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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. Myself, Geordie Brian and Barto launched from Sandbanks at 6.30 this morning. Frost on the beach It was a coin flip as to wether fish the bay or the harbour. We decided it was just doable so headed off to the entrance and the training bank Geordie Brian and Barry drifting the entrance I had a couple of plaice, one a shade under 2, on my "Bet Lynch" rig the lads were ripping me for. They blanked............. Brian is getting some for his mrs We called it a day when the white horses showed up around midday The sand is a tough drag back to the car park Final coffee then home It was good to get my first spotty of the year and break my run of blanks
  2. lofty


    We're out Sunday too. Rude not too after sooooo long
  3. Poole bay plaice chase kayak meet
  4. It's why I know have a swivel between my hook and beads for plaice fishing as I put back the sub 1.5 lb jobs, but they swallow the hooks deep , so I now cut them below the swivel , stopping the yak getting covered in beads.
  5. Ill be jigging them I think if the spring ever arrives
  6. Spent the afternoon shop fitting my local tackle shop, Wessex tackle and guns, and I couldn't leave without a purchase or two. I have a cunning plan Last year most of my better bass fell to the savage gear lures with the lead head, the medium sized ones in silver. Savage gear have these new mini eels out and I'm going to make some " bass feathers" I've used mustad ultimate bass 3/0 hooks as I like the shape in the eel lure I know eels feathers are not new but these savage gear ones look so realistic, and as I've said I know they work individually. Not sure of the yellow ones so we will see as someone at SG must have given them a lot of r and d I've bought two packs which will give me 4 sets of feathers. Ill be trolling these around the south coast this summer and will report any takes
  7. Welcome to the dark side. If you want to rig her out feel free to ask. Anchor trolley etc
  8. Posted also on AA Today my PBSBAC chum, Graham, who normally goes to sea in a fishing boat had arranged for Nucanoe to meet him for a demo at Baitor slipway . Graham has owned various fishing kayaks including prowler 13 but has never got on with them as he often fell out . He is in the market for the most stable kayak he can get to go fair weather fishing in the harbour and the bay. He saw nucanoe on the tinterweb and liked what he saw so arranged the demo.He was very aware of the thread controversy between the importers and members of Anglers Afloat regarding claims and counter claims, but also aware that the majority of members had not seen one in the flesh.He asked me to go and check it out and Barto joined us all to give it a good once over. We met on the slip and my first impressions were as I expected. Not for me. That's not to say it isn't an extremely well made kayak. It is just very different to what many sea anglers want from a kayak. What I did keep in mind was the potential buyer wants a very stable kayak that he isn't going to tip over.In this respect the kayak fits the bill as on the relatively calm waters of Poole harbour it will be a very stable and roomy fishing platform. I'm not going to give a full review as im not in a position to do so, but can report on the quality that on first appearance looks good. The guys importing were straight down to earth chaps and took on board my comments about surf launches and landings with the high seating position. We all tended to favour the lower style of seating shown at the rear. These are all interchangeable . What I did think was what a great summer yak to take young kids out in as with the rear seat out there was bags of room for larks. On the whole I think Graham liked it and it wouldn't surprise me if he goes for it . Here's some pics in the awful cold rain That paddle is 2.75 long.
  9. If I can sneak away ill come and kick the tyres
  10. Catch and release I hope?
  11. That's brilliant. I must get a Vuvuzela for the yak. There were a few of us kayakers out Friday / Saturday . I blanked at Southbourne . All worms returned untouched after 4 hours. Kept within half a mile to the shore as the fog was coming down. At one point it rolled over the tower blocks on the east cliff The best of the kayak fishing this weekend has been between the piers. Dabs , whiting and micro plaice although a big plaice was dropped .
  12. lofty

    water temp

    Off Southbourne today my humminbird was reading 8.4 degrados
  13. Man meat in fish traced to one individual
  14. Onlines http://xenforo.com/community/threads/how-to-turn-off-tapatalk-alerts-on-iphone.38767/
  15. After hours and hours of trouble and head scratching I have solved my photo problems and can now fully endorse tapatalk as it was my photobucket. In my settings there was a button checked.I swear on a stack of upside down,backwards,braille,Chinese bibles with pages missing that it wasnt me guvnor. I even installed a new photobucket and it must have done this automatically Im glad to have finally solved this problem do not check this box
  16. well that works on here so no problem with pbsbac its a shame my proboards doesnt work anymore
  17. Ok. This is me posting on tapatalk fully installed on my iPhone. Test photo from photobucket
  18. from research i now know its attached itself to ios6 . its some sort of embedded code that cant be removed. Im sure its ok but its the principle that pisses me off. Its like a legal virus. ive deleted everything off my iphone and if i go to a link from proboards ,as it goes to safari first it goes to tapatalk then safari.There isnt a setting to turn it off as its now installed itself to ios6. ive got two choices ignore it or embrace it.
  19. If I'm on Facebook and I want to view a YouTube video then it takes me there via tapatalk. I now can't post photos on proboards as it is conflict with tapatalk. I can't get rid of it off my phone. I've deleted everything and reinstalled my iPhone, takes hours , and I still can't use photobucket as tapatalk is somehow piggybacking this website and overiding google An example below http://i.imgur.com/fnVS5JF.png
  20. This tapatalk has really bolloxed up my iPhone. Every time I open a page it goes through tapatalk. It has also completely fubar'd my photobucket and now image code is wrecked. I can't get rid of it. I think its linked to Poole bays page. It's acting like a bloody virus. Not happy
  21. lofty


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