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Everything posted by Oli

  1. I just don't believe it. Having checked the dates again, having even pencilled in with Mark at Alderney angling - we are (for the SECOND YEAR IN A ROW!) going to be scuppered by a wedding on the 14th! Unfortunately, this one I definitely can't get out of as I'm an usher. What is it with all these people getting married? Absolutely gutted! So, that now said, ANY other dates would suit Sweet Chariot down to the ground (keeping everything crossed). Oli
  2. 1. Mrs Sea Greg + Crew TBC 2. Alfresco, Charlie Sam and Dan + crew TBC 3. Quest II Tom, Chris + 1 0r 2 TBC 4. Awol Martin, Dean + 1 TBC 5. Wight Magic , Dave + crew TBC 6. Phaeton, Duncan + crew tbc 7. Serenity + crew TBC 8. Abode Craig + 1 or 2 crew TBC I Hope 9. Rosie One John + 1 or 2 crew TBC 10. Sweet Chariot - Oli, Nick, Tim, Duncan Bring it on!
  3. Just been through them all, what a brilliant trip Tom, I'd love to go on an adventure like that one day. She looks a beauty of a boat...
  4. Hi Charlie, if we do come we'll do as Dave does and fish Saturday to return Saturday evening... Thanks for the offer Dave, I'll keep you posted re buddying... Oli
  5. Hi Charlie, We're still unsure, as may have a commitment back home however if we do go, it would just be for a day trip on the Saturday... Oli
  6. 1) Adam F 2) Alun J 3) Charlie C 4} Dan C 5) Will S 6) Gordon M 7) Neal S 8) John Y 9) Dave Evans 10) Terry Bartell 11) Bobi F 12) Colin F 13) Jackie 14) Craig 15] Ben 16) Graham (Little Sal) 17) Pete snr 18) Dave H-H 19}Nigel Allen 20) Oli Maingay
  7. Hi Charlie, What are your plans for the Sat/Sun? I'm going to be down and back with a vengeance after last weekend's disappointing result. Oli
  8. Don't worry Adam, we'll be keeping an eye on her for you...
  9. Stunning guys, I'm green with envy
  10. Oli

    Wanted Radar

    We've just fitted the Northstar BR24 broadband which is identical and it is stunning. I can pick up birds on the water, pot buoys and god knows what else. From research prior to purchase, it is excellent for closer range work and blows traditional radar out of the water under about 8nm, working above that I believe the traditional type starts to give clearer readings... Oli
  11. Get on with it Tom we're all desperate to hear!!!!!!!
  12. I did Electrical Engineering. Nothing like a bit of danger to spice up uni life, if there's no risk of burglary/mugging/death it's not much of a night out in my book... Though it now all seems a bit tame compared to the night out I had on a stag in Sarajevo on Sunday - that really was deadly! Yep keep the weather the same and roll on the starfish.
  13. I had many a house in Lenton, Gloucester Ave, Rothesay Ave, Harrington Drive and one other... Only left 2 years ago but miss it like mad sometimes! Maybe time for a PhD me thinks!
  14. Ahhhh good stuff, I had 5 excellent years there... Was in Cripps Hall
  15. Great fish Dan, I'd love to see one of those board Sweet Chariot... Are you at Nottingham uni?
  16. Have fun guys and catch plenty of fish! gits.
  17. Weather's looking great, fingers crossed it holds - we're so jealous! Fingers crossed for an ash cloud to close Stansted then we're coming too!
  18. Hi Mick, We fished Dancing Ledge on Saturday, fishing was pretty constant until the tide got too strong to keep bottom, but nothing bigger than about 2lb. Quite a long way from your launch though. If you want as close to a guarantee of fish as possible - you probably can't do better than the Patch. Plenty of bream, mackerel and garfish there... Oli
  19. Sweet Chariot also regretfully out. . . . . But we'll be back
  20. I've consulted with my crew, spoken to Kev on Yelo and with Charlie too. As it stands Sweet Chariot/Yelo are not going to go Thursday, though we'll keep everything crossed and make the final call tomorrow lunch time. I know the trip is doable, but we don't want to leave Poole with the likelihood of a F4 every day and that at least one fishing day will be lost and then punching a F5 all the way home on Sunday. That said the crossing/Thursday look good and I really hope that Fri-Sun follow suit. Totally gutted! Oli
  21. Are you talking about the one they call 'The Bible of the Sea' ?
  22. Are you sure Tom? Wind has just dropped completely and it looks like it will be 30 degree sunshine all weekend. (you're not allowed to check)
  23. HOW is windguru now showing a F5 easterly for Saturday!?!
  24. http://www.windguru.com/int/index.php?sc=35647 Europe > Guernsey > ALL > Guernsey
  25. We're definitely of the thought that as this is meant to be a bit of a holiday, we do want the conditions to be on the decent side of reasonable. The thought of hammering it across the channel just because we can, and then having four days of lumpy misery or short days out fishing doesn't really appeal. While we're desperate to go, if it's going to be a battle every day we'd prefer to wait, even if it means having to go in smaller groups due to other commitments.
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