Went out with my brother to see if there were any bream about.
Martin caught two, best 2.5lb, plus some wrasse and the usual bits and bobs. Come high water slack we decided to drift, Martin using bait, me bouncing the bottom with a plastic sandeel on a lead head. After about ten mins my rod arched over and line was being dragged off at a rate of knots. Ten nail biting minutes later, this is on a two ounce spinning rod, up pops a bass. Not just any old bass either. It was the biggest we have ever seen.
Some careful netting by Martin in came the clonker. It weighed 13lb dead! After a couple of snaps back she went apparently none the worse. There followed a wrasse of 4lb and couple of other smaller fish.
Not a bad day's work. Snaps to follow once I can get them onto photobucket.
One happy Easter bunny!