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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Boats entering;



Court Jester

Feisty Fox

Sea wolf

Reel magic

Serenity ( now mended)

Anchorman (Hythe)




Got the weekend free, but unlikely to be able to get Star Turn afloat. If anyone has space for a Conservation Officer and 2 jammy Juniors, please let me know!



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Having consulted with Dave Wilson and Neal Sturt this morning, this is our appraisal of the weather for the competition.


We are seeing a rising forecast throughout the day starting with 8mph and gusts of 13mph, rising to 16mph and gusts of 22mph.


The wind direction is in line with the making flood tide and therefore the waves will be smoother than wind over tide.


The competition is on, and we advise skippers to be vigilant and come inshore if the forecast worsens, particularly later in the day.


Please be aware that all boats should be listening on vhf channel 06. six


Good luck to all those taking part and be safe.


We will check at 6pm today for any changes in the forecast.


Court Jester
Feisty Fox
Sea wolf
Reel magic
Serenity ( now mended)
Anchorman (Hythe)



Sorry I had to rush away !


What were the scores ? / Who won ?


I didn't get any phone calls so I know it wasn't me.  :)




I'd like to thank the Organisers for making it all work.

And thank you to the weather man . . . . . for giving me WIND !  :P  :D


I will request the points breakdown / positions.


SeaWolf won, Feisty 3rd, kingfisher did alright too.


Tony got a pink rod (fishing) as wooden spoon for he efforts at skippering. But he kept Charlie A and his sons happy and safe plus some fish! so far from a poor performance if you ask me!


Martin posted on here that he had a space for crew for this comp.
after a quick phone call the space was mine !

As always Martin & Dean are great hosts and work together so well that " crew " is not very accurate.

" Easy day " would be better.


We were down at Cobb's for just after 7.

I'd been to Castaways for bait ( Ian opened up early for us )  ;)  so it had been kept nice and fresh overnight.

After the logging in we set off for the 08:30 bridge lift.

Perfect timing to get the Hexacopter drone out for some action shots.  :)

. . . . . . . . 

Outside the Harbour I asked Martin to stop so I could launch the drone again. Got some good film of Madness in action.

Stopped again for Dean to catch the drone for me and off to the " secret mark "

As Martin lowered his line it was " fish on " and we were all enthused.

Then it was " he's got off "  :(  We think it was a mackerel. ( we could have done with that point ) We didn't have any other Mackerel all day!

I had a Small eyed ray ( my first ever )

Martin had a Smooth hound.

I had some fish on but my trace was not up to the job and kept losing hooks.


We moved to the next " secret mark "  and had Undulates.


Then on to the swash and Dean was straight into the Wrasse. Various sorts.


Then Poole Patch and Dean was " on fire " he had allsorts ..  . Bream, Pout, more Wrasse. . . .and. . . and . . . and  :D

Martin and I had a few but Dean was way out in front.


Back in for the compulsory " Castle drifts "  ( few more wrasse )


Then back in with the 4:30 bridge.


I think we had about 150 points.



Again Martin & Dean.  Thank you for a great day out.




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