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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by biggcol

  1. Bobi and I will be tagging along no boat yet but we have been assured it will be ready for April Colin
  2. Martin could be your lucky day. How about Yamaha 4 stroke 4hp only used as aux not too old 2004. It is about to go on ebay Colin
  3. Well done Rob good result Colin
  4. Bobi and Colin only fishing club comp for same reason as Nigel See you all out there Colin
  5. Well done to all this has got people talking and quite a few are parting with their cash. Keep the new memberships coming. We need representation at the highest level and these are only guys who can deliver. Forget the past the NFSA is dead and gone and lets move forward by supporting the AT. Colin
  6. Same as Adam, Bobi and me will only be fishing the club comp. Colin
  7. We should be out Bobi and Colin
  8. Happy birthday Pete. I just checked your age you old B***ER! You always said you were older than me that's why I always do the heavy work for you. Huh you are just a youngster You can row next time Colin
  9. For sale Hardy Fast Fisher 17', Yamaha 40 2stroke, Braked trailer, Electronics Fish Finder, GPS, VHF Dsc Radio, plus other bits and pieces. All this for a mere
  10. Our new boat is not even in the mold yet but if all goes to plan we intend to tag along if that's ok. Not done that sort of distance yet but have done the classroom theory, it will be nice to put into practice with club members around for support. Might even catch some fish too. Colin
  11. Welcome Kevin you will get a good trip with True Blue, and this is a bl**dy great club to be part of. I don't know what budget you have but we are selling Boblin as a package, boat, motor, trailer, electonics and other bits. She is a Hardy fast fisher 17' and a nice boat for fishing. She is an ideal starter boat which is why we bought her. The reason we are selling is to make way for our new boat which is on order now. The price we are looking for,is somewhere around
  12. biggcol


  13. biggcol


  14. What a farce!!! One fisherman netted out a whole shoal of Mullet a couple of years ago and then went back for more. There is no chance while this sort of thing is allowed to continue. The netters just wait til we get heavy rain which pushes the Bass out of the harbour and the run and then take the lot. Just so long as we the anglers, save the stocks for the short sighted, greedy, money grabbing, selfish, I'm alright Jack Fishermen thats's O.K. eh? Before anyone says it's their living,I know all that, but come on when will officialdom wake up and see the writing on the wall? That's it rant over for Christmas but it just makes me so ANGRY!!!!!!!! Colin
  15. Alun What time you heading out Thurs? Bobi and I are hoping to get out too. Any info on the bar tomorrow would be helpful. See you out there with a bit of luck Colin
  16. I've been working topping a hedge at Sandbanks today and the sea has been as flat as the proverbial witches T*T. I've been sat on top of the hedge looking out to sea thinking that bloody Alan is out there somewhere and hauling in the cod. Jealous or what! So come on then Alan let's have the report. How many and how big. Colin
  17. I am buying in gear ready for the new boat and have just purchased the Stainless tube for the hand rails and rod holders from FERRARI at Woolsbridge Industrial estate,Three Cross. A very good price and excellent service the guys there know boats and were very helpful and knowledgeable. So if you need some Stainless give them a ring. Colin
  18. Likewise for me and Bobi we could make it if it's put off for another week. We have a gig Sun evening and will be setting up in the afternoon. Colin
  19. Don't worry Charlie I'm sure even the press gang has an upper age limit I'dsay you are safe. Colin
  20. With all this wind etc don't forget to check out your boats...No need to go and check on BOBLIN she's been on the BBC news a couple of times today and looks fine by all accounts. Colin
  21. When I was looking not so long ago Quay West was cheaper. Colin
  22. biggcol

    COP specs

    Thanks all for the replies. I will only be finishing off the boat and wish to keep it as near to cop as I can. I shall try and wade through the document that Adam linked and then also will consider the book. Thanks for your kind offer Paul. We are off to Spain tomorrow so I will let you know at the next meeting if I decide to buy the book. Thanks also to you Charlie I have noted the details. I had a quick look at the link from Adam it looks like ideal holiday reading Thanks again to all I knew you would come up trumps. Wot a great club Colin
  23. biggcol

    COP specs

    Can anyone provide me with the specs to fit out the new boat (not even in the mold yet), to COP regs. e.g. rail height, tube size, nav lights, etc. etc. Or point me in the right direction to find them on the net. I have been looking but not found the specs as yet. It's quite a way off yet but I intend to buy in the stuff before the VAT increase at the end of this year. Cheers Colin
  24. Tom Well done mate looks like you got it covered. Colin
  25. Tom Just make sure you use the right safety equipment with your chainsaw especially if you are going to use it on a property other than your own. It's not easy to stick limbs back on and useing a rod one handed must be very fustrating. BE CAREFUL!!!!!!! Colin
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