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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. Gazza

    Poole Sunday

    Yes i thought alot are going from Weymouth but still nice to know that you are not on your own We should be o.k now i have the brand new engine on, who knows might even have the confidence to get them out into deeper water out of the scare zone But there again the racket my kids make that might be the continental shelf!!!!! Gary
  2. Thinking of taking the kids out on Sunday from Baiter. As the fishing is still poor i might get some brownie points for when it picks up again Anyone else out in that area (just in case ) Gary
  3. KK, Force 4 chandlers do something like this, i think it is on there web page. I will try to find the link. Gary Can`t do it , but it`s called keelshield and quite expensive. code no.890174
  4. Gordon Bennet, are you keen or what!!!!! Can`t wait till you try the tabs out in normal weather!!!!! Say a mild hurricane or something Gary
  5. My friend had problems with his super duper built in hitch lock from a certain trailer company (Hallmark rollercoaster) . Anyway the lock got jammed on so he could not hitch it to the car to get it home!!!! All he did was reverse the car to the trailer and using several feet of rope lashed the hitch to the tow bar and drove home!!! But i think your right if a thief really wants something not alot will stop them!!! An oppertunist thief however will be put off by security measures put into force. So getting back to the original question, who knows of a wheel clamp that is quick and easy to fit ? Gary
  6. Cheers, Mike i have one nearly the same as yours,... already sadly the bolt that tightens up with the allen key is getting worn after 2yrs........So i was hoping to find another solution.......... but thanks....Do you think keeping the threads and locks oiled up a good or bad idea ? meaning grit and sand will stick......but the rust won`t ? Gary
  7. I`m nearly ready to buy a wheelclamp for 13" wheels, with my new axle on the way soon. What i need to know is a make and type that is fast and easy to fit even when it`s cold , wet and blowing a storm ? Not too fiddley or nuts and bolts to lose or rust out or even allen keys that get rounded off or get lost. Don`t want much do i ? All replies and experieces wil be gratefully received Gary
  8. Gazza

    Free !

    Are we on BST yet! time now 20.10 Gary
  9. Gazza

    Free !

    Dan, Last summer i took my two kids out with mum (wife) who at the time were two and five. ....Before i get any comments i did not marry my mum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have also taken the 5yr old out with his school friend and dad. As i think one child one adult ratio is safer. Anyway what i want to tell you is that if your child is like any other 5yr and just a little on the excited side i would strongly recomend drifting rather than anchoring as the scare area from the boat will probably reach a good few miles!!!!!!! I hope you have as much fun as us And remember catching a fish is a bonus Even if it is deaf Gary
  10. Gazza

    Boat Jumble

    Rumour has it there is one on at Candford arena on Sun 9th April. Can anyone confirm? Would anyone be interested? Gary
  11. Gazza

    New Engine

    As you can see from above i picked up my warrior 165 with the new e-tec on. After i picked it up i went straight to baiter to try it out especially after the fitter reported 38 mph on test run!!!!!!! I can safley say that a Garmin fish finder is no where near as accurate as there gps plotters!! I know it was a bit choppy but with the gps back on i got to 29.6mph before having to slow down choppy. I would like to know how other e-tec owners flush their engines through ie. mufflers or hose at the top thing please can you answer all welcome. o nearly forgot when you hit the throttle hold on to your hat and make sure you are sitting down!!!!!!!!!!! scary trying to email you Paul j thanks for the photo,did you do your prop o.k, try it out?
  12. Gazza

    Starter Motors

    Starter motor sorted, AJW Electrics Wimborne reconditioned it in 2 days for
  13. Gazza

    Bait Pump

    Fugazi.... i use one of the battery power packs used to start flat batteries when i`m at the fishing destination . Just rig up the pump to a car ciggi lighter, also handy for emergancys Then i have no worries about flat batteries. i think you can pick them up for about
  14. Gazza

    Starter Motors

    Thanks again, will try select marine next but i will probably wait till the holidays are over. if [ thats a biggin] could give me a bit more info on the guy in Pokestone i will try that lead aswell. Gazza
  15. Gazza

    Starter Motors

    Well done, Nothing on Boats and out boards, but bembridge will get back to me in new year.(skeleton crew not to sure). many thanks Gazza
  16. Gazza

    Starter Motors

    I need a new starter motor for my mariner 60hp does anyone know of a second hand web site in UK where i might be able to pick one up? Looked at the price of a new one and i`m still shacking with shock Any help given will be greatfully received Gazza
  17. KK How long are you waiting for the numbers to come up? My one seem`s to tack a while to get going. I thought i had the same problem, so phoned Silva (Scotland if i remember). They were very helpful explaining what to do. Be patient if you do phone them as the accent was very broad and hard to explain!!!!!! Best wishes Gazza
  18. Look for a Shimano 4010 gtm (fighting drag) this one has a sort of lever drag at the back which is easy to access in a rush. Plus the reel speed is 6.2.1. I don`t think this would be any good in fast tides, but on the drift or slackish water no problem. Check out ebay item 7197331748. These drags are set to what you want then when you get the big one!!! and it surges off you just move the lever to the left or right far easier than reaching round the front. Also double handle for perfect balance. all the best Gary
  19. Gazza

    Club Discount

    Hi, all I went to see about getting my prop fixed here. Got chatting to the guy and he said he would give club discount! Also he does new props for
  20. Gazza


    Martin, Just seen the forecast and i don`t think the`ll be thawing out! Bring on the COD!
  21. Gazza


    Martin, great news! Have you any idea what time you`ll be there? I assume the squid will be outside unless you have a walk in freezer with a order this size. So the sooner we pick them up, the sooner we get them in a freezer. Could i drop off a cool box for mine? (I don`t really want pink squid) Let`s hope the weather stay`s cold !
  22. Gazza


    HI Martin, Are you still tacking squid orders? If you are i would like 1 case please(12 boxes ). When or how long before you know if you are going ahead with the order? Gazza
  23. Whitey Bitey will be there if i can get someone to crew (can you help). Also i think SophAnna is in the same situation. So if anyone fancies trip on warrior 165 or Explorer Elite let me know PRONTO!!!!!!!!! :
  24. Nice try but do you think the crabs would rip them to shreds?
  25. Have you heard of the berley bomb?www. berleybomb.com available from MJL imports email berleybomb@btconnect.com (Isle of Wight)
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