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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Ok Terry will keep in touch if weather materialises! Peter
  2. Thinking of a trip out to get some more cod Wed or Thursday if the weather window settles if anyone fancies a,trip,out. Get in touch Peter
  3. Have a good one Sam
  4. Well done Nigel and crew ... There are certainly plenty of cod out there at the moment! Peter
  5. We had been keeping an eye on the window Sunday to get out on the wrecks and it did not disappoint. So Mat and I met Terry (Plaicemat) and his friend Pete at the marina with the best weather we seem to have had for ages and quickly got the gear stowed and started motoring off to the first wreck of the day some 20miles distant. Apart from a few lumps on the shambles sea was almost flat so we made a todd 20knts all the way. First drift a double figure pollack to me and next drift it started with the cod. A couple on that drift and it continued all day with h 3 or 4 fish virtually every drift apart from about 30 mins over slack water. Most of the fish in the 3 to 5 lb bracket with a smattering of bigger ones. It was fantastic sport with no time for a brew. About one I got a bigger fish that turned out to be a 20 lb cod after a dogged fight followed shortly after by only the second pollack of the day at 16lb Never seen fish so full of feed everyone was stuffed to the gills with sprats and small scad. We were joined early by one of the commercials for most of the day and a charter turned up later but sport seemed unaffected. With the wind starting to whip up and aching arms all round we opted to run back at 3pm so back for a major filleting session at the Marina. 4 very happy guys. Thanks Terry and Pete for your excellent company all day. A thoroughly great day blowing away all memories of the winter doldrums. Peter
  6. I have one space available for the Alderney trip if anyone fancies it .. Hopefully we have accommodation arranged Peter
  7. Matt was also born in Vicarage rd on a night when Ross Jenkins and John Barnes scored in a 2 1 victory .... Attempts to christen him John Ross were resisted!!!
  8. Peter


    I have bought several new reels particular diaiwa saltiest multipliers that have absolutely no grease or oil inside and have caused problems early on solved by dismantling and adding lubrication. Could be washing in water could have aggravated this situation suggest opening up and checking if any lubrication needed Peter
  9. My friend Martin is heading for sunnier climes so is selling his warrior 175. 100hp mercury efi nicely speced boat of 2008 vintage Pm me and I will put you in touch Peter
  10. Well done Adam think you had more fun than we did out wrecking it was grim with an east wind and huge tide .. 2 fish all day! Peter
  11. I am planning to get out Wednesday or Thursday depending on forecast either wrecking or shambles for early plaice /turbot. Anyone fancy coming along as crew? Will,also be out Sunday if forecast holds up Peter
  12. Have a good one hope we see you in Alderney Peter
  13. I will probably try and get over a couple of times this year so poss on for later in May as well Peter Yes it is strangely quiet this year is that because we have had so many disappointments?
  14. Excellent fish Rob, I must get down next week and have a try myself! Peter
  15. Nice one Rob!
  16. Sorry that should read Seago liferaft! Peter
  17. I need to upgrade my liferaft to a 6 Man ISO so have this one available it is 3 years old and just out of service ..... Never used!!!!! As new condition cost is about £750 new It is very compact and ideal for smaller boats. Anybody interested make me an offer Remember the RNLI Respect the water campaign states a boat can sink in 3 minutes as a result of a hole less than 2 inches square!! Peter
  18. Looking good Adam ... Hope to see the finished product in Alderney! Peter
  19. Steve, Redfin is coated with a product called cooper coat which is guaranteed for 10 years from experience and research I have done this seems to hold true so you could try that if you can get hold of a small quantity. I know Marinetec at Portland have some as they did a minor repair for me recently but that probably doesn't help,you in Lymington! Peter
  20. Rob, I wouldn't mind the rings a spares for my saltist braids. Are you ok for the Alderney dates proposed by Alun? Peter
  21. Alun, Redfin will give it a try need to check with Rob who is down to crew with us but 4 beds would b great Peter
  22. Happy Birthday Jon, be good to see you out on the wrecks again soon. Peter
  23. Hi Allan, I had a 175 for about 10 years and loved every minute of it in fact still miss it sometimes even though we have a much bigger boat these days. I found the build quality fantastic and it's safe sea keeping ability even better we regularly fished well,off shore and experienced some pretty appalling conditions Bassing in Portland race and sill had complete,confidence to,go back in. It is a heavy boat because of the build but I found I could,launch and relieve single,handed from a well maintained trailer. Other plus was because they are in demand they hold value very well depreciation over the ten years for me was about £3k on the original £17k price. Peter
  24. Mike, Like Charlie I would be interested in witnessing techniques first hand. If it would help to have a change of scene and try some different things you would be very welcome to come out with us from Portland Happy new year Peter
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