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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Another little suggestion for those thinking of lunches, don't forget the B&B's will do packed lunches preferably with notice.




There's more! Evening meals are a little difficult due, I presume, to reduced capacity with covid precautions. For the four on Tigerfish, I have booked The Georgian for Friday night, This is available for Saturday night if you don't mind eating in a crowded bar with music. Saturday I have booked the Marais Hall and asked if this could be increased to 9 people and was told in no uncertain terms not to think about it. Sunday night is at Le Pesked which is owned by the previous French chef at the Harbour lights and is French style seafood.


I assume the Moorings (Rea's) is still available but could get no answer all day or I believe Cantina 6 is still going by the harbour which is good value Tapas'y type food.


Hope this helps.






we need to submit these forms 48 hours in advance by email


if you want to send them to me, or just the details to fill in [wchapman212@outlook.com] I will email over to them, I have already phoned them and our three boats are booked in, so we have time.

I see that they say a tender is required but they did not have a problem with us being on the commercial quay for fuel??

Steve are you taking your tender?


Travel tracker cannot be done yet. I just tried and it would not let me.


For admin ashore and any tests, there are only two daily windows 0900-1100 and 1500-1600.


Fuel has been a bit tricky as Mainbrayce is closed.

I have booked a bowser delivery on the commercial quay at 1400 Friday. and need to confirm on Thursday that we are going.

They do not work at Weekends so if we need a second fill that will need to be from them at 0800 Monday, or if the weather window for Monday return trip closes, we may need to use drums filled on Friday.


I have booked dinner at 1900 on Sat in Marais Hall and will continue to look for a late booking somewhere on Friday






Thanks for all that, Charlie, top man. Bit of a bugger about Mainbrayce but at least we can get fuel. I've completed the form for Tigerfish as Steve is away in Devon and will forward it straight to the Harbour Authorities with a note that we are in a convoy with the rest.


Anyone getting nervous yet?



2 hours ago, Wight Magic said:

Hi Charlie can't get link to work 

Not a problem Dave 

Just text me your address and post code I will do the form filling and email it across


Chris, if you would rather I do that for you and Dogfish please do the same


Good morning all


I have just been struggling with the paperwork a bit


1.  Braye Harbour booking form , for Reel Magic. [what catagory is our area of departure]

2. Travel Tracker for me [Address for self isolation]


In the end i phoned the Braye Harbour office.

He has told me to leave the question about Cat3 Cat2 area blank on the Braye Harbour Booking Form.


He also told me not to use the travel tracker until tomorrow as it will be updated 1/7/21.

Questions will be changed then


Bloody hell, I hope the fish are biting




Just to endorse what Charlie has said, I spoke to the Authorities in Guernsey who decide the regs and have been informed that, although the SW is now considered Category 4 (it was 2), if everyone has been double vaccinated, we will be considered category 1 with Blue status (whatever that is) and, as such, will be free to enter without restrictions. We will not be able to complete our travel trackers until tomorrow when the online form will be updated.


Fingers crossed!!




Hi all

Just to let all know, I have sent the Harbour booking forms for Reel Magic and Kingfisher over the channel by email


We need to be doing our own travel trackers tomorrow and take passports with us for the NHS App evidence of vaccinations.


Fuel is booked by bowser delivery at 1400 Friday, then Covid admin between 1500-1600. I checked with the harbour authority to get permission to leave the boats on commercial quay while we do that. so no need to take a tender


5 of us are now booked into the Indian Restaurant Nelly Grays on Friday at 1900

and the Marais Hall at the same time 1900 on Saturday, lets hope that they have a TV, kick off at 2000.





All 3 boats made it, getting onto the island was a bit of a procedure but we here now having a beer at The Moorings, yay

Reasonable number of flatties best a 8-6 brill!

Beast if a brill Steve, well done you!


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