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Everything posted by Stuie

  1. Birthday greetings Jerry - the big six oh.....
  2. I am available all days Tony thanks.
  3. View in browser | Latest news from the Angling Trust & Fish Legal May 2021 Momentum Building on the Admiralty On Tuesday 18th May, representatives from the Angling Trust and Dover Sea Angling Association met with Dover Harbour Board amid concerns that sea angling will no longer be allowed to continue under new security plans for the Western Docks. In the coming weeks we look forward to working with Dover Harbour Board to address their concerns and reach a viable proportionate solution to enable sea angling to continue on the Admiralty. We extend our thanks to Dover Harbour Board for their cooperation and willingness to identify possible proportionate solutions for the sea angling community. Thank you to all those within the sea angling community and our friends who have supported the campaign so far. We encourage you to share the petition and write to your MP to urge them to write to Dover Harbour Board in support of the campaign for sea angling to continue on Admiralty Pier. Learn More & Support the Campaign Virtual Sea Angling Forums – The Story So Far We have now run seven virtual Sea Forums and the response from RSA’s has been wonderful – thank you to all of you that have taken part. Each event has run for a maximum of 1½ hours and 9 out of 10 people attending have said they were the right length and well organised. Of those attending, on average 8 out of 10 people would recommend others to attend and an even greater number of attendees rated the forums good, very good or excellent. Four of the forums have focused on our Shark theme and the other three involved IFCA’s as we travel ‘virtually’ around the English coastline. Positive comments with the Shark themed forums included: ‘Well-presented and pitched perfectly’, ‘Professional delivery by the speakers and the Angling Trust’ ‘Informative and engaging’ Positive comments about the IFCA based forums included: ‘Good to see that RSA is on their agenda’ ‘Good that questions could be asked’ ‘The presenter knew their subject’ We will be moving around the coastline with our next forum planned on Wednesday 2nd June involving the Sussex IFCA when CO Tim Dapling will be outlining the work of his team and Black Bream management. We then move on to the Kent and Essex IFCA on Thursday 24th June and the Eastern IFCA on Thursday 22nd July. You can book places for any of the forums below: Sussex IFCA - click here Kent & Essex IFCA - click here Eastern IFCA - click here Lastly, later in the year we will be returning to our Shark theme, but there may be other aspects of sea angling you are interested in hearing about – please tell us by emailing Marine Regions Coordinator, Neviin Hunter at: marinecoordinator@anglingtrust.net A Tribute: Ian Golds The Angling Trust would like to mark the sad passing of Ian Golds with a tribute to one of our country’s most respected and decorated international sea anglers. Ian was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 and fought courageously until his final day. With an international career spanning 30 years, Ian represented England at World Championships on 27 occasions, including 23 as an angler and three as a team manager. During that time, he won 14 medals including four gold, six silver – including individual silver in 2004 – and four bronze. The Angling Trust would like to convey our deepest sympathies to Ian’s family. A private funeral service was held on Tuesday 18 May. Read More Anglers Against Pollution All rivers lead to the sea and it’s no secret that our marine and coastal environments are suffocating in pollution. From plastics to raw sewage, pollution is having detrimental impacts on our fish, environment and health. You can take action today by signing our petition and sharing your photos of marine pollution online by using the hashtag #anglersagainstpollution and tagging us on social media. You can even go one step further and show your support by wearing an Anglers Against Pollution t-shirt with profits going to support the campaign. Anglers Against Pollution: find out more Fish of the Month: Smooth-hound Smooth-hound are a shallow water shark species and regularly targeted by shore anglers. They were once a species found predominantly in the South-West, but in recent years have been seen in increasing numbers around the English and Welsh coastlines. They are often seen in increasing numbers in the Spring when the smaller fish target crabs as they begin to peel and as they scour the seabed for crustaceans in general, occasionally taking fish. So, if you are targeting them consider a peeler crab as your best bait. As with all the Shark species great care should be taken in handling them, ideally keeping them as level as possible supporting the fish by the tail whilst also supporting the belly. Handled correctly they have the best chance once released of coming back to fight another day. Stay Safe - And Enjoy Your Fishing As Covid restrictions continue to ease across the UK please ensure you are following the rules whilst enjoying your fishing. We all have a duty to abide by the rules in place to save lives and protect the NHS. For further guidance on fishing during the pandemic visit our website: Covid-19 Support Hub Information about fishing in Wales can be found on the Fishing In Wales website Not yet a member? Please join today and support our work Supporting our work to protect and grow the sport you love has never been more important. We have been campaigning for over 10 years to ensure that we have a stronger voice for angling in Parliament, investing in coaching and recruitment to grow our sport, making progress on predation and campaigning to halt pollution of our waters. Become a member for just £29 per year and we’ll give you access to an exclusive list of discounts - plus you can choose a fantastic free gift! Find out more The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350. Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ. Telephone: 01568 620447
  4. Saturday's wind looks very good on XC - quite calm. Admittedly there is a little drizzle - but thats only water....
  5. Birthday greetings Mick - enjoy your day.
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-57016998
  7. Best wishes Tony.
  8. Good luck with the hunt Adrian..
  9. Thanks Greg.
  10. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    Thanks Allan - you're also a gent..
  11. Have a good day - still a tad windy out there...
  12. It's yours Mike - how do you wish to take delivery?
  13. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    Thanks Matt
  14. Imray Charts Y23 Poole Harbour and C3 Needles to Portland Bill - vgc - never used - for offer Icom IC-M33 VHF marine transceiver with charging dock - first waterrproof floating hand held marine radio - £52 on ebay so first £25 secures
  15. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    Thanks Charlie - another star...
  16. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    Thanks Greg, Lofty & Chris - all gents.
  17. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    Thanks Mal - you;re a gent too
  18. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    Thanks Tony - another gent - the club's full of them.
  19. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    You're a gent too Martin - thanks
  20. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    Thanks Pete - you're a gent too.
  21. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    Thanks Terry - you're a gent
  22. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    I hope to Mike, but will be relying on other boat owners - hopefully.
  23. Stuie

    Sea Dream Sold

    Sad news is that I've sold Sea Dream and she's on her way to Devon. Had great fun using her over the years especially with my late - but not forgotten friend - Brian Murrey. I'm not replacing her with another vessel.
  24. Best wishes both of you - enjoy your day..
  25. View in browser | News update from the Angling Trust & Fish Legal SPECIAL UPDATE Bluefin tuna: Government give go ahead for “citizen science” fishery A science-based recreational bluefin tuna fishery has been given the green light by Defra. This news, welcomed by anglers, was secured by Bluefin Tuna UK, with the support of the Angling Trust. On 23rd April 2021, Cefas and Defra confirmed that an English CatcH And Release Tagging (CHART) program for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna will operate in the waters of the South and West in Autumn 2021. Read more Campaign update: Fighting to save angling on Admiralty Pier The Angling Trust is working with the Dover Sea Anglers Association (DSAA) to stop the closure of Admiralty Pier to sea angling and will be meeting with the Dover Harbour Authority on Thursday, 6th May 2021. Admiralty Pier has been a mecca for sea anglers for over 100 years with the Dover Sea Angling Association having held events on the pier since 1903. It is at the heart of both the local sea angling community in Kent, and the national community, with anglers travelling from across the country and locally to fish off the pier. Admiralty Pier is a location with huge cultural and historical significance and is a vital sea angling hotspot that supports the local economy and delivers many social benefits to society such as its contribution to health and wellbeing. Sign the Petition Next Sea Angling Forum: Shark Handling for Anglers - A Practical Guide This forum is the fourth in a series of 'shark-themed' events planned by the Angling Trust in 2021 aimed at Recreational Sea Anglers (RSA’s). This is your chance to again listen to and engage with Dr Simon Thomas, the Honorary Biologist with the Shark Angling Club of Great Briton (SACGB) and the Sportfishing Club of the British Isles (SCBI), who have provided co-funding for scientific papers with the SACGB. Ahead of this event Simon says: “Following on from Dr Georgia Jones’s talk on why the ecology and unique physiology of sharks makes them especially vulnerable to over exploitation, I want to explore the practicalities of angling for sharks and how we can ensure that as many of the fish we return can both survive and thrive. The good news is that when the correct fishing and handling techniques are used, scientific evidence suggests that the survival of the sharks we release is extremely high. Unfortunately, when either of these factors are sub-optimal, their survival can be severely impacted and although the fish may swim away strongly, they can die within a few days. Based on the shark handling guides of the Shark Angling Club of Great Britain, the Sportfishing Club of the British Isles and my personal experience from releasing over 4,200 sharks, I hope to explain, without being over prescriptive, how we can ensure that both the methods we use to catch sharks and how we handle them when releasing them can maximise the survival of the fish we catch, thus doing our part to ensure the future of the sport.” Click to register for Shark Handling forum Survey for sea anglers targeting all UK shark species There is still time to take part in a a new survey for recreational sea anglers targeting all UK shark species, from smaller species such as dogfish to larger species like blue sharks. The survey was launched through a new collaborative partnership with the Angling Trust, the Shark Angling Club of Great Britain and researchers at the Bournemouth University and the University of York. Click to take part in survey Join Anglers Against Pollution Sewage and plastic pollution are suffocating our waterways and oceans, and smothering our beaches. Pledge your support in the fight for cleaner waters today. Anglers Against Pollution: find out more Not yet a member? Please join today and support our work Supporting our work to protect and grow the sport you love has never been more important. We have been campaigning for over 10 years to ensure that we have a stronger voice for angling in Parliament, investing in coaching and recruitment to grow our sport, making progress on predation and campaigning to halt pollution of our waters. Become a member for just £29 per year and we’ll give you access to an exclusive list of discounts - plus you can choose a fantastic free gift! Find out more The Angling Trust We are a not for profit organisation, representing anglers, fighting for fish, fishing and the environment. We are recognised by the Government as the National Governing Body for angling in England and partner with Visit Wales and Natural Resources Wales to promote Fishing in Wales. We are a member-based organisation made up of anglers of all disciplines providing a united front to represent, grow and protect our sport. By becoming a member of the Angling Trust you are helping to protect the waterways you fish in and the fish which live within them, ensuring their health and protection for future generations. Click here for more information about membership Angling Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee, company number 05320350. Angling Trust & Fish Legal, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ. Telephone: 01568 620447
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