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Everything posted by Stuie

  1. Birthday greetings Dave - fill your boots.....
  2. Have a great day.
  3. Stuie

    Hump day

    Excellent session Lofty and great pics. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Birthday greetings Steve - enjoy your day..
  5. Enjoy your sunny day..
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-62165592
  7. Birthday greetings both of you - enjoy your day.
  8. There used to be one parked on the hard nnear Cobbs fuel station. Don't know if it is still threre but Cobbs staff should know about it.
  9. Is there a minimum size for sand eels?
  10. Birthday greetings Alun - enjoy your day.
  11. Birthday greetings Charlie - enjoy your day.
  12. Yes well done indeed a great session - club boat record is 40lb - caught by Lofty in his kayak...
  13. Birthday greetings Trev... enjoy your day.
  14. Birthday greetings old chap - I trust you are celebrating...
  15. I wondered who'd blot their copybook with that one Mal - well volunteered.....😂😂
  16. YOUR INVITATION - Virtual Sea Angling Forum - An evening with the National Mullet Club 19th May 2022 FREE TO ATTEND AND OPEN TO ALL - REGISTER TODAY Join us online for the fifth virtual sea angling forum in 2022. Our guests will be the National Mullet Club who will be providing an introduction to the NMC and their members. The evening will cover everything from why they target this species to the importance of catch and release. They will also cover hints, tips and methods for the different species, provide advice on types of venue, rigs and baits and invite you to ask any questions you have regarding this popular breed. Open to both members and non-members, simply register for the FREE event here and you will be provided the link to join us on 19th May 2022 at 7pm. All of our virtual sea angling forums are recorded and you can view previous videos on the Angling Trust website here. Don't forget that you can also sign up to receive our FREE monthly sea newsletter here. If you have any questions about this event, or indeed future forums, please contact marinecoordinator@anglingtrust.net The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ
  17. View in browser | Latest Sea Angling News from the Angling Trust Your Sea News Update May 2022 Sea Anglers, Clubs & Skippers Encouraged to Apply for £6 Million A Year Fund The recreational sea angling community is among those applicable to funding under the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme which has earmarked £18 million over the next three years for England’s seafood sector. READ MORE Recreational Sea Anglers Overlooked in the Joint Fisheries Statement Say Angling Bodies Within the draft Joint Fisheries Statement, the government has missed opportunities to capitalise on the economic and social benefits sea angling can deliver. This undermines commitments set out in the Fisheries Act (2020) for the sector and adds to the ongoing marginalisation of sea angling interests and their benefit to society and the economy. The Angling Trust responded to the consultation. READ MORE Angling Trust Respond to Sussex IFCA Hand Gathering Consultation The Angling Trust has responded to the recent consultation held by Sussex IFCA on their proposed Hand Gathering Byelaw. We believe the current byelaw, as it is drafted, is not fit for purpose, would disproportionately disadvantage recreational anglers in the area and is largely unenforceable. READ MORE Angling Trust launch survey to gather views on litter pollution The Angling Trust are calling on anglers to submit their opinion on litter and what they feel should be the priority for action. The survey is completely anonymous and should take around 10 minutes to complete. GET INVOLVED Bottom trawling banned in four offshore marine protected areas Damaging fishing activity will be prohibited in four offshore marine protected areas (MPAs) from the 13th of June 2022 after an extensive consultation period and scientific evidence pinpointing bottom-towed gear as a leading cause of biodiversity declines. The Angling Trust welcomes this decision as part of the government’s strategy to recover our seas and create a World Class Fishery that supports people and biodiversity sustainably. GET INVOLVED VIRTUAL SEA ANGLING FORUMS An evening with the National Mullet Club - A FREE Angling Trust Virtual Sea Angling Forum 7-8.30pm Thursday 19th May 2022 FREE TO ATTEND & OPEN TO ALL - JUST REGISTER BELOW Join us online for the fifth of our recreational sea angling virtual forums in 2022. Our guests will be the National Mullet Club and they will be discussing all things mullet! Register Now Catch Up with the Latest Sea Deep Project with Ulster Wildlife Catch Up Here Get Fishing! How to Go Beach Fishing Want to learn how to go fishing from the beach but don't know where to begin? The Get Fishing team have produced a video with everything you need to know WATCH NOW Tope Point of Capture Database Launched Through a collaboration between Shark Hub UK and the Pat Smith Database, a tope point of capture database for charter boats and private boat owners has been launched Find Out More Make Your Catch Count The Angling Trust are proud supporters of the Sea Angling Diary Project. Sign up for the diary today Angling Trust Sea Angling Regional Voluntary Group (RVG) The group met recently for a third time and can positively report they have membership covering all IFCA-geographic areas of England as well as the Midlands. All were reminded of the need to support the ongoing FaSS scheme funded work on the line recycling scheme and to encourage clubs who want to get involved. The contact at the Angling Trust is: tom.humphreys@anglingtrust.net The group identified the need to identify training for sea anglers using sea kayaks and this is being progressed and regional members were able to provide updates on cases where they have been supporting local sea anglers and clubs on at Noses Point in County Durham and at Portsmouth Dockyard. The importance of the DEFRA/MMO managed Joint Fisheries Statement consultation was discussed and all agreed that sea anglers needed to respond. A series of consultation meetings, in fishing ports, were not seen as providing anglers the best opportunity to take part and that DEFRA/MMO should be asked to host an online meeting with the RVG and the Angling Trust Marine Advisory Group. When later approached they agreed, and an online meeting was hosted on 5th April. Rod Giles, a member of the RVG, representing Wessex attended and commented afterwards, ‘This meeting highlighted the need for DEFRA and the MMO to communicate with recreational sea anglers and showed the strengths of the members on the RVG and the MAG with very constructive and positive views put forward. I think this very positive meeting highlighted the importance of the group and demonstrates the way that the Angling Trust is moving forward in the way that it represents and is giving a voice to recreational sea angling’. JOIN THE ANGLING TRUST Neil Bryant Steps Down from Angling Trust National Sea Boat Angling Selection Committee After 16 years working with Brian Owen on the Angling Trust National Sea Boat angling Selection Committee he is now standing down. Neil has made a significant contribution to the National Boat Team not only in the Selection Committee but as Team Manager and as a winning member of the FIPS M World Championship. He is well recognised across Europe as an accomplished, highly regarded angler and ambassador for the sport. Neil’s involvement over time has seen the change from National Federation of Sea Anglers and now Angling Trust and with his passion and determination has helped maintain continuity for the National Squad throughout this period of change. Neil’s commitment and passion will be missed by the Angling Trust but he will continue his presence in the sport as Chairman of the European Federation of Sea Anglers England. Read More No.1 site for Welsh anglers Fishing In Wales is the no.1 website for Welsh sea, coarse and game angling. Where, when, how and what to fish for in Wales – we have it covered! Take a look for yourself Anglers for Ukraine Appeal: Please give generously The Angling Trust has set up a fundraising initiative for those in the British angling community who wish to help those suffering as a result of the war in Ukraine. Anglers for Ukraine was launched at The Big One fishing show and has already raised £13,000. To find out more about the appeal CLICK HERE. Or to make a donation, click the button below: Click here to donate Angling Trust supports skin cancer awareness campaign With a mini-heatwave on the way for May, don't forget to protect yourself from the sun and reduce the risk of skin cancer. The Angling Trust is supporting the Sunguarding Sport campaign being run by the Melanoma Fund. To find out more and download some useful posters and leaflets for clubhouses click here. NOT A MEMBER? JOIN THE ANGLING TRUST TODAY! The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447
  18. Birthday greetings both....🍗🍟
  19. That's a pity Steve..☹️
  20. Have a good one..or three🍺🍺🍺
  21. Birthday greetings Chris - enjoy your day... 🍺🍺🍺
  22. Have a good day - enjoy.. 🍷🎂
  23. Enjoy your day - the pair of you.. 🍺🍺
  24. View in browser | Members Special Offer Members Update March 30th, 2022 The Big One fishing show - discount tickets offer for Angling Trust members Bauer Media, organisers of The Big One fishing show at Stoneleigh this weekend, have an exclusive ticket offer for Angling Trust members to celebrate our role in getting anglers back on the bank after the first Covid lockdown. Bauer Media said: "As we know, the Angling Trust were amazing during the first lockdown launching their ‘When We Fish Again’ campaign and lobbying parliament for fishing to be the first outdoor activity allowed in lockdown, getting lots of anglers back on the banks! "Come and meet Jamie Cook CEO on their stand this weekend at The Big One, Stoneleigh. To celebrate their achievements we would like to offer Angling Trust members a special discounted ticket offer – simply use the code SAVE and you’ll be able to purchase tickets for just £11.70 (offer ends midnight on 01.04.22)." Click here to buy tickets online Click here for more information about The Big One, Stoneleigh The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447
  25. Birthday greetings Tony - enjoy your day.
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