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Everything posted by Hooky

  1. Little doubt that the good old days are long gone, dredging and trawling along with human greed has seen the stock decimated , very sad for us anglers but modern tech , gear and methods mean all is not lost. Never be afraid of trying something new, you need to up you game in modern times, read every catch report good and bad. I started 40 years ago off the pier with a solid glass rod, weights were old spark plugs with a simple flowing trace, could it be a case of ^ rose tinted glasses ^ ? I still remember the excitement of the first Pouting, Weaver etc, expectation was far , far lower but every fish still caused that massive grin on my face. 40 years later I'm still smiling, I'm happy to go scratching for these little critters, I now use very light rods with 6lb line, I still get that thrill. The 'doing' is far more important to my mindset than the end result, you must lower your expectations in this modern world and adapt your methods to suit. It's not the size it's the thrill of using it with skill ( as the wife keeps telling me) and most of all it beats working on the bloody house.
  2. This is a damn good club, please don't be put off if you own some small craft etc, not all of us have massive pockets. Everyone is made welcome , this forum can only be of use if its members use it, if you have a crappy day and your 1976 outboard explodes we DO want to read about it (errrrrrrrr, this may have happened to a friend of mine last year) . There is a HUGE pool of knowledge , the vast majority are willing to share, no question is stupid, we all had to start somewhere , just don't expect any replies for specific marks, life IS like a box of kippers.just far more tasty when you smoke them yourself.
  3. Hooky

    Trailer wanted

    You have a pm, I've got what you want.
  4. As usual I didn't have my glasses on when reading what type of engine this is, so only applicable to the two stroke dt series !!!!! Should have gone to sparky savers or similar.
  5. I think it's more than possible the cables have moved/ stretched when the engine was fully tilted while changing the prop.the adjuster sits on a simple slide, the cable 'nipple' then slots into a location pin , the cable was designed never to be under full tension for exactly this reason. It's also possible that the cable has come out of the throttle control guide on the control end , both a very, very easy fix.
  6. Hooky

    Boat storage

    I have to say I really don't think its hard in launching your own boat ( that's all ready with all the gear and fuel etc) Cobbs charge per launch, or even a season pass, far easier than Baiter. I can't afford a mooring of any type, the other reason is security, you can leave nothing on your moored boat, not even the battery's ,I even got my prop nicked, maybe I've just been extremely unlucky . I have got a electric winch, it's a fantastic bit of kit, it's very easy to use it to get your boat in and off, especially handy for us old gits with bad backs! They even sell these winches with a remote control, ( the whole thing cost under £ 90) the winch and battery are attached to the trailer) Lining up the boat to,the trailer ? Two options, the best by far is to get a all swinging roller trailer, that's the thing on my most wanted list, the old type is a pain, you have to see how easy it is . I launched a 20 ft flyer from Baiter last week using this method (anybody selling a full swing roller trailer please contact me !) The next problem is moving it from you driveway , around parked cars, get yourself a 'Mr Shifta '( Seen them on eBay ) The biggest thing against a mooring IMHO is that I can launch when I want, from where I want, from Lymington to Charmouth. I feel certain that If you choose a pontoon morning , the time it takes to load everything up, wait fro the bridge lift etc will be no different. Horses for courses , swings and roundabouts , a good thread.
  7. Perfect conditions, wonderfull pictures, everything a report should have . This was also my favourite location to get out on my Yak, brings back memories of the best days I have ever had fishing. I think the pure simplicity puts yakking in a higher bracket than any other form of our sport, I miss it .
  8. Na, perfect ! Don't forget he has a Seagull as a auxiliary so looking forward to our deep sea mid channel wrecking trip, !
  9. Gits , utter , utter Gits .
  10. I'm finding it's not just the mackerel, everything seems to have changed since the storms, still getting pin whiting. I have also noticed the Bass I caught from the shore were VERY skinny, the water is very dirty, also noticed a enormous amount of 'jelly' that not only clings to the line it's been washed up along the shore (tiny globules and a load of lions main ) . Is it just me? A few features , ridges that I had 'pined ' on the plotter last year have totally disappeared , I could not find the Valentine2 tank wreck, it has gone, the water depth in that area is now 6ft above the chart, the seabed has dramatically changed in many areas. I have checked around local catch reports, it's very patchy, I have always believed that those large shoals of Mackerel feed on the Brit etc, checked around the pier yesterday, no Brit , just a few tiny sand eels. Strange times, no answers .
  11. I have been planning this forever! weather permitting ( looks ok so far) My mate 'nutty' ( the rod builder bloke) has been giving me more than grief about my lure addiction , he says I'm full of s***t and will prove it !!!!.(again lol) A full , honest report will be posted, he will be using bait, he also has a cast net for the livelys . Just lures for me (including softs and jelllys ). We are going for a species count , to save handbags we are taking along Retrowagon (( Barry) to keep us under control on Monday , launching from Christchurch, areas will be between the old CG hut the ledge. Will also be launching from Baiter and possibly Kimmeridge and Portland ( this will be entirely down to me getting my lazy ass out of bed in time ) truth is this has been my only chance to get some real fishing done in the last three years due to getting my decent engine nicked and finding the Mariner 60 which seems to be a terrific old lump considering it's age ! Will we put off Barry from going out on a boat ever again ? At least I will be able to show him how NOT to do things and how to blank in style . I will be on channel 6 for live reports , !,,,,,!,,
  12. Hooky

    Rod rebuild

    Both done by the same bloke, Gary 'nutty' Allner, my best mate , he does this in his 'spare' time , he has custom made many rods of the country's top casters and anglers. He is aways snowed under with work ,,,!,,,, small repairs generally around 7-10 days, full builds and custom around three months. Top quality , if you could see the time and effort he puts in to achieving this you would want to pay him double for price he actually charges. If you need his services direct give me a pm, I will text you over his number. Don't bother him next week as coz we are actually having a week off and going fishing !!!!!!!!!! It's also handy he's a brilliant mechanic which is good news for my old tub and outboard .
  13. Hooky


    Thank chaps, it took me by surprise , I really had no idea that this would gain so much interest not only for noobies but loads of interest from the seniors ! My initial post in the tackle section was made as 'rough guide for noobs' I am more than aware that we have a few lure addicts in this club so I would very much welcome any additional feedback . please don't think I'm doing this for any type of attention , I'm generally a very quiet chap who has never had to talk Infront of others, I can only give my own opinion on what I think is correct, if you disagree let's here from you, this is what a forum is for, that's why we have club meetings ,to share our passion Im sorry that I could not respond to all the messages in my inbox, as I'm sure you will understand some of those special marks were given to me by others in confidence , I not going to betray this I am always more than happy to take any full member out in my old shetland for a few hours on the lures, my pleasure , I love the banter.
  14. For -Alan
  15. Just also notice a tapia talk thread about it might be disabled unless you are a paid up club member ?
  16. As usual probably wrong When making post use. ' more reply options' then click ' choose file' This bring up your piccies from huddle. Click on piccie. ' then click ' attach this file' then 'add to post' then 'post No photobuket etc required
  17. Test , hoping to transfer from iPad to wife's huddle to resolve
  18. First trip on the Hobit this year. Looking at Ballard / Swanage . Weather looks pretty good, anyone else out ? ( launching from baiter early in hope of avoiding the armada) Will be on chnl 6 . I'm going to attempt a report on fresh bait V ISome and lures
  19. One thing that I have slowly come to the conclusion is that their is NO such thing as a cheap boat!! When they are ready to go, the weather gods decide to destroy your weekend. In perfect weather the boating gods decide to hide your keys to the padlock and chain attaching it to the trailer. So your sat down at Baiter, loaded up with worms and pies , your brand new battery decides develop typhus and spew it's contents into bilge . Stay calm, let's get it back on to the trailer, that's fine until the handle shears off the new winch. Rotten transoms, blown drive leg gaskets, irate and troublesome wife, my hernia has decided to make another un-expected appearance under the waterline . All great stuff this boating lark, especially when you blank. You are of course , all raving mad !
  20. What engine are you putting on? I have noticed a few flyers with some monsters bolted on ! Am I correct in thinking the normal motor is between 50/ 70 ? I have been out one that is a 20 ft+ ( didn't know they even made them!) it has a old Merc 75 and was a VERY quick and decent platform, I did notice it did 'slam' a fair bit when the conditions were less than perfect ! Would it be the case that the heavier the motor the worse the 'slam'?
  21. Please check on this, it's something I read somewhere , sometime. Many types of boats used ply To create a form for the fibreglass matting, this ply was of poor quality it was never the intention to add strength to some areas. It was used to create the ribs over the hull years ago, my old Shetland had this, it was all coated over with very thick layers of glass and resin. If the. Transom flexes or looks weak I think you need to apply some serious extra layers around the joins to the hull. You could also then add a checker plate reinforcer over that ( gets bonded in by resin) If it's a ' genuine' Wilson' I'm sure the initial lay -up was very good, You should give 'wedger' a pm as he had one for a while and did the same thing.
  22. Could be my first day out on the Hobit , staying local ish, hoping that the poor old back is not too bad, ???
  23. Still loads of those Dandys about, perfect for harbour, seen a few a fair way out in the bay in the summer months. A old fella that lives along Holes Bay road has owned his from new 1972? Launches from'slipway by RNLI with a Clio . Fantastic fisherman, always catches, no sounder , center pin reel, never needed or wanted a bigger or 'better' craft. Nothing beats the knowledge of these old fellas
  24. Cheers chaps! It seems that this lure fishing is really gaining huge number of followers over the last few years. If you think back a while ago when you went out looking for a cod or two you were armed with a pirk with a couple of muppets mounted in tandem above it, as far as I can remember most of the cod took the pirk . A bream rig that seems to do the job these days is small Sabikis with a tiny strip of squid. Feathers work for loads of different species along with Toby's again I can remember the spoons for flounder,Brill etc,we're not tipped with bait but had tin foil wrapper around the hook. None of the above gave off any sent, all of them worked years ago, they still work today , they are all lures. Movement and action is in my mind more important than sent in most of the fish we catch in our shallow waters. If you are using a side of mackerel fished hard to the bottom showing no silver skin just white flesh it will of course put out a sent for a while, yes it will get you a fish but if you have a strip showing the silver skin a waggle the bait around you will do far better ? All of us today who fish bait add beads, spinners are of course using lures. I agree that a nice bit of smelly bait seems to work better than some thawed out lump of mush, fresh bait will always be better than frozen. I watched a utube clip the other day of Flounders attacking the beads above the hook as soon as it was moved, they are not fussed over the lugworm on the hook,once again it clearly shows movement is the key to get them to feed at all. With Fish stocks being far lower than years ago you will of course have to work harder to find them, I am totally convinced that it's not so much what the lure is,it's how you use it, however if you also find a lure with that perfect movement you are going to succeed far more often than the bloke stood beside you using that same lure
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