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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I have taken JoJo west again this year.


No family this time and a bit further. Thursday we trailed to The Lizard.


Plan to fish out of Mullion Cove on the west side due to the easterlies.


I think fighting the windbreak on Thursday afternoon was a sign of thing to come.


Dolphins were the highlight (same as the last time JoJo was on the water on the Skerries).


With 2m breaking swells which is not flatten out at all on turn of the tide, the whole experience was horrid. Fished for 3 hrs, had a naval helo come see us, prob thought we were mad!


No sharks at all, nothing.


So what about today, well, we are about to go again of course!


The very best of luck Rob.


Your probably know already but big swells forecast all weekend. Lloyd has gone down there for the surf!


2m 10 sec period.


I forgot to mention the swell on launch that made it difficult to get off the trailer then beach!


My live well pick up in the bilge also decided to let go, although she is foam filled and has positive buoyancy, it was still annoying that the bilge pump couldn't keep up and I could not see where the leak was from. When I did it was and easy fix.


But the engine ran like a dream so the carb work has paid off!


So not much to report, but twas a nice day. Less wind than forecast!


Dolphins again on the way out, cool!


We drifted about looking for sharks but none appeared. Oh well, new location and now we know where they aren't!


Dolphins visited us twice whilst we drifted, one picked its way between shark floats!


Then I heard a loud pffffft, ad without Jim in sight, we were passed by some Pilot whales, amazing!


Dolphins on the run back too, we saw them 300mts away heading head in to us. They turned as we passed and the got us wet by jumping that close at 15knts.


The sea flattened in the lee of the Lizard and we taking along at 25.9 knots, even ducking behind the console we couldn't get 26!


Not bad with a load of fuel and gear plus 2 blokes and running at 5700 just off wot of 6000.


What a joy I blast back at 22knts on flat sea!


Retrieval was another combo of soap on a rope and 4 wheel power slides along the sand / gravel of the harbour at low tide. Need to get momentum to get across the soft sand that lays in wait at the bottom of the slip.


And what a slip it is! Blimey, no wonder the locals have a JCB.




Sunset to finish!


Pint and pub grub!

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