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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. Please add me too, thanks. Mick
  2. No Problem......glad to be of assistance !!!!!!
  3. Thought it was you, called on the radio but you were obviously busy......or just ignoring me !!
  4. That's why your collecting it for me Nige !!!! By the way , were you fishing at Southbourne yesterday morning ?
  5. Cheers Mal, let me know where & when to pick up from and will collect. Thank
  6. Hi Mal, I'll take the free second hand 5kg Bruce if you still have it please ?
  7. sparky

    Tidying up

    I won't Jim !!!
  8. Must be all that beer Jim !!!!!!!
  9. Sorry Jim, didn't see that one.............I must of been busy landing Dave's fish
  10. You got 2 Jim !!!! I Great day out, cheers fella's
  11. Happy Birthday fella's............have a goodun
  12. Ok, thanks for that , wasn't sure how the 2 day system worked as I was away on spring species hunt, and I didn't look at how the comp. would be run .
  13. So does that mean the Poole sea angling comp. is run over 2 days as well Neal ?
  14. Happy Birthday skipper , hope you have a goodun !!
  15. More like a trip to the summer cod grounds Allan !
  16. Happy EARLY Birthday Jim.............have a goodun
  17. That'll get those goldsinneys in quick Graham !!!!
  18. Don't tell Allan where they are
  19. I hope he " checked " the new bulb first before he went up !!
  20. Belated Birthday wishes Tony
  21. sparky


    Condolences to you and family
  22. Already has green antifoul on the boat.................so gonna stay the same!!!!
  23. Thanks everyone for your input, will go for the tiger extra in green I think, international micron is getting too dear now !
  24. Hi fella's, just a quick question on what antifoul you use on your boats? I have been using International Micron extra for years now on Marichelle, but it now £100.00 for 2.5 litres ! I have been told that Hempel Tiger extra is just as good.........but half the price ! Be grateful on any comments as hoping to do the work soon..... Thanks, Mick
  25. Have a goodun Dave
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