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Everything posted by Hooky

  1. Cheers Dunks : could you check out the pontoon overnight costs etc ? harbourmaster on duty times etc ? ta Keep it coming with any wrecks that may hold a few biggies ( with 12 miles if poss )
  2. Yep , usually I do the same but had a bit of fun over the race , scared me a bit , I'm trying to think of others that have smaller craft , hence West Bay , we have a few new boaters in this club , I would like to think they would come along and get looked after . Be nice to see getting this section moving again , I have no idea how many club members still use a trailer boat ???
  3. Yep all looking good , high water 7:33 , return at 7 pm ish , nice gentle tides , ideal . Saturday & Sunday 8/9th July Yep ; Gible Harman , please don't forget you will need to be a early bird , loads & lots of pleasure boaters to contend with. You don't have to worry about the gate to the slip , it's not closed in the summer months. Trailer parking can get a little busy , you 'could' after the day out leave your boat on its trailer in the trailer park , no harbour master or restrictions after 7pm ( ?????? ) but things change . Looks more than likely I will stick with the old Shetland Suntrip , she does enjoy the fuel ( 60 Hp smoker) . I think it's a wise idea to buddy up as she's getting on a bit , never let me down but the wreck is some 12 miles off shore , not part of the coast to be faced with issues , it's just on the limit for my Capability . Please don't be concerned if you don't have 4wd , I have along with a rope ! . You will ( must ) use a safety chain on launching / recovering , it's a steep slip , hours of fun can be spent watching those who don't ! Feel free to chip in , I have space for one crew ( must meet me at my gaff early ) first come etc
  4. Thanks all , looking at weekend of Saturday 8th July , I hope the weather gods let this happen because it's a case of ' you can have this week off ' sometimes I wish a was not a employee ! Just another thing to get used too after 25 of self rule . I'm planning on getting to the slipway around 6am , it won't be possible to get out if it's blowing W/SW so looking at a plan b Plan B - launching from Weymouth or Portland , choose of harbour or back of the Bill , plan c , stay at home and sulk ! Checking tides etc
  5. To be 100% accurate Martin , the title of Gummidge is of course any farmer that stands around his farm in a funny hat ! I have no idea why I always seem to give mates Nick~ names , Marcel pi**ed himself laughing when I asked # quote : are you bringing that Gummidge chappie down for a bit of a Yakking ? . Very glad to see you have still got Endeavour , ( it's 22ft ????) you could look at getting a summer pontoon mooring ??? Loads of dosh ! See ya soon
  6. Alway help available if required ; that's why it's called a slipway .
  7. X marks the spot ! (Ish ) We could also all anchor up just round in the next bay for a overnight sesh on the Brill banks ?? Dunno
  8. Venue https://www.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/travel-dorset/harbours/boat-and-trailer-parking/bridport-west-bay Superb venue , brilliant fishing . IF you can get on the slip (before 7 am and return after 7pm ) you could miss the harbour master so may miss the charges ! Overnight on the pontoons is £ 35.00 ish. I'm bringing a sleeping bag and my portable gas Webber BBQ so ( as usual weather permitting ) I'm going to book 3 days off ! Fuel : allow plenty , my old tub carries at least 50 litres , from the last time I used this per day . Gummidge on Endeavour 3 will of course run out within a hour or so !!!! So anyone that has a little more room for a extra tanker or two please bring them , my old bus can't drag around his lump for too long !!!!!!!!! Fuel available 3 miles away . Checking tides etc ( need neeps as some wrecks rather deep .) Loads of wrecks to hit but many are netted but (according to my gestimate ) around 26 good ones to try all within 40 mins or so of the slip It is a possibility I'm may be out on my new tub ( sshhhhh) tiz a secret , don't tell the wife . Any boat around 16ft will be fine , buddy boat system in place so noobs will be looked after ., all welcome Will update soon , keep checking , ta chaps
  9. I'm not really sure how many members on here trailer their craft but thought I might try to see if anyone interested . I'm going down for the weekend for another crack at the cod, pollack etc from a few of my favourite wrecks. I have them all plotted , takes about 40 mins steam out to mark X , had a fantastic result a few years ago use lures only ( try to do at least 4 productive wrecks a day ) You would need at least 50 litres of fuel , a big ice box ( no bait required ) At the present time I have room for one crew ( must be full club member ) Cost of slipway and overnight pontoon mooring to follow . Post away if interested , let's get this section going again .
  10. Would someone be able to confirm this Stingray could be on one of the clubs 'special' catches please (???)
  11. A fish .
  12. That was very difficult day, what seemed work on every other Bream day failed. I tried every combination of beads, bait ( including my soooper dooper secret white isomme lures) . First drop I got my only decent ( ish) fish , it all went Pete Tong from then Things learnt from the day ? You can try too hard , this leads to frustration , endless hours of sod all followed by tiny moment of joy can lead to success Not ONE other type of fish today on Fisheagle , not even a doggie or pout , weird ; I'm sure David won't mind me saying the winning fish happened when he was in the cabin biscuit cupboard , his rod was in the holder , it had been a fair old while since his bait had been checked or changed , Alan's phone rang for the first time of the day , fish on , competition won . Alan was also getting reall pissed off , his fish only came when is phone started ringing , , maybe that's the secret , get Frank to call you ?!!!
  13. 2x metal Gerry cans Generator has been sat in shed for a few years so will need a service before use ( clean out and new fuel) It has a 240/ 110 output . You will need to collect it ASAP .( it's a modern style jobbie in a cradle ) Call me yesterday please ( massive clear out at Hooky mansions ) 07837879007 ( a wee trip out this month would also be cool if possible , ta )
  14. Still waiting for Jimbo ( Tiddler) to complete my top dangling skills class but most of all a day out on his Pilot ( bloody love these craft )
  15. Oh, errrrr , forgot to mention Trev ( Wedger ) & Peter (Redfin ) top chaps , learnt loads from them , still to return the favour ; they need to learn my method of blanking , it's a art form that I have perfected
  16. My name is Hooky and I can put the kettle on ( and very little else )
  17. And that's what being in this club is all about ! I (unfortunately ) go out on my own on many days, just one of the downsides of self- employment , you never get a regular day or evening that despite carefull planning actually happens . I also find getting my boat loaded, fuelled up, safety checks done etc takes around a couple of hours , add to that a drive down to ? And catch the tide at the slipway . The other slight issue than can scupper a day out is £££££ .I only go if I have the cash in my pocket, it's very difficult situation being self employed , months of being flat out and then nothing for weeks . I think I spend more time out on other members boats than my own , I always, always try to return the favour , even if it's for a couple of hours somewhere , it's a great thing to be invited out no matter what boat you own or operate big or small . For some members it can be difficult to offer open invitations , you offer your usual crew a space , they can't make it , you don't want some miserable tight git that will turn up , use up all your bait and don't even offer a few quid for the fuel ( I have never had that happen ) I'm pleased to have taken 7 club members out on my old tub, all of them have had a great day and been a pleasure to spend the day with One of the best things is that I have gained a massive insite to new methods of fishing, I also have gained confidence in the ways of boat ownership and most important of all is safety at sea . Not bad for £17.00 a year !
  18. A hhhh , what a strange day , met Steve & Andy in a 'Tinny' , they had come down from Sussex for the day . Buddies up -> as they had no navigation or sounder , they followed me out and around to the ledge for most of the day . They knew about the club , so following my advice on marks and methods wisely decided that today's mentor for the day was useless ! I'm not going to bother with a catch report on this occasion !
  19. Leaving from Christchurch ( captains club slipway around 9 am) Destination ?? Who knows ! Target ( anything that swims) Might try for early season cod off the island ? No charges whatsoever ! ( a packet of smokes is always nice thought) Txt me 07837 879007 , first txt wins a trip on my fully equipped luxury vessel !
  20. Hooky

    Boat Show

    I just had to look ! There's lovely ' innit ' what a pretty girl .
  21. I think fins work only on a certain type of hull, on my Shetland they work fine, yes the loose a few knots top end but a definite positive on fuel consumption and yes , she gets up on the plane far quicker . On my mates Wilson 23 I really think they seem to be negative on the handling ( tight turns) but again using them makes the ride far more stable in bumpy conditions . Other thing noticed is weight distribution is critical , fins on again feels better against tide but absolutely crap on Jay-Jay in a following tide , funny thing is it makes no difference on my own boat ???? Weird , trail and error, . If that's the case why do so many boats with outboards have neither trim tabs or fins and are just about perfect in ( nearly) all conditions ???? Maybe modern hulls are getting more efficient , . The most convincing thought is the manufactures spend millions of squid developing engines and not one of them has ever produced ' hydro fins' as standard fitment I think from years of setting up bikes for racing one day is never the same as the next , what suspension setting that works on one circuit is useless on another , with water 8000 times more dence than air its makes it difficult if your not a expert . I suppose it really is about a compromise , horses for courses . We shall see , early days yet .
  22. Must admit between the both of us raising the engine and getting it somewhere close to what 'might ' be correct is a bit of a gamble. I initially thought that not only was the engine far to low it also seemed a possibility that due the deep V shape of the hull I noticed a large amount of turbulence going over gearbox and propellor , was this a route crux of the other problem ? Problem B seemed to occur in a following sea, ' broaching' pushing the bow far more than seemed comfortable ; another guess ( from me ! ) was the dole fins ?? Blind leading the Blind !! The power - lift I got also had extensions that could also move the leg around ten inches further back from the transom , Lee took the decision to leave these off for the present, it could in theory create other issues , cables may not be long enough and for every inch you drop back you should also add another inch of lift !!!!!!! ???? The other thing to consider is the prop , the main and most important of all , we put on a brand new one in standard size, no information can be found on the net ( or anywhere else) as Jay-Jay is a very , very rare beast , a Texas 530 , I'm not positive but there may only be two in the UK ( Hull might have been copied by Quicksilver at some point ) So from Lees post it seems as if we may have been very lucky to get it spot on first time around , we shall find out more tomorrow with a full crew full of Pies etc , Fine tuning ? Probably , is so difficult to know what direction to take to find the best compromise between handling, performance and balance , especially when I'm far away from truly knowing what's happening and Lee is a expert in fitting a " totally awesome " sound system """" cool tunes and all !
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