be within one mile of Alfresco, depending on the weather the area might slightly change but all boats will be informed on the day of any changes,


end of fishing is 1500 and all fish to be reported to myself, to keep it straight forward can we please report all fish on the website on this thread, including any pictures if possible for Oli to add to the frontpage would be great.


look forward to seeing all of you on sunday and any last minute entrants please feel free to join in,


the rest of the competition rules are on the previous thread,


tight lines to all and see you sunday





MegaByte with Thomas and Tamzin will be a late starter as Tamzin is camping Saturday. I'll report in as we clear the Harbour entrance.

Kate not fishing as she's been invited to a birthday party.


We are meeting before 8 to get out a bit earlier and check the weather.


The intention to fish the patch may need to be changed, to get a bit more shelter


We will be on channel 6 please give me a shout or give Sam a call on his mobile


Well done Brian and the kids. I have added it to the spreadsheet.


I will sort out results tomorrow once I have had everyone else's


Come on guys how did you all do





Here are the results From Brad Toms and Thomas Yorke






3)Golsinney Wrasse

4)Tompot Blenny

5)Ballan Wrasse



8)Tub Gurnard





2) Ballan Wrasse

3) Goldsinney Wrasse

4) Tompot Blenny

5) Corkwing Wrasse

6) Poorcod

7) Black Bream

8) Baileens Wrasse


Great day aboard Alfresco, Thanks to the Chapmans for having us aboard :)


From memory, (so Charlie or Sam may want to correct this!)



1- Bream

2- Pout

3- Lesser Spotted Dogfish (1lb 10oz)

4- Baillon Wrasse

5- Ballan Wrasse



1- Mackerel

2- Bream

3- Pout

4- Lesser Spotted Dogfish (1lb 9oz)

5- Corkwing Wrasse

6- Tub Gurnard



1- Scad

2- Mackerel

3- Bream

4- Pout (1 lb)

5- Goldsinney Wrasse

6- Tub Gurnard


Great day out  fishing with Nigel on Wishing Too  TOP TOP SKIPPER  Thankyou so much for taking us out the kids really enjoyed it.


Results for Curtis Driver :-   1) Pout 2) Scad 3) Mackeral 4) Gold Sinney 5) Poor Cod 6) Tope 8lb. 7) Undulate Ray 14lb 8oz.


                  Sophie Driver :- 1) Gold Sinney 2) Pout 3) Poor Cod 4) Scad 5) Whiting 6) Mackeral 7) Lesser Spotted Dogfish 8) Small eyed Ray 6lb. 9) Ballions Wrasse 10) Tub Gurnard 11) Black Bream


I'll second your last comment Sam, I've felt less tired doing a 12 hour wrecking day.

My snoring on the settee last night apparently was louder than the TV


yeah completely agree, a whole day catching tope is less tiring, but worth it to see the kids enjoying themselves.


getting home and having a beer and a bacon roll certainly finished me off




Ha, Lightweights


As it is Brad's Birthday today I had to endure Chessington World of Adventures all day Saturday, got back from there at 09.00PM and then his friend Tom had a sleep over which meant they didn't get to sleep till late hours. 


Then up at Sunday morning  and off out for a fishing competition. Needless to say I found it difficult to turn the alarm off this morning and also feel totally shattered !!!!

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