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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by lofty

  1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  2. If its not a twenty pounder , straight back Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  3. Barry likes to push the limits( not safety though) and I reckon this is the start of bigger things if I know him well enough Great photo with the double doubles Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_t5VSXeXKw&sns=em
  5. 10000 containers lost at sea each year? Incredible You work hard compiling these reports Good effort
  6. lofty

    Moon rays

    5/0 manta hook. I had 8 foot of 30 lb leader, tied to 20 lb whiplash pro. I was using a 12-20 rod, penn515, I was playing her for about two minutes and then the braid snapped . Might have been the knot but there's no way of telling . I just feel awful that this rays( probably a good size undulate , with this lot hanging out its gob. With all the snags down there it doesn't bode well
  7. lofty

    Moon rays

    Just a quickie Launched at Southbourne and fished until 11 Had a good mixed bag with several SED and a grey gurnard( both new for me) At 10.45 my rod bent over and I had a huge ray on. 1 minute later my braid broke. GUTTED. Feel really bad there's a big ray with all my tackle hanging from it. Upgrading to 50lb plus braid now A few pics from the night
  8. This was a response on Angrys Afloat
  9. Food for thought There are two species ( one gives birth to live young, the other eggs)but it seems the commons don't reach the British isles Discuss http://www.fishingfilmsandfacts.co.uk/?page=ssharkalley2
  10. The sun shone down and the great unwashed came out to play. Today the carpark at Lake pier was rammed with weekend warriors out for a paddle. On arrival I saw a car with a prowler on it. I sauntered over and said " hello mate, are you here for the re- entry practice?" The reply was a bit unexpected " f*ck off, I've been doing this since I was a kid" Not a great start. Soon saw Dave and Bri and we set up and launched . Then as we headed for deeper water we met Ian and Matt . Lots of falling in and self and assisted rescues followed and we were joined by Si and family. We all practiced the serious stuff and then had larks and japes afloat. So eight of us finished the afternoon happy and confident in our skills for recovering from a potentially deadly situation Some pics and videos of rescues and acrobatics Oh My camera was set on a goofy setting so the vids are in slow mo. Kind of adds to the deftness really
  11. Nice looking yak. Been outbid so will let it go, but at least I sent the price in the right direction for you. Cheers
  12. Welcome to the club. I'm bidding on your camano .( winning at the mo) Didnt realise until I saw your avatar.
  13. I went to his wedding. The ceremony was crap but the reception was brilliant.
  14. When you're stir crazy. Geordie Brian returned from his honeymoon yesterday and was looking to get out as he had today off. I was working out in the sticks this morning and got a text message " do ya wanna go oot Lofty mon?" With little signal I found higher ground and we hastily arranged to try a mark off Branksome Arrived at the beach and it was blowing a constant 4 but it didnt look to grim from the carpark When I launched it was very lumpy with wind over tide , big swell and white horses. I had rag but it was too rough so trolled feathers around unsuccessfully. I decided to investigate the pot buoys and see why they were placed where they were on the fish finder. Two were on a lovely broken bit of ground and I suddenly had a brace of pollock. Then I snagged my feathers. Brian was launching. I passed him to re rig on the beach as it was to rough to tie rigs on the water. My last set of feathers on and back out. Soon had a lonely maccy and headed back to the mark. I decided to drop the hook to use the worms and Bri tied on to me. It was very uncomfortable but we done a couple of hours of worm drowning. I had loads of bigger Ballans, around the 1.5 lb mark, then a little Goldsinny. POINT Bri had a poor cod POINT Then the rod looped over. FISH ON. It towed me left and right, dived , I got it near the yak and it went straight down again. After an hours fight I bought in this leviathan, a new species and a personal best POINT We called it a day and headed in happy with our little adventure . With my corkwing and bream from yesterday that's five more Basstard points Hoooooowaaaah.
  15. Arrived at Hillhead and got set up I launched this morning into the Solent at 9.30 armed with squid maccy and hardbacks, onto a flat calm sea. It was very overcast but very warm and I was wearing my super warm Gucci underwear beneath my drysuit. Mistake. I met up with Chris in his sea kayak and had a swap around with paddles ( I borrowed Bartos cranked Shuna) to trial. We put the world straight and he left me to it. The crab baits went down into the ripple less sea Had a couple of starrys . The first one was a lunker that was very lightly hooked. I got it to the side of the yak and it come of right by my hand. The second one was about 9 lbs I reckon. It went quiet so I moved and tried for a Raymond. Down went a maccy fillet and after a short time I had a bounce on the conoflex.I thought It was a doggy so I wound down and ....zzzzzzzz..... Fish on A good scrap and then it jumped in front of me. At first I thought it was a good bass but as it came to the yak it was a Tope, around 7 lb. They put up a scrap on board too Look at my ff The waves started to build and I looked behind to sea a localised storm coming. Selfie with storm Well it blew a bloody hoolie, white horses all round, and I sat it out. I've had enough There was a bit of clear sky over Fawley and as the sea calmed down a bit I pulled out and headed in As I loaded the yak I saw a lone kayaker on the mark, Dick maybe? It was a good session but I could have done without the squal. Selfie on the beach There's not much to see on this video of the big smoothy , but its quite funny how I bring my legs in when I see the size of her
  16. Happy birthday mate.
  17. Many thanks all that contributed to my knot party
  18. I wonder if after the meeting tonight some kind soul could show me how to tie a better knot from braid to leader? Ill bring some braid and some leader . I'm after a really small knot . Qt knot? Thanks
  19. lofty

    Pb Starry

    There's a few ladies. Maybe I could name half a dozen kayak fisher wives from my chums. Si s partner Juliet was afloat today off Southbourne catching maccys
  20. lofty

    Pb Starry

    Best smut of the day went to 18 lbs , caught by Richard , a Solent local.
  21. lofty

    Pb Starry

    Today was my first Smutfest organised by the Solent kayak boys. Not far for me to travel so arrived early and on the water by 8. It was cold and lumpy. My morning wasn't great as I couldn't get a bite while all round me folks where hooking up. Steve with a nice one Me feeling cold Come lunchtime and the barbecue on the beach was most welcome as I'd not eaten at all. Lots of laughs and good to meet some old and new chums. A certain guru of mine showed me a much better way to present my hardback crabs which resulted in a better afternoon. Two strong runs that I struck to soon( not wanting a swallowed hook) and then a cracking scrap from this Starry that tipped my scales at 14.12. A new pb by 10 oz Only the one for me but a quality one so I'm a happy Lofty Well done to the Solent Massif for getting this meet right.
  22. lofty


    We've had seperate great sessions this weekend. Results
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