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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Hooky

  1. Its not hard to spend a few minutes putting up a post no matter what’s happening,or what’s not , why bother having a forum if you don’t use it. I understand the terrible situation many are in, many simply don’t use the internet and have other interests or just can’t be bothered , We do have many members that live many miles away, they can’t even get down here to see the sea 🤔 so keep those posts going no matter what the content. We all need hope, something to keep the juices flowing.
  2. Of course I could not resist a little play for a hour Things noted, very,very quiet, no vibrations. Running in is 2 hours upto 4500 rpm then 8 hours variations on the rpm. When you give it some juice it goes onto the plain in seconds 🤗, this decision on the CT gearbox was a huge success, she purrs along at 12knts doing 2600rpm so the fuel consumption should be pretty good Of course I’m not bothering about top speed but been informed will be above 30knts. DA16A2E6-017A-45F1-87AB-A48FB121CBB8.MP4 IMG_0047.MP4
  3. I learned a huge amount from Dave, he showed me the way & why, he really did try his best to get a decent Turbot on a day out on Fisheagle on the shambles Alan gave me his finest rig, totally brilliant. A very nice 14lbder to me ! Alan managed a weeee one and Dave had a Tiddler 😂 A very sad day but happy memories of a very decent chap !
  4. Hell yeah ! The hull tidy, paint will wait until next year .
  5. All done 😃ok So she’s all ready for a water test, they will get it ‘propped’ and set up New rigging throughout, new fuel lines, tank etc. Engine brace bracket, big gearbox, and a very large bill 😳 Thanks to Keith, a superb job done, it’s all the little things that impressed me, wrapped cables, every hole sealed cable ties evenly spaced.
  6. Jimbo , if I had seen that earlier it may have saved me a few hou🙄rs Right young Terry, I’m going to embarrass myself very soon 😂
  7. Can’t see the thumb not video ? I have been practicing knots all afternoon, far better than going out ! , this cold weather puts far too much breaking strain on my bladder 😂 More special (🤭) rigs made today, Please feel free to laugh at my attempts.
  8. Yes I need it , Im useless at tying knots, breaking my glasses etc 🤓
  9. Hope this works, it also sealed braid to mono I have seen others that use a glue, this can weaken the line . This is not a glue, also used for sealing up wires, it’s totally waterproof. Its fine if you follow the instructions Bondic, Amazon, etc , IMG_0035.MP4
  10. Hooky

    Can't go Fishing

    My old girl was also expecting something nice and shiny along with a honeymoon in Italy, you know the rest, 😤,. They do get a little feisty at times !
  11. Hooky

    Can't go Fishing

    Ahhh, the all knowing glare 🤣, do the ladies study this to diploma level 😁
  12. Thanks Charlie, I really thought I had something mentally wrong, fishing OCD ?? I do know trying to stay focused on a dream keeps me going. In fact I’m going to admit tying over 50 special rigs, arranging lures, etc , that’s today 😬
  13. Yes Jimbo, I have been trip planning, all those marks have been ‘pinned’ , summer wrecking for unicorns, endless YouTube sessions on slow jigging, underwater footage etc. I often think and ask myself do others torture themselves in the same way?.. all for the sake of a few fish 🤔,
  14. It’s all down to research, Doombar is a bit of a lump ! Hence the CT , it’s the ratio on the gearbox. The idea is deliver a higher torque to the propeller at lower revs, also ( the gearbox and case) is the same as the 150, this has a far lower profile to reduce drag to get her on the plane far quicker, this also allows a bigger propeller choice. Im going for a lower top speed , better fuel consumption.. Mike Hall has also been down to give the hull a check over, I new she had been taking in water under the deck, some minor holes and a 4 inch crack so that will also need attention ( old damage from a trailer) It never ends, 😏, good grief.
  15. Now Things are happ😀ening
  16. Shiny ( mine is actually still in the box 😃)
  17. Engine has arrived 👍, only slight issue is clocks, gauges have not. Purbeck Marine has informed me that many customers are still awaiting parts (Barrus are the importers) so still delaying due to customs paperwork issues in France 😩 Some other good news ,Gummidge has also decided to take the plunge ( he can start a new thread 😊) The biggest 👍once again goes to Mike Hall for lending me his spare engine for the last year, not only that but fitted pedestal seats, fixed the hull, anti fouled etc etc . When I bought Doombar I always had a plan to be a working project, things were on track until the EMM died on the e-tec, , would you(me) spend over £2000. On a new EMM ? No was the answer, I did send it off to a company in the Netherlands who sorted it out for £500 , next problem was Evinrude, , very little ( ie none) would be able to service it, etc, so I totally lost confidence I don’t want think about how much time and effort let alone aggravation that’s seen me in despare, all I wanted was ease,,put the key in, off we go home, if it went wrong I wanted someone to fix it ( without having to wait 8 weeks) I get, it seemed not too much to expect 🤔 Hulls are relatively cheap, good engines are bloody expensive but looked after properly will 🤔 last many years The only thing you can’t but is time itself so 😃 pictures will follow of shiny things that make me smile 😊
  18. The research took ages, the conclusion between the makes , performance, weight, etc , I made the decision this morning. I feel there is very little between them , Honda brilliant, Yamaha ticked nearly all the boxes, Suzuki, mmmm , close inspection a a few doubts about corrosion on some components, it seemed every manufacturer had issues ( the vast majority of issues were caused by poor servicing and care) I had a very close look over a Gibbs 540 (moored on F ) it’s a demo boat with the Mariner fitted, the fixings ( even the control box ) seemed to a slightly better finish ? Who really knows what manufacturers do, they certainly supply engines with different stickers, . Again it boiled down to IF it needed work/ servicing, no way could I wait for weeks on end to get that done, , and get it done properly the first time Ah I hear you say , best that cost a few quid , in reality I got a deal that I could not refuse, this does seem the best time of year to pull the pin, all businesses need every penny at this difficult time Second hand market for used is very strong ( anything boating wise) in fact I saw my new engine ( with 60 hours and a year older at a dealer for £ 650 more than my brand new one ....???? How the hell does this work I have been informed the supply for new engine’s is difficult, very few places have a new one ‘ off the shelf’, no matter what you see in the shop windows. So the wait begins, , 😩
  19. It has been a huge decision, it’s taken many months, Doombar is getting a brand new engine! Getting the right deal, making sure this is going to be a case of picking up the keys and living the dream 🤔 This year I decided that life really is to short , the thing that you can never buy is time, the next thing is your health. I had thought about just giving up this private boat owning , I never got the time to get out, working for the NHS last year was bloody hard, I can’t see the situation is going to change this year.( unless I drastically reduce my work hours☹️) A few years ago I had my eye on a new Warrior 175 fully rigged and ready, it seemed like a good idea. Doombar is a Pilot 20 , it is the same as a Wilson Flyer, , I love this hull, so stable as a fishing platform, , she does slam, she is cosmetically not that good, . Last season saw the poor old girl dirty, chipped, and pretty much abused, I ran her into rocks and mud etc etc but she did the job. Holes bay Marine are the suppliers, Mariner 90 fully supplied with all the bits and a 5 year warranty ( the warranty thing was the thing that sealed the deal) along with finding a decent mechanic to service it ( Evinrude went bust and I lost all confidence in the servicing etc). Im sticking with Cobbs for another year, they have been good to me last year so again. Im believe it will all be done in the next six weeks, I’m hoping Mariner 90 is as good as it’s reviews. ( Suzuki was a very close contender) Yes, I’m exited, never been able to by anything new in 32 years of boating, , let’s see if I will actually get out to those mid channel wrecks , the Shambles, , etc etc 😁😁😁
  20. Thanks all for the wishes Spring is well overdue so looking forward to my first Lure trip of the year I believe (rumours) the usual drift around the chain ferry using a Fiish Black Minnow produced a 9lbder first light this morning by a club boat ?? I can’t find the Facebook link ??
  21. Simply fantastic
  22. What a superb day ! New crew member that has never been fishing before, never been out on a boat before, made the coffee, soup and sandwiches . Fully loaded up with Paracetamol , Vicks Vapour Rub, left the pontoon at 11.30 for a gentle cruise round the harbour 😁 I decided to fish inside the Spoiles, drift fishing, trying to take the easy option due to both of us having stinking colds. Lost count of the amount of Whiting, stuck to light gear with scraps of rag so very much a lazy gentle day.
  23. Doombar plus the misses ( it's only her second time out on a boat so will just stick to the harbour as I bruise easily )
  24. 2 Hooky
  25. Looking forward to this 👍
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