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Everything posted by Hooky

  1. Hooky

    Rebel rebel

    Could this be the beginning of another (lure) addict ??? I'm been bleeting on for months about how affective they are , just see what you can do with a feed shallow along that area at low water !
  2. Hooky

    Battery cables ?

    When you get back can you pm your address and tel number, thanks Adam
  3. Hooky

    Battery cables ?

    Thank you , pms on the way as soon as I can get a evening free , I have been trying to sort out this issue for months, full battery (new) would work fine , start in driveway every time on the key. Get it on the slip , ready to launch and werrrrrrrrrrt werrrrrrrrr ( slowly) cleaned terminals etc , nadda!!!!!!!! Take it home and yes, starts again first turn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I then thought the issue was the 12v cigarette socket was full of water and was discharging it. It actually turns out the + cable has a joiner, when the boat was tilted water went in between a section of the hull, exactly where the joint was laying under the deck !!!! . I also understand that cable can corrode break down under load ? Another issue was it charging the battery from the outboard , sometimes 13.2v and other days nothing! . I always kept a jump starter on board just in case, it has got to be the cables there is no other explanation ( how can such a simple problem be so difficult to sort out ???????)
  4. Hooky

    Battery cables ?

    Or welding cables, must be tinned, need two lengths of 9ft ,advice or links please . I don't need anything too extreme. It would be better if I could also get the ends with soldered spade ends?
  5. Hooky


    Hi Steve, any chance you could upload a picture of your boat please ?
  6. I have the fixed system, the portable one is er portable (suction transducer with battery pack ) I got mine from www,sparesmarine.co.uk in Torquay, as far as I'm aware they are the only official distributor in the UK . Allan, can you download the Sonarphone app ( android ?) and I will give you the password for the wifi .( it's free) This is a dual beam system that could be run alongside your existing unit ( not sure why you would want to do it but?) . As long as the master system (my unit) is switched on to allow 'slaves' Via the wifi The ',mericans' use it for ice fishing and Buddy boat competition. They even made mount them on to remote controlled boats when fishing off the beach or side of a lake ! The wifi is NOT a internet connection. I have just watched a carp fishing video on YouTube, remote controlled boat that dumps ground bait and tows the little portable transducer that is watched by its iPhone owner. Just shows you those carp chaps take it all rather seriously, one video even has the tiny boat take out the braid and end tackle and releasing it by the remote control into a gully ! Where will it ever end
  7. I was shown this by Pete ( Redfin) a while ago, you can say I was more than impressed. This is a wifi sonar sender that connects to the supplied transducer to your ' I' device or tablet . You don't need a network connection to use it , you can also use the split screen from you Navionics. You will need to download the free app to make it work if you don't have Navionics Price £ 128.00 , that is very little for such a clever system. Below is a screen shot fo the demo on my iPhone If you have other aboard with any phone the can see exactly what is going on , the range is around 50 yards so you also share with other craft is you felt the need . No more cranking you head over to see in the cabin, just look at your phone Picture below is what comes in the packet . Installation time is around a hour for the fixed transducer , you can even buy the fully portable unit , going on holidays and hiring a boat or yak ? This is the answer . I will be installing this on my boat and giving it a thorough test ASAP , plenty of very positive results on YouTube etc . Peter has had his for a while and has said it is as good as a unit costing over a grand, that's one hell of lot of money imho .
  8. Oh yea, I forgot , this post is void without pictures !
  9. Neither, you are being given duff information, the only place keep it is in my (substantial) driveway. No charge, only stipulation is the keys and your credit card for fuel. More than a generous offer I feel
  10. It was crap, that's putting it simply . The dreaded weed of doom has started , that red S***t that clings to lines in seconds. The wind caused endless aggravation, it seemed near on impossible to get on those small galleys and reefs that hold the decent quality fish we wanted. Getting the anchor stuck on a few occasions was not fun, yes we managed to get it back thanks to the tripping trick but even powering using the Alderney buoy was such hard work . I don't like using nearly a pound of lead , it's nasty, add more weed that makes your lines tangle over each other in seconds . A good positive mindset and the pure excitement of actually getting a day off is usually more than enough to laugh off this unfortunate day , Alan & I both felt cold, tired, frustrated. ' Yes we did catch , even the endless doggies looked miserable, a few brief highlights and of couple of pictures might help .
  11. With transducer and cable , perfect working order . £100.00 collect from my gaff Pm please
  12. And you might be pleased to hear the mighty electric winch is all sorted as well , eh Mike !
  13. Thanks all, yes, all sorted with mmsi and new ofcom ship licence , it's been a interesting evening reading about setting it up and programming in the numbers etc etc etc NOT!!!! So off to do the cg66 thing , errrr missed that bit !
  14. Brilliant , I've never caught a 3lb+ bream , always just under, nice to hear those nice eating Mackerel are just starting to appear. The season has well and truly begun
  15. I have only had a hand held VHF on my boat in the belief I never ventured too far away from others or a repeater station. Standard Horizon hx751, a superb radio, it has been ducked, dunked and abused over the last three years, it still works fine, surprisingly the range can be 8 miles tx which upto this month is all I ever needed. Things change, I have now got the confidence and knowledge to venture far further out, upto 35- 50 miles is on the cards in perfect conditions, I'm not sure the range of a mobile phone (???) but you can be sure Sod's law will happen , it's a damn long trip getting back on a 4hp aux ! After much googling I decided I had to get a new DSC class D , a huge selection at a time when the funds were very low, add to that a new twig ( with high db gain ) here goes another £300 plus ( or so I thought ) Sometimes you get lucky , a brand new Standard Horizon DSC gx1100e was found , £70.00 add the new twig and now I have spent the grand total of £90.00 , all eBay again !! With a (theoretical) range of 30 miles my West Bay wreck trip and others are now a definite, 😎 At what price Safety? Bargain of the year I think. So that's it, it's been a bit of a struggle getting my old boat how I wanted it all ready to go, back ups etc etc . Now all I need is a day off in good weather 😖 it's been emotional.
  16. Er hmmm www.flooringfitter.com, but we can't get to you for a couple of weeks at least ; you supply the Material we supply the labour .
  17. Just plain old Vaseline ( or similar ) does the job required .
  18. Not my pic, I put it up WSF, this one was from 2012 from Chesil , lure fishing for Bass , I think plenty of them do get caught but they think the are Horse Mackerel
  19. Already done ! ( Bonito off Chesil last year )
  20. Do you think he could be out fishing ?!!!!!!!! It's the law tha noes .
  21. To all club members, this is a open invitation for trips out . No money involved ! . However I would like this favour returned on you own craft at some time . I trailer my boat a little further away than most , my launch places are generally within 40 miles or so . I really don't mind what I catch but not generally one for static bait methods, I love lure fishing , I love fishing shallow reefs along the Purbecks . You may find you will get a bit soggy , you can do exactly as you want , the Hobit is a 18 ft Suntrip , warts and all , yes you will need a PFD , rods, etc .(don't forget a flask and pies) Due to some of the venues , catching the tide is all important , it would be better if you come over to my gaff and use one vehicle . I don't take this hobby seriously , it's just a relaxing day out . Why ? Safety , I can launch , fish all by myself with ease , but because of some of these trips could possibly very early of late evening ( the joys of self- employment ! ) so it's always best to have company (no miserable gits thanks !!!!!! Lol) Yes, some days launching from local spots for a few hours for the Mackerel are very regular . Keep a eye on the trip planning bit ? Even better, pm me your mobile number and name , I can then text you direct invitations , first Dibs basis.
  22. Blimey , that's all !
  23. As long as you don't mind ' slumming it ! ) I m looking at Sunday . First attempt at finding a way over Christchurch Bar , looking at the ledge or drifting Southbourne . Launching from Captains club slip, just checking tides etc. No charges for nothing ! ( ok the car- parking fee will do) No nice heated cabins or dining areas supplied ,, First dibs to Mike , still waiting to hear from Wedger , If they are not allowed out to play, open to any other club member ( you all need Wellies and a sence of humour )
  24. Hi Mark , nice few fish fella , well done ! Yes I will be launching off West Bay I the next month of so ( maybe KImmeridge ) The Plaice seem to be in the shallows at this time of year and seem to move off to deeper areas when the water temperature warms up a little , I have a feeling the Shambles has taken on hell of a hammering of late , I'm after Brill , Turbot etc ( on lures) but it's going to be tough . When you get a date sorted please post in tne ' trip planning ' bit ( I havnt got the experience yet to go round the race ) but the slip at Castletown looks pretty good ( and free !! ) with Lyme Regis looking superb .
  25. And the wife will now have a nice divorce for me !
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