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Everything posted by ChrisE

  1. Yes, I can see that with a diesel inboard you'll have to keep a seperate fuel supply, we have 4 stroke main and aux so no so much of a problem. I'd entirely agree about the reliability of a well maintained diesel. We've never had a problem in over 50k miles on the yacht with the diesel not firing up and working, unlike our four stroke on Hilda Maud..... Still for info, regarding range, my 8hp does less than 2 litre an hour so you'd get back from mid channel on 25l, albeit v slowly. Whilst not wishing to start an argument the bit about petrol going off if not used is a bit of an old wives tale. Yes, it will if exposed to air but in a sealed container not so. There are plenty of instances of people keeping and using petrol that is 5 or more years old. Still, best of luck whatever you decide to do.
  2. Well, I'll put the case for a second engine. On Hilda Maud, which just shy of 2 tons and 23' long we have a Honda 8 hp as back up, permanently mounted to the transom, bolts welded on to avoid tea leaf trouble. I've used the spare to get me back about 4 times in 8 years, we've had fuel and filter problems that hopefully are now things of the past. The 8 hp gets me back at 6 knots in calm and about 4-5 knots in rougher. I wouldn't be without one, it gives the independence to go out when I want and know that I'll be able to get back under my own steam. Both main and spare are 4 stroke. We have both serviced every year, although for the spare the oil usually only gets changed every two years. We also make a point of running the spare every month or so to be sure that it will go when needed. Others may be happy with Seastart but it's not for me I'm afraid, perhaps it's my sailing background where self-sufficiency is the norm.
  3. I entirely agree with all of the senitements above. I once tried to run a similar argument on WSF and got so fed up with the ignorance and abuse that it attracted from commercial fishermen that I no longer post there on conservation matters. A true dialogue of the deaf ....
  4. I can vouch for the slugs, it's what I caught my 13lber on last year. Talking of which this time last year the air temp was 18C and the water temp was just short of 10, this year we'll be luck if we get to 8C this week and the water is just above 5 ....
  5. ChrisE

    New Boat

    At least the engine won't get coked up. I'll get my coat ....
  6. Well done, Alun, hoping that the weather bucks up a bit for our trip down there in a couple of weeks time.
  7. Nice to read of some spring fish being caught, roll on spring (it is absolutely tipping it down here, again ....)
  8. I wouldn't even want to ask what the strike drag gets used for .....
  9. Bloody hell, I 'm glad that we didn't go over there. We had swell up to about a metre and a half over The Bridge and it was breaking well on The Shingles but nothing like that ....
  10. Lovely weather, shame about the fishing. Out for a couple of hours giving the lures a work out. Apart from me losing about 5 sets of tackle on The Ledge not much else. May be a bit too early .....
  11. Weather looking very benign for Saturday, a bit iffy for Sunday. Thought we'd give the lures their first outing of the year. Chris
  12. That'll be east wind ...
  13. So, judging by the lack of posts, Saturday wasn't the best of days? Went out today to get the boat ready for the new season, new steering linkage had made the helm a whole lot lighter. But boy was it cold with 20 knots of easy wind ....
  14. I'm not the world's expert on Portland tides but we're booked with Chris Caines on 4th April, based on good tides for the flatties. I'm guessing therefore that the weekend of the 23/24th March will be similar tides. That would give you a run down with the tide on Sat am and back on the tide on Sun pm. If the weather's good we're planning to go then as well. Chris
  15. Another vote for Northstar. We've had the broadband radar for the last two years and compared with the old style of radar is a gem both in terms of needing no start up time and what it will pick up. For instance it picks up pot buoys which the old style radar just doesn't. We find the overlay very good and it is as simple in fog that if there's a blob on the plotter that's not on the chart it is something like another boat or a pot buoy or whatever. Very pleased with kit. Chris
  16. ChrisE

    braid to mono

    We've been using the J knot, as described on the webknots page, for past few years and only had failures when using light (under 30lb) leaders to 20lb braid. For the usual 30lb braid to 60+ leader it just works and is a neat knot. Hope this helps Chris
  17. ChrisE

    braid to mono

    Hmm, we use 80lb leaders and a J knot and have no probs with knots going through rings. Not sure what the problem is .... Chris
  18. Fished off the Needles from 830 to 1500. Martin immediately into pout followed by whiting on light fear whilst I persevered with big baits. First bite produced a mega pout. Nice bite a few minutes later produced my first cod of the season at 3lb the smallest one we've caught from the boat. Next bite produces a 2lb whiting then it all went a bit quiet. One of my rods had been very quiet so I assumed that the bait had gone, lifted the rod up to find some weight and after a bit of a haul up pops cod no 2, at 10lb a better fish. Martin then loses a couple of snakes, I get another bite and up comes cod no 3, at 8lb a nice eating size. Last bite of the day produced cod no 4, a nice looking 8lber. So, a nice way to see in the New Year. Chris
  19. Now looks like 12th Jan is the first time for a fish .....
  20. Erm looks as though it has shut ... Although 3rd/4th currently looking doable, shame that I'll be back at work Grr!
  21. Merry Christmas all, burp. Eaten too much, yet again but as a friend of mine recently said 'Fat but happy' Be nice to get out again, this side of Easter ..,.
  22. ChrisE

    Water, water!

    A fleeing Taliban, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghan desert when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the oasis only to find a British soldier selling regimental ties. The Taliban asked, "Do you have water?" The soldier replied, "There is no water, the well is dry. Would you like to buy a tie instead? They are only
  23. I hope that you catch a few. not jealous at all
  24. ChrisE

    Sound Engineers' Day

    Oh dear, you've too much time on your hands .....
  25. A man can dream! They're now forecasting 7.5ft, looks like a weekend to put up the Xmas tree ....
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