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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by sparky

  1. Happy Birthday Greg................have a goodun !
  2. Who said women can't reverse........this lady can !!
  3. sparky

    A Wave Of The Future

  4. That's my bloody tax bill gone up again then !!! Thanks Mick
  5. Happy Birthday Martin, have a goodun
  6. My favourite number !!!! Happy Birthday Brian.
  7. How did you get on then Hayley ???
  8. Used to have a 580, there is a hydraulic pump behind the steering wheel ( behind the panel I think ) and there are cables to the outboard, sounds to me as if a cable has slipped / stretched and needs replacing, also make sure there is fluid in the steering control unit behind steering wheel which also needs to be bled. Hope this helps. Mick
  9. sparky

    Happy birthday

    Happy Birthday Rich, if your out tomorrow you better take Emma to keep you warm!
  10. Happy Birthday Dave, have a goodun !
  11. I'll have half a dozen please !! Ahhh memories
  12. sparky

    Happy Birthday

    Welcome to the" wrinkly club " Kev............ave a goodun mate !
  13. We should of gone out today not yesterday!!!
  14. Ideal landing platform there Jim!!!!
  15. Merry Xmas and Happy New year to everyone
  16. That was yesterday Nige !!
  17. 7) Marichelle - Mick & James ( non member)
  18. sparky

    Abstract Noun

  19. sparky


  20. sparky


    Same sorta day for as us really.....except no cod !! Loads of whiting , doggies, conger bite off's, but what a lovely day at the car park, there was a SPITFIRE doing acrobatics on the other side of the needles so that entertained us. Left at 2.30 running parallel to a " Border Force " boat until we hit the fog about 2 miles out, bloody horrible coming into and through the harbour with no radar !!! Fog cleared as we crept into Holes Bay but really came down once we got moored. Christmas list..............radar wanted !!!!!
  21. sparky


    Marichelle probably out Thursday too, we'll all have to flotilla together................but you boys better slow down a bit !!
  22. sparky


    Looks like it's trip to Norway for you Graham !!
  23. sparky


    Glad yours were Ok, better safe than sorry though..............I'm getting commission on this you know !!
  24. sparky


    Let us know how yours were Nige
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