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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all


I have just spoken to Michael in the Mainbrayce Chandlers, he readily agreed to look after us again with fuel at the Fisherman's rate, reduced fares for the water taxi and Duty Free. Just let the shop know that you are with the Club before ordering these things please


He also reminded me that he can supply electronics and even small outboards if pre ordered and collected, they are VAT free. If that is of interest to anyone going please speak to him on 01481 822772.


When I thanked him I mentioned that I got a turbot or two out of it last year, he jokingly told me he didn't, so if anyone going on the first weekend could let him have a fish, it would help to keep this arrangement going.


lets all we all get there



We're doing night 1 (but the Fri 13th weekend) in St Peter Port Steve, then Sat and Sun in Alderney.


Tigerfish: After a consultation with the crew we are going to spent the 30th on Alderney and the 1st and 2nd at St Peter Port Guernsey by way of a change, weather permitting of course.


As an aside I have been doing some searches re our previous trips over and found posts about our original trip in 2004 which some may find interesting.  Take a look at the photos that were loaded up into our then gallery http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/alderney.php


That trip was on Chris Caines (Rip) boat Tiger Lilly, such a learning curve but we were taught by a master


If you click through you will see how our old site used to look and see how many sponsors we had back then, amazing how far we as a club have come


Ive managed to hitch a ride with Chris W but need to find a room, any going spare anywhere?


I've not been for 6 years so looking forward to it, if the weather allows



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