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Everything posted by Stuie

  1. Stuie

    Kayak tope

  2. For Immediate Release – 29 August 2021 Get Your Voice Heard! The EU Commission is currently consulting on fishing catch limits (“fishing opportunities”) for 2022, including for sea bass. It is vitally important that sea anglers reply to the consultation and get their voices heard. (If you want to know why the EU still matters for sea bass post-Brexit, please read the SOSB blog here: https://www.saveourseabass.org/eu-consultation-on-fishing-opportunities-for-2022/). SOSB's ask for the bass fishery in 2022 is: increase the sea angling season to 10 months (1 March to 31 December) to match the commercial open season; increase the bag limit to 3 bass per person per day; and target the scientists' lower level of removals of 1,859 tonnes, not 2,216 tonnes, so the stock will grow in 2022, not shrink. To find out more about what SOSB wants for the bass fishery and why, please read our blog here: https://www.saveourseabass.org/sea-bass-catch-limits-for-2022/ Here is the link to take you straight to the EU consultation: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/12937-Towards-more-sustainable-fishing-in-the-EU-state-of-play-and-orientations-for-2022_en NB: Closing date is Tuesday 31 August (so hurry!) Unfortunately, the EU consultation system has changed from simply sending an email - to using an online system that requires you to register, so it takes longer to respond this year. In case you need any help with the process once you are on the consultation webpage: click on the “Give Feedback” button. click on the “Register” button fill out the “Create an account” form and submit it go to your inbox and click on the authentication email from the EU Commission. go back to the consultation webpage click on the “Give Feedback” button log in write your response select to give your feedback as a “non-EU citizen” select your country as “United Kingdom” select if you want your name to be published with your response tick the “personal data protection provisions” box Press “Submit”
  3. Chris, Mal - thanks very much for the invite and all your help. I really enjoyed the day and didn't need much rocking that night.
  4. Birthday greetings Steve - enjoy your day. 🍺🍺
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-58105044
  6. Presumably the training bank but i've heard nothing about it too Martin.
  7. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-58057906
  8. View in browser | Latest news from the Angling Trust & Fish Legal Promising Progress on Admiralty Pier On Monday 26th July a public scrutiny meeting was held by Dover District Council to discuss the future of sea angling on Admiralty Pier with representatives of Dover Harbour Board. We welcome the proposal of a trial day of angling to take place on Admiralty Pier; however, at present we do not believe these proposed measures are sustainable in the long-term and therefore will be seeking to meet with Dover Harbour Board to further negotiation a practical solution. The Angling Trust and Dover Sea Angling Association would like to extend their thanks to all who have supported the campaign to Save Angling on Admiralty Pier. Read More Learn More About Admiralty Pier Shark Hub UK: Porbeagle Point of Capture Database As part of the Shark Hub UK collaboration a porbeagle point of capture database for private boat owners has been launched. Porbeagle sharks (Lamna nasus) are an understudied species and as important stakeholders in UK fisheries management recreational anglers play an important role in developing our scientific understanding of these species and to safeguard porbeagle sharks against future commercial overexploitation. Read More Submit Data Virtual Sea Angling Forums – The Story So Far In our latest forum we heard from Head of Operation, Jon Butler from Eastern IFCA. Jon was joined by Inshore Fisheries Conservation Officer Alan Garnham, a keen sea angler and Marine Science Officer Stephen Thompson. Jon gave an overview of the work of the Eastern IFCA and Stephen followed this with a presentation entitled ‘Fishing for data’ explaining how anglers can get involved and make a difference If you didn’t get the chance to attend the forum, don’t worry it was recorded! You can view a recording of this and all our sea forums on our website. Our next IFCA forum is on Thursday 23rd September at 7pm when our guest will be Chief Officer David McCandless from the North Eastern IFCA. You can register for the event using the button below. We are developing ideas on our shark theme and hoping to cover tope angling later in the year as well as getting updates on some of our other shark-related work. What would you like to see us cover in a future sea forum? Tell us by emailing our Marine Coordinator, Nevin Hunter at: marinecoordinator@anglingtrust.net More on Sea Angling Forums Register for North Eastern IFCA Forum 23rd September 2021 Success at the Sea Angling Classic Last month saw the successful launch of the Sea Angling Classic, despite the poor weather over the weekend impacting some of the events everyone enjoyed the chance to get stuck into sea fishing. Thank you to all who attended this great event. The Sea Angling Classic is a massive catch and release species hunt where over 100 top anglers will target tope, rays, smoothound, bream and bass. The fish will be judged using a specially created app which is connected to a live leader board. The event is organised by Angling Spirit whose founder, Ross Honey also organises the World Predator Classic and the World Carp Classic. Visit Sea Angling Classic Website Skippers Qualify for CHART Bluefin Tuna Programme On 29th July around 40 skippers and crew members from the South-West and Southern England successfully completed their training to catch, tag and release Atlantic bluefin tuna. Steve Murphy of Bluefin Tuna UK said "Combining the scientific expertise of Cefas, with the great experience of seasoned UK Charter skippers and anglers with notable experience of large pelagic species, we have a program which will deliver important scientific data, real economic benefits to coastal communities, and an opportunity for anglers to engage with this iconic sportfish in a professional, managed environment." Read Cefas Blog IFCA Recruitment: Join Your Local IFCA The local IFCAs are looking to recruit general members to six regional IFCAs across England: Northumberland IFCA, North Eastern IFCA, Kent & Essex IFCA, Cornwall IFCA, Southern IFCA and Sussex IFCA. These are voluntary roles, but if you’d like to get more involved in fisheries management, why not put your local knowledge and experience to good use? In particular they would encourage applications from the recreational angling sectors for five of the regions. The window for applications to join Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) is Sunday 15 August. You can find further information on how to apply, and contact details for the IFCAs, on our website. Apply Now Exciting New Plans for Saltwater Angling There is an exciting future ahead for sea angling in England and Wales. The Fisheries Act 2020 and the renewed fisheries management plans, that will flow from that Act in the coming years, give us the opportunity to work to ensure the interests of us all, as sea anglers, are is recognised by the government in future decisions on managing our inshore waters. Our vision is that in the years to come there will be both more and bigger fish for us to catch, and a vibrant sport for us all to enjoy. To deliver this vision we will inject greater impetus and resource into developing sea angling participation and representation. Read More Shark Hub UK: Advocating Best Practice Shark Handling For the future of the sport to thrive it is imperative that there are healthy shark populations, and we must play our role in ensuring this as environmental stewards by following best-practice guidelines. Both the Angling Trust and Shark Hub UK are proud advocates of adhering to best practice handling to ensure the chances of post-release mortality is reduced. Learn More Shark Handling Guides Anglers Against Pollution All rivers lead to the sea and it’s no secret that our marine and coastal environments are suffocating in pollution. From plastics to raw sewage, pollution is having detrimental impacts on our fish, environment and health. You can take action today by signing our petition and sharing your photos of marine pollution online by using the hashtag #anglersagainstpollution and tagging us on social media. You can even go one step further and show your support by wearing an Anglers Against Pollution t-shirt with profits going to support the campaign. Anglers Against Pollution: find out more Fish of the Month: Black Bream Rising sea temperatures have seen black bream numbers rise over recent decades predominantly along the south coast of England and with small, isolated populations further north. Often referred to as Porgies or Seabream they have become an iconic species around the South of England. The breeding habit of males scraping nests on the sea floor have been well documented and studied in areas such as the Kingmere Marine Conservation Zone. This was highlighted in our recent sea forum with the Sussex IFCA. They can be caught from shore and boat feeding on small crustaceans, shellfish and other invertebrates and marine vegetation, so great baits include ragworm, lugworm and peeler crabs, but sandeels often prove most successful. Light tackle fishing can give great fun with this species and as they feed across the water column they can be caught using simple rigs with a couple of hooks and if float fishing starting around 6 feet below the water surface and varying this until feeding fish are found. If you are lucky enough to catch these fish do be careful as they have sharp spine and gill covers. Stay Safe - And Enjoy Your Fishing As Covid restrictions continue to ease across the UK please ensure you are following the rules whilst enjoying your fishing. We all have a duty to abide by the rules in place to save lives and protect the NHS. For further guidance on fishing during the pandemic visit our website: Covid-19 Support Hub Information about fishing in Wales can be found on the Fishing In Wales website Not yet a member? Please join today and support our work Supporting our work to protect and grow the sport you love has never been more important. We have been campaigning for over 10 years to ensure that we have a stronger voice for angling in Parliament, investing in coaching and recruitment to grow our sport, making progress on predation and campaigning to halt pollution of our waters. Become a member for just £29 per year and we’ll give you access to an exclusive list of discounts - plus you can choose a fantastic free gift! Find out more The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350. Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ. Telephone: 01568 620447
  9. Sorry Pete - I don't think that's in the spirit of the event. Catching species by proxy.....Get him to join the club.....
  10. As part of our Anglers Against Pollution campaign, we've been calling for more boots on the ground to carry out proper monitoring and enforcement of agricultural pollution. The EA have responded by announcing they are looking to recruit 50 new farm inspectors in England. Angling Trust CEO Jamie Cook said: "The fact that the EA are now recruiting large numbers of new farm inspectors is a significant sign that our voice is being heard. There is still a huge amount of work to be done and we have yet to hear the detail of how these staff will be deployed, but we should celebrate these victories and I would personally like to thank every angler who has signed the petition, bought a T-Shirt, joined the Trust or supported the campaign in any way. " Read the full story Water companies failing to stop sewage spills pollution Water companies are continuing to fail to cut pollution from raw sewage spills into our rivers and coastal waters. According to the Environment Agency’s Environmental Performance Report for 2020, of the nine water and sewage companies included “no water company achieved all the environmental expectations set out for 2015 to 2020”. The report was published just days after Southern Water were fined a record £90million after the company admitted to 6,971 illegal spills from 17 sites in Hampshire, Kent and West Sussex between 2010 and 2015. The Angling Trust will continue to press for polluters to be held to account for the damage they cause, and for the Government to restore funding to enable more monitoring of our waters. Anglers can play their part by supporting our Anglers Against Pollution campaign. Read: Water companies failing Read: Southern Water fined £90m Three ways you can support Anglers Against Pollution Show your support by signing our petition which calls on the government to provide more funding so that laws to tackle pollution are enforced. Click Here Wear our Anglers Against Pollution logo with pride by buying our T-shirts or Hoodies. All profits from sales will be used to support the campaign. Click Here If you're not a member of the Angling Trust, please join us. As a non-profit organisation, we fight to protect fish and fishing for all anglers. Click Here Sea angling's 'exciting' plans The Angling Trust has set out its vision for sea angling in England and Wales describing the future as "exciting" with an opportunity to work with Defra to develop investment into the sport. Click Here Treasure Your River! The Angling Trust has joined the Treasure Your River anti-littering campaign to combat litter around seven of the UK’s most famous rivers and their tributaries. Click Here Judge says Government's report promise is 'legally binding' A Judge at the High Court has ruled that a promise made by the Government in 2015 to provide reports on sensitive rivers and lakes is enforceable. WWF, the Angling Trust and Fish Legal took Defra and the Environment Agency back to Court for failing to publish the reports, which are expected to detail the measures necessary to get sensitive rivers and lakes back to “favourable” condition after years of agricultural pollution. Read more Member discounts ... 10% off at Farlows and Sportfish! Here’s a great offer from leading game and fly-fishing specialists Farlows and Sportfish. All Angling Trust members are entitled to a 10% discount online, in-store and via telephone mail order at both Farlows and Sportfish. Click here to find out how to claim your discount and details of more great savings for members Not yet a member? Join today and enjoy great benefits WATCH: Take a Friend Fishing is back for the summer! Take a Friend Fishing is back for summer 2021, giving even more people the chance to get out fishing. Between Friday 23rd July to Sunday 5th September (inclusive), existing fishing licence holders can register for a FREE one-day fishing licence from the Environment Agency. Watch the video then head over to the Angling Trust website for more details. Click here for more information No.1 website for Welsh anglers Fishing In Wales is the no.1 website for Welsh angling, created by anglers for anglers. Where, when, how and what to fish for in Wales – we have it covered! Take a look for yourself Fishomania Final: Can Andy land title for a third year? The Fishomania Grand Final takes place this weekend at Hayfield Lakes, Doncaster. Defending champion Andy Bennett - aiming to win for the third year running - will be joined by 23 other anglers battling it out for the £50,000 top prize with £10,000 going to the runner-up. The competition is being shown live on Sky Sports. Latest Fishomania news And they're all great swimmers! Many of us have a soft spot for angling’s smaller species. But how much do you really know about these remarkable little fish? With the Olympics about to start, Angling Trust Ambassador and author Dr Mark Everard reveals his list of the fastest, toughest and weirdest small fish in our latest Lines On The Water blog. Lines On The Water blog Anglers on look-out for pink salmon and red skin disease The Angling Trust are asking anglers to be on the look-out for pink salmon and red skin disease in UK rivers this summer. Several records of pink salmon – an invasive non-native species – have already been reported in Scotland this year. Anglers are also being asked to be vigilant for wild Atlantic salmon infected by red skin disease. Affected fish exhibit unusual haemorrhaging on their underside which can appear like a spotted red rash. Click to read the full story TRADE TALK: N'ZON feeder rod series from Daiwa The new N'ZON feeder rod series offers a broad range for light method feeder fishing up to extra-heavy feeder work on rivers. Starting with a 10’ classic method feeder rod featuring a parabolic action, through to a 13’ extra power edition. The series is distinguished by their slim, well-balanced, tough blanks. The Cork EVA Armlock handle aids handling when applying power and features an embedded Daiwa logo. All feature HMC+® High Modulus Plus carbon fibre, Titanium Oxide guides and two carbon quiver tips. More information The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350 Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ Telephone: 01568 620447
  11. Stuie

    What fish?

  12. Lovely day for it - make the most of it.🍺🎂
  13. You had a nice sunny day - hope you enjoyed your day.
  14. No wonder you have a grin on your face Steve - excellent fish.
  15. Serenity - Tony Plaice 1lb 10oz Stuie Plaice 1lb 8oz
  16. Loobie 1V - Jerry 1 Jerry 2 Norman Fishlock. Saturday Madness - Martin + Dean non member. Sunday Tigerfish - Steve + Alun + Terry + Ian, Saturday. Reel Magic - Dave Kev and Charlie, Saturday MegaByte - Brian & Diane Decorating instead ☹️ Serenity - Tony & Stuie - Saturday
  17. Have a safe and enjoyable trip - will be with you in spirit.
  18. See what happens when you set your sights too high Steve..😂
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-57509931
  20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-57528249
  21. Enjoy your special sunny day..🎂🍺
  22. Have a good day Pirky...
  23. Enjoy your day and the sunshine...
  24. Have a great day...
  25. You were very lucky Pete.. Forgetful lucky skipper...
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