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Everything posted by Gazza

  1. Mike, At the back of the drum (top) there is a nut that adjusts your brake shoes, if you slacken this right off then gentley rock the trailer back and forth this might free them. If you don`t feel confident servicing your brakes get the experts to do it. Get a quote from a normal mechanic as well as Indespention Gary
  2. Darren, If your not catching give us a shout on the radio ch 6 (Whitey Bitey) And we`ll see if we can help Gary
  3. Darren, Join the bream comps on the 20th May then take note where the winning boats won from At least the you`ll have some bream marks Gary
  4. Gazza

    Alderney Ring

    Gordon, I think the idea of the tri- ring (coat hanger) is to keep the lifting buoy away from the bow............ therefore in full view when motoring off to lift the anchor. Without the tri-ring it`s sometimes hard to see which side the buoy is going. eliminating the need to reverse slightly and digging the anchor in any more If i`m wrong it won`t be long before someone says so so watch this topic Gary
  5. Gazza

    Alderney Ring

    try www.stainless-steve.co.uk then go to fishing products then look at the tri ring I think it keeps the alderney ring from rising to near the bow as the ring can`t go over the tri ring Gary
  6. Can we enter both then? Gary
  7. Martin, cheers anyway Next year if all goes to plan Karen will be working daytiime and not at night so i will be able to come to more meetings Gary
  8. I`m down as a forum member i sent the cheque on the 15th April to Bob. So you should have got it by now. Gary
  9. oooops forgot to mention. Did you know that you can get a season ticket for Baiter ?
  10. Glad you enjoyed your first trip on my first trip we broke down by Bournemouth pier (forgot to undo pressure valve on fuel tank) try not to put the jeep in the water. I know you jet washed it off when you got home ...but what about when it was sat in the car park all day? I have seen people clean off the salt water in between launching and retrieving but who`s got time when there`s fish to catch Gary
  11. Done Gary
  12. Gazza

    Thanks A Lot

    Just noticed the picture .......What size is that. .............or are you going to keep us all guessing Gary
  13. Went to a site safety induction today (building site) and one of the things i was told about was that.......If you call 112 on a mobile phone you will get the same emergency services as 999 but it will be faster and....this is the best bit...if you are unsure of your exact position they can find you by g.p.s Is this true ? Can anyone confirm this / Does the safety officer know about this....although we all know we shouldn`t use a mobile phone as a reliable way of reaching the coastguard at sea. Gary
  14. Try Neil Kendall ............Christchurch he lives next to Alan Jones What did you want to know about them ? Gary (please dont shout as i have tinitus in both ears)
  15. Gazza


    I suppose its pretty old but in good condition i think you could splice it if you wanted to. Its 3 ply stuff not like that cheap blue cr@p though!!!! maybe you could do a deal on some magnet Gary
  16. Gazza


    For sale
  17. Harry, Are you left or right handed? Mines port side When i had to use my aux the other week it seemed more comfy to sit astide the transom with your bottom on the little bait well things (with the lid on). with one foot in the well and the other inside the boat even then it was a bit of a stretch to steer properly. I must get a telescopic handle! As for balance just move your weight bucket around Gary
  18. Gazza

    E-tec Returned

    Dave, That might be worth a try but i seem to have sorted it for know. Maybe when the warranty runs out all give it a try. I`ll give that place opposite where the monthly meetings take place a try i need some more grease cartridges anyway (they do marine grease in a tube not so messy) Gary
  19. Gazza

    E-tec Returned

    Yes Bob 2yrs left from April Also i dont know if other E-tec owners have trouble getting the grease gun on the leg grease nipples? No comment from Mike please about other types of nipples When i mentioned to the fitter it was quite hard to get a good grip here he suggested grinding off the end of the grease gun to a fine point!!! And that is from a main dealer Anyway i`ve had the disc cutter out and done the job and it works a treat Anyone else had this problem? Gary
  20. Gazza

    E-tec Returned

    Hi all, Just to let you know that i have Whitey Bitey back on the drive with the e-tec now fully operational again after the starting problems i had 2 weeks ago. The problem was a broken wire somewhere under the hood........Those of you with e-tec`s will know that theres loads of them to choose from. He said we might of got it started by wobbling the wires and starting at the same time.....but at the end of the day it was just bad luck.(like my fishing then) Gary
  21. Taking mine in tommorrow to sort out the no start problem But i will ask why i havent been sent a letter keep you posted on the outcome next week Gary
  22. Paul, Yes the engine turned over with no problem. The 2 middle lights stayed on continuous. This only happened after 3 hrs at anchor when a change of anchor setting was required. I won`t know for sure until they do a computer readout..... I`m taking it in this Saturday and picking up next Saturday so by the time it`s sorted all the decent fish would have gone on their holidays Gary
  23. Looks fast Adam, Is it going to be something for you to fish off? Or are you keeping us in suspense ? Maybe a new name? ...........New Dawn.....? Can we have a bigger pic? Gary
  24. Cheers Adam Not sure if Tom would be able to give out personal information like this.......... I know Blue Pearl is at Cobbs If i left something in the main office do you think they would receive it.....or it would go missing...? Gary
  25. No idea but when the 4 warning lights went out 2 stayed on "hot" and "check engine"...............By the manual this could be anything that will damage the engine. Quote.....A continuous light without S.A.F.E. mode (limp home mode )-The EMM has identified a problem that should be addressed by your Dealer as soon as practical to avoid operational difficulties. Seems to me any slight problem the EMM shuts the engine off ? I phoned my dealer while waiting and spoke to the fitter who said check all electrical connections and fuel connections also make sure fuel bulb is hard. I suppose unless you can do a fault diagnostic test with a laptop or whatever they use your well and truely buggered. I will be phoning South Coast Marine tommorrow to make arrangements to get it sorted. Gary
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