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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Sadly i have to report my Dad (Peter on here) passed away on the 15 March. As some of you know he has been ill for a while- he went down hill since Christmas and passed away in hospital with his closest family and freinds with him.


There will be a service in Eddington and I'll post more details once they are finalised.


I'd also like to thank all the members who made him feel so welcome on the Alderney trips they really were a highlight of his last year's and everyone who he took out on redfin he really enjoyed helping others catch a few


Sorry to hear this Matt. We had some fun times.


I will always remember you two snagging the landing net for each other on feathers (not on purpose of course) when we hit that wreck with a load of bass up high in the water in the way back from a good Alderney adventure.


Shame I never made it on to Redfin to fish, we got as close as a car full of kit, load of ice and a a dry up watching the wind.


Condolences to you Matt and the rest of your family.






Gutted to hear this news. My condolences.


Like Rob, I have some great memories of our trips out together. My best would have to be leaving Braye to come home in a F5 westerly and you and your Dad beasting the boat through the waves!


RIP Peter.




sorry to hear this Matt and my Condolences,


as others have said it was always a pleasure fishing alongside you and your dad,


my thoughts are with you and the family


So sorry to hear this news, Matt. I remember your Dad and you following Martin and I through the Swinge and we went airborne and your Jenneau just floated across everything. And our day off Portland when between us we caught, I think, 54 cod. Brilliant! My sincere condolences and don't be a stranger.


So Sorry to hear this very sad news Matt, I hope that you and your Family are able to remember the happy times as you grieve for Peter.


We have some great memories from our trips to Alderney together.


I am sure you and Dad discussed the trip back in 2011 many times, when you showed the bigger boats the way.


And the day that you taught us the way to fish for the flatties, catching three times as many as we did [32 was it?] between just you and Dad.


Deepest condolences my friend.


If you need a trip out in the future, even if its just to clear your head, please get in touch 07887 794716



Sorry to hear this Matt,


A real shocker and sad news.


Really have had some great days out on the Redfin with you guys and I will miss the fishing information and experience your dad was more than willing to share with all aboard not to mention his professionalism and seamanship regarding the crews safety. 


We had some fun and some real red letter days.


Condolences to you and your family.


As previously stated I am more than willing to have you out with me if you wanted to get to sea just sms me.




Hi Matt,

I never met you or your Dad but I know you are both well liked in the club.

I was probably about your age when my Dad died ( long time ago now )

You'll learn with time not to dwell on the sadness but to remember the good stuff ( and a little cry every now and again always helps )

I wish you well for the future.




Hi Matt

I have just caught up with your sad news


Like the many tributes above I have fond memories of the 2011 Alderney trip and the times we met him mid channel cod bashing


He was an excellent angler and skipper


Our condolences to you and your family




Hi Matt


Condolences to you and family


I recall your dad with a Warrior 175 going down to Levington in Suffolk when we were both members of the Bedford Sea Angling Club


That's when there were some fish about!


RIP Peter




Sorry to hear that Matt. I had my best day fishing with him, he was a top man! I only read this 5mins ago but I text him at 9 o'clock this morning to see how he was doing. Sad loss mate


All the best



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