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Everything posted by ChrisE

  1. ChrisE


    I'd not heard it before. About to try it out on mrs e, if there are no more postings from me you'll know how it was received....
  2. Paul, I hope that all goes well and that you are soon back to flyfishing. Chris (lefthandedfluffchuckingaspeciality)
  3. Hmm, I've just re-read the email from EA and this has nothing to do with AT. I got it because I have freshwater fishing licence. So not all AT members will see this survey which is unfortunate because some the questions refer to sea angling..... Sorry for any confusion. Chris
  4. I'm an individual member of AT and have just had an email from the Environment Agency re a survey of anglers about why we go, what we get out of it and where we want to see resources placed in the future. I know that some don't think much to these surveys but in my view if we don't make our views known we deserve to get what we're given. I'd urge everybody else to complete the survey for our own interests. Chris
  5. Tee hee What's the difference between your wife and a terrorist? You can negotiate with a terrorist. C/o Frank Carson RIP
  6. Good fishing Lofty, did you christen the new rod? Chris
  7. Argh, I don't believe it! It's looking like pants for next weekend again
  8. ChrisE

    A bit of trivia

    The sooner we can all get to sea, the better!
  9. ChrisE

    Kenzaki ?

  10. Pants weather now confirmed . Oh well, come on Engerland!
  11. Looking at forecast for next weekend it is blowing up again. I know a lot can change over 5 days but this is now getting beyond a joke! I'll have to dust off my fluff chucking gear if this carries on
  12. The smidgen had just gone this morning. Another weekend ashore beckons
  13. We can but dream......
  14. Regarding the laying of sub surface leccy cables. There are already a fair few that run under The Channel. We top up the National Grid with French generated power. So I'm guessing that this particular part of the problem is well understood. I'm just waiting for the massive artificial reefs, out of bounds to commercials, that this farm will create
  15. Very pleased for you Nige. I was going to suggest a narrowing in the filter system 'cos we had the same problem on Hilda Maud. Looking forward to you flying past me most days. Chris
  16. Whilst we have an outboard, our sonds are located on the transom. The gear works ok with clear sidescan images.
  17. We've just returned from 5 days in Alderney to find a very sad Weymouth. Chris Caines, our skipper, knew all of the guys. RIP
  18. I don't know Christchurch but if you didn't antifoul in Keyhaven and left a boat in the water for a month you'd have a fair growth, especially during the summer months. To give you some idea of how quickly this stuff grows, if you leave your tender on a mooring for a week as often do when going out sailing, at the end of the week there is already a thick coat of green slime. It would probably come off with a power washer but it would slow you down a bit. Hilda Maud stays on her mooring all year and is antifouled but even with antifoul enough stuff grows within a month to knock a knot or so off her top speed. I'd guess that Christchurch isn't that different.
  19. Bass caught on bream gear. Over the past ten years I've caught one bass on bream gear then yesterday....
  20. Popped for an afternoon on said mark on the understanding that the wind was going to ease up pm. Well in short it didn't but I still stuck the anchor down. Goo bite after 15 mins proved to be a ballan. Next bite proved to be a smaller ballan. Then quiet for 30 mins, then a bite and fish that zoomed off. 5 mins later up pops a 4 1/2 lb bass! Next bite is also a bass this time 6 1/2 lbs, next bite also a bass which fell off by the net. Then it went quiet around low water slack so homesky and back. Note to self by this time last year had 60 bream and 1 bass.
  21. Well done whoever brought Moonfleet along to last night's meet. Those floats that can be clipped to the line looked very clever. Just bought a few from their website. Chris
  22. I know that it too early to make plans and that the models seem to be changing on a daily basis but... Currently we have a micro weather window on Sunday afternoon with rubbish either side of it. Not helped by the fact that it calm in the days leading up to and moving away from the bank holiday weekend. Oh well, perhaps the models will settle down and we'll have a calm weekend but somehow I just doubt it.
  23. Yes, all of the models flipped yesterday from doom and disaster to gentle zephyrs. I don't believe a word of it and fully expect them to flip back, say a week on Wednesday....
  24. Me, too. However, the long range forecast right through the bank holiday is solid pants! The bream season will be gone before we get out again
  25. It's ok for you lot. I'm stuck here in Bristol with no chance of getting back to boat to take advantage. Still, off to see Spamalot tonight so it's not all bad news. Chris (always look on the bright side of life....)
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