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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. niggle

    Lost anchor?

    That's really good of you Adam,I did buoy it but with 3/4knts of tide it will be easier if I just go back out on a low slack,might even drop A line while I'm there
  2. After looseing 2 complete lots of anchor rigs this month I am anchorless Need everything apart from rope 5kg bruce chain 8m of 8 or 10mm alderney bouy and ring shackles anybody that has surplus PM me or I`ll be at meet thurs night Thanks for looking Nige
  3. At last Dennis the bees have given you a break,bream loads about on usual marks,bass are in as well.Have a good day and enjoy your`e new boat Nige
  4. Cor ,Terry its like a hotel inside
  5. good one Martin
  6. Tom quote;-I may be up for a role as anchor monkey on someone elses boat if they need crew for a day though. My specialities are wrecking, conger and the merengue Tom I`ll have room for a little one Sunday Nige
  7. Crickey thats zoomed up quick,sorry been taking loads of time off work lately and it wouldn`t be fair on my partner.So if weather is OK will steam down Sat after work for a quick session and meal,sleep on boat and get a full day in Sunday. Are we finalizing details at club meet? Really sorry,dont like to let people down Nige
  8. Just for fun,what would your favourite boat be if funds were available.It`s not that I`m doing a fact finding mission but I always have a look at boats for sale on the web and just wondered wether others do? I`ll start off Pro Charter30 {Charlies is a cracker] Nige
  9. Bet you cant wait Dan,weather permitting going that way Sunday will post
  10. Thanks will give him a ring tomorrow
  11. My plastic QS has some minor signs of outer skin to internal tray movement and wondered if anybody can recommend an expert that could do the work .I would prefer an expert to do it as my knowledge in this area is zero. Thanks for any help Nige
  12. I`ll start 8lb 3oz bull huss Nigel Allen
  13. From what Ive seen before its like the M25 at rush hour full of learner drivers
  14. niggle


    Welcome to forum and if nobody comes up with anything try boat jumbles or fleabay all the best Nige
  15. 1) Adam F 2) Alun J 3) Charlie C 4} Dan C 5) Will S 6) Gordon M 7) Neal S 8) John Y 9) Dave Evans 10) Terry Bartell 11) Bobi F 12) Colin F 13) Jackie 14) Craig 15] Ben 16) Graham (Little Sal) 17) Pete snr 18) Dave H-H 19}Nigel Allen
  16. Really looking forward now to Sat will be there all week if weather holds Once again if anybody would like a day out give me a call or see me at tonights meet,boat full Sun and Tues hoping to add a handfull of species ,will subject to weather possibly do the wrecks. Great bunch will be there about 20 boats Nige 07877195090
  17. Lazy git jack it up and have a look,might as well just to see what the brakes and cables are like as well. Nige
  18. My 1.7TD was a bit smokey on cold start and its done 325hrs, 200 I`ve done in just over a year and although I have changed the filters every 100hrs I wasn`t happy with the smoke so I removed the injectors and gave them to Poole Diesel to check.They all were faulty and they replaced all the nozzles and I refitted them same day,What an improvement hardly any smoke on start up. I also done it for peace of mind as when I researched this engine only fault I could find was piston failure due to injectors sticking. Just thought I`d share this with you because even if u have a pre filter/water trap as I do[large racal] the injectors can still foul up due to the marine enviroment/use Nigel
  19. niggle

    Wanted Radar

    Just talked to Mat sold days ago ALL SOLD
  20. Might do Alderney but prob stay overnight ,will see what the weather does Parking will prob be best behind Brewers Quay
  21. I`m going to weymouth on above dates if any members would like a trip please PM me. Nige
  22. niggle

    Wanted Radar

    Adam have 7inch plotter[7200c] in cabin,still waiting for my 2nd hand 10inch hds ,I`m having it all networked so 5hds will be on fishing platform ,great for wrecking I thought Still not sure what to do or what make? Lowrance broadband ? Or stand alone Furuno? Might wait until I have 10hds? Nige
  23. niggle

    Wanted Radar

    You are right Charlie,just being a penny pincher ,I`ll probably get the broadband Lowrance @
  24. U read like ur still buzzin Adam ,I might do Alderney in 2 weeks time when boat is based at Weymouth,but will try next year or crew Well jealous Nige
  25. niggle

    Kayak Repair

    This any good?http://h2okayaks.com/engine/shop/product/655-K/655-K+G/flex+Epoxy+Repair+Kit Nige
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