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Everything posted by Hooky

  1. Update ! Looking at a maiden voyage next week
  2. All sorted now thanks
  3. Update ! Thanks to rivershack boats we have good progress! The engine is a good one ! All cylinders have good compression, its all fine, needs a very good full service. New Battery, tray, cables, etc etc now happening The electrics have all be given a general look over. Minor problems are there is no push to choke on the control unit First maiden launch very soon ( harbour only) Crew required
  4. OK, Its all connected up to a nice pretty fuse box with seperate LED switches , i will take a few pics as soon as possible for your amusement
  5. ERR DOH told you im not the best at wiring stuff ! I may have to make a few alterations !
  6. Simple update ; spent all day wiring things up , every cable has been soldered etc etc I now have done my best to get everything working as it should . I still have the biggest thing left, the engine. Fingers crossed , she's still on my driveway awaiting to be taken down to Rivershack. Im still aiming for the first week in April ?? It's getting rather exciting but not going to rush as I'm going to get this job 100% right first time .
  7. Did they give you a fair one ?
  8. Adjustable , needs to take a 4hp . Battery Box Inshore flare pack Fire extinguisher ( anything safe wise I may have forgotten ) ? Alderney ring thing ( and the buoy ) pm please with price, can pick up at next meeting if needed .
  9. To be perfectly honest Brian, I'm not sure if you can find anything on the market that comes close to your 165 . Bigger does not mean better, it just costs more ££££ , ?? I suppose a 175 with a canopy would be just as good (?????) I m just a massive Warrior fan so totally biased !
  10. About time !
  11. Engine looks like new under the hood , Rivershack will be sorting it out as im taking her down tomorrow. New impellor, full service IF COMPRESSION OK ISH Hoping for around 115psi ( 125 perfect) The cooling system is so simple but a lump of mud or grit can easily block a pipe. As long as i can get one year out of this motor It will see be a good purchase
  12. Yep this is the 590, it has exactly the same thing, water gets in under the deck , mine has low deck drain plug . Plug removed , about Two litres came out , this was done on a very steep slipway . As I understand 'they all do that " ? The sealed deck will mean fitting twin auto bilge pumps , there won't be a full cover on this boat , it will be on a mooring so It will need checking every few days even thought the solar charging should keep the battery topped up . The water under the deck ? I will check if it's salty upon getting her floated , she will also be taken to a weigh bridge on the trailer , Gummidge has exactly the same boat with a 80 Hp so in theory they should be about the same . His skims along at a fair pace and gets on the plane with no issues so with a 20 Hp deficiet I think it will be just ok . Cables from the controll unit have been oiled and re fitted , steering cable later this evening , It's getting cold and starting to rain , got to keep going !
  13. Without going on for hour or two Doombar now sits in the driveway . The trip to get her from deepest ,darkest Wales was eventful , Gummage came along for a nice few hours in the most horrendous weather . Snow storms, torrential rain from dawn to dusk, it had caught out a few motorists ( including a traffic copper who managed to aqua plane stuffing his car into the Armco ) Towing a 20ft boat on a big trailer is a litter demanding , in those conditions it was horrendous . My only aim for this year is to get her on the water , all the pretty stuff can wait . Inspection so far is that I have made a very wise purchase ,This boat has had a huge amount of pounds thrown at it .I will attempt to find out more as this has been a professional build , it really is that good.. The main thing of is the Big Yamaha , removing the hood it looks like new , I have been informed these engines could be the toughest engine ever to go on a boat . I have made a wise decision to take it to a professional for a full service (Rivershack ) he will also go over all the wiring because that's the bit I think I've always found a struggle . Loads of stuff going on in the few short hours I have , lighting fitted up driveway so work will can progress after dark . Im still waiting for that big kick in the ass , have I actually managed to do ok ?
  14. Yes; I'm one of a few that fish evenings from a boat in the harbour . I have had a few nice fish over past few years but caught just as much from the shore. Sorry to be negative but I feel sure it's never going to be what it was . All of us need to be happy with a fish or two on that odd occasion from the harbour . Those old favourite areas that were kept a little hush have also been very poor . Christchurch harbour is the same , a decent Flounder is now a rare prize along with loads of other harbour species .
  15. Holes bay has been hammered, I have seen a few bait boats circling and dredging on many occasions. Last years shore competition was a total failure, 64 anglers , three fish caught (up by the railway bridge ) Nothing positive to report from any location or area !
  16. Hooky

    LIFE JACKETS requred

    Totally agree , three new life jackets are my very first purchase before picking up my new boat this weekend . Inshore flare pack next Vhf ( not sure if the old one will be any good after getting a little damp) etc, etc ,
  17. Self inflating , advice please, tight budget of course , need two or three / ta
  18. Never give up ! its the same no matter what you buy , snapped this. broken that , constant battle with boats ( even boats a couple of years old go wrong !) Take old cable to Ski Marine on charminster road , not the cheapest but go for a decent make.
  19. It's seems I have thrown the dice again! She will be up my driveway next weekend . Im pleased to find that the Pilot 20ft never had a foam filled hull (Wilson models did) Pilot stringers run stern to bow , Wilson across beam with no drain holes between . My Pilot has hull has had a professional re build , Mmmm , ?? . Its always a gamble buying a old boat !! Silk purse from a sows ear ? I do know the transom is fine and solid . Now way will I throw a big motor on it , 60 / 90 is plenty , I've seen one with a 150 ! The MAJOR issue of funding , yep , I'm a idiot , never bothered about cosmetics it's just getting a few fish on board that will be the target for this year Cheers for all the replies and advice on this thread , Im glad to see its woken up the new forum just posting a few pictures in the test section .
  20. Spot on !! Is it a totall piece of crap ???? Has it been built by a mad Welshman ???
  21. COMPETITION TIME !!!!! Just noticed !!! who is at the helm of the Hobbit ( see ebay link thingy)
  22. Ok Jim , let's see !! Lol https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/shetland-Suntrip-fast-fishing-boat-project-Yamaha-40-outboard/292400872096?hash=item4414733aa0:g:bJ8AAOSwRTVaU-I~
  23. Funny thing is I have a full trim/ tilt from my old Mariner 60 , all complete with relays etc I totally agree Jim, ive done it before, again IF the Yamaha is not a scrapper the stuff i have will work , Far to many ifs ! I will get this out this season, some how. I have just arranged to pick up the old Hobitt (from Rivershack) Doombar will be put in its place to get it checked over // Thanks to Will and the team from http://www.rivershackboats.co.uk/ for looking after me , brilliant company. So i have one fully working engine ! Mariner 4 hp ! its perfect ! Will sorted it !!! it will get nailed on asap !
  24. It's a Sunday night , time to think on what to do , what would you do ????? Strange thing are telly, there appears to be funny brownish thing falling around a ice rink. Im not female nor a homosexual , hence time to ask advice on this ere forum ,. How many of our members have (or had) one , a quick Google finds very little information, I believe the Wilson moulds have been used by loads of builders ( one in Poole) also a few have been torn apart due to water ingress in the sealed hull. Horror stories of knackered transoms , so builds have been very poor , some have been superb , used commercially due to huge stability.. What have I bought ? Dunno , I bought it from a very well respected member of a Welsh small boat club . The old engine is. Yamaha 60 , described as not run for a while and not pumping water means one thing . Its scrap, it has manual tilt , just so happens I'm pretty good with messing with old scrap , I have a few options , the 40 Yamaha from the Hobbit is re -build able, possibly. Little chance of it putting a 20ft boat on the plane , lets see what I can get for it . Mariner 60 , I have one with low compression complete with all controls , it has tilt/ Trim , it was a very good engine . I have been informed these things weigh 1850 kgs plus , Gummidge is lending me his braked trailer , just as well , no trailer with the sale , it will go back onto my old mooring , I have taken full responsibility for the old Hobbit , it's mine to salvage , also means I have to sell the hull , it a bit of plastic so might fetch a few quid , it's fine for anyone whose daft enough to buy a old hull , after all , what could possibly go wrong.
  25. Blimey I was only mucking about with pictures and stuff So the long and short of it is that I saw a picture on a Facebook group. Its the pictured above , It just spiked my interest , NO , I'm not looking for a project , then again it looked OK, she had been fully sorted , new transom, new everything. All done from a professional builder , Gummidge has one (endeavour 3) his is also a 20ft job, she's a big old girl , very stable platform , nice cabin for a occasional night on the water , yep I quite like them but not as much as as Suntrip ( The Hobbit) I did a very stupid thing , when insuring Hobbit I gave its value without much thought, after all , its hardly going to sink in the short time it's on the water , only really insuring it for the liability on the mooring My stupidity reared up again when I put on a Yamaha 40 ( it actually did two trips out before sinking ) ( the old 60 was taken off ) it only took a couple of hours , shame I didn't tell the insurance company about the rise in value , shame I also put on a new VHF, new Sonarphone etc . Shame I also put all my rods, reels , lures , life jackets in the cabin ready for a trip out . If you are sensible you make sure your craft is insured to its true value, So here's the beginning of this story , the insurance ( correctly) paid up for what I had told them the value was . More than sick What now ? Give up ? Dunno , No chance on throwing one penny more than what I got paid out , I'm not a idiot ( ?) but realised it was stupid to try again , I had become totally disheartened. Sod the fishing , boats cost far more than I justify, only went out six times last year AND the weather was crap , Oh the other ugly nasty thing that shall remained kept very quiet ( I'm not a attention or sympathy seeker ) also affected every decision. About time to liven things up on here , it's very quite , so time to get out there in the cold with a few hammers and a stick of mastic . Massive thanks for all the gear etc , I going to set myself a target of 6 months to make sure I get of my ass and do this . -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Page 1 ; I've just bought a 20ft dory / flyer thing ) looks ok , it's a bit of a project , let's see what happens
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