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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by TomBettle

  1. Won't be fishing the Shambles this w/e on such a big tide (I hate dragging a weight), but may well try Dancing Ledge on my way back to Weymoth with Quest II. Could be in for a blank, but fancy seeing if any early Bream are about. Tom
  2. Duncan I am first in the queue! 27kts, no slamming and 60miles on a tenner. I'll take..... .....about 60 a year as they'll sell like hot cakes. In seriousness though, Bennett Tabs are the way forward. Having them fitted to mine Thursday. Don't go for the size that Bennett recommend as you will dive faster than a submarine with them in the Bow Down position. My prospective father in law is helping fit them to mine. He runs Meridian Yachts (marine engineers and fitters) on the river Hamble, but lives over near Lymington so will be able to help with yours if you wanted. They'll increase performance and decrease (even further!!!) fuel consumption if used correctly along with give a smoother (even smother) ride. You can even have pretty LED guauges to help show where the tabs are positioned if you can't go from "feel" alone. Call Nick Trainer of Meridian Yachts on 07880550900 or pop down Salterns today or Thursday where he is working with me. Tom
  3. It isn't particularly the number of fish that is the problem. 7 fish each is a really good days fishing, and assuming that they all get greedily eaten by friends, family and so on then no problem. My particular problems lie with the photo that shows a stack of dead fish lined up for the "trophy" shot. I've taken shots like these. About 15 or 20 years ago when it was the "in" thing to do and before we all became much more conservation minded. The other problem I have is that they seem well chuffed to have banged on the head a bunch of small, potentially immature (marine biologists please correct me) Plaice. Yes they do appear to be over the legal size limit, but by most peoples standards they are small Plaice. If you are catching loads and they are smallish then keep one or two for tea, but stick back others so they can get a bit fatter. ...IMHO it is a similar thing to the Bass issue and small fish. Oh well, rant over. Tom
  4. Adam, you know who I mean, I just didn't want to point too many fingers etc.
  5. Ahem! I don't sell Quicksilver! Mark, I have to say, I have chatted with him about other stuff on the phone and he seems really decent. Just was gobsmacked when I saw the pic.
  6. Well done Adam and Crew! Good going on what sounds like a productive day. The average size of fish seems very small this year (at least you are catching), does anyone know why? Maybe just a whole new "year class" coming through...? Adam, Can I be a cheaky b@gger and ask you to PM where the inshore Pollock were coming from? Cheers mate and good one for Sunday. Tom
  7. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h69/casc...ye6thApril1.jpg Don't know if the link will work, but I was really pleased to hear of a super haul of Plaice by a chap on another forum fishing down in Kent. Then I saw the picture and felt a knot in the pit of my stomach. I thought the days were gone when a superb haul of 28 Plaice would have all been killed, but the proof is in the picture and what makes it even worse is that it only a couple of fish look like reasonable "keepers". No names or forums mentioned here, particularly as I have a dialogue with the chap about fishing down our way and me and my two size 9's seem to stir stuff up enough, but in this day and age would you brag about a catch like that, how many fish would you have kept (between 4) and if you had kept them would you have taken a photo such as his? Personally, I would have been chuffed with a couple of reasonable keepers for me along with one or two for the old dears in my flats as it keeps em sweet. A single picture of a nice fish with the trace still in it's mouth would have made his catch report. Credit where credit is due, 28 fish (particularly where we are all struggling) is a superb catch, but 28 small dead fish? Tom EDITED to say it was between 4 and not 2 anglers. Still a good haul, but it is the pic that bothers me and the size of the fish kept.
  8. I overheard of a non club member who was out in the Swash on Friday and managed 4 Plaice. He said that he put 2 back that were a bit small and kept 2 which were about 2lb. The guy who he was talking to asked to see them and apparently they were lucky to have gone 1lb each.
  9. I may be wrong, but, from what I remember, most of the charter skippers have a small bore copper ring around the inside of the tank at the top. This is plumbed to the inlet and then drilled in numerous places to allow fresh water to flow evenly around the top of the tank.
  10. I heard a rumour of four plaice, but all small around 1.5lb, then the weather got snotty. At least they caught which is better than I can say from my office chair!
  11. Some really ugly bloke in Sea Angling News. Does anyone recognise him. Looks like the picture could be from a police "E-fit" or something Tom
  12. Mike what are you suggesting???? I might own a Merry Fisher, buit that doesn't mean I am a Gay Angler!
  13. Mike Had you been hear yesterday you would have seen them. ...oh you were... These were witnessed fair and square by a couple of the guys that work in the marina. We look after our shoals so they return year on year. A diet of as much mighty white as the mullet want and plenty of live prawns for the Bass. They know which side there bread is buttered and come and see us first. Tom
  14. Had great fun last Summer during my (very few ) ciggy breaks. "Do I go for Mullet or Bass" Tough choice really. Average size of the mullet I had out last year was 4lb all taken on an avon rod or light Barbel rod, 6lb line, size 6 hook with either floating or sunk freelined bread. Average size of the Bass is a little over 2lb. Last year in the marina I managed to top out at about 6lb with both species. But, NO, you musn't fish the marina. I just hide myself with the bosuns and hope the boss doesn't see us.
  15. NEWS FLASH! Small shoal of 3 to 4lb fish spotted half an hour ago!!!! I am not dreaming, on drugs, gay otherwise of a peculiar nature... It is true and confirmed by an eye witness too!
  16. It was there.... ....honest it was ....or maybe someone with terrible constipation had just cleared their holding tank?...
  17. TomBettle

    Welcome Ross

    Good to see you registered Ross. You will find the forum a vry friendly, great source of info with help readily being shared amongst members. Have fun Tom
  18. Last week I spotted a small shoal of mullet fry hugging the inside wall of the marina. Whilst having a fag this afternoon I saw a large grey shadow under one of the pontoons. A closer look revealed a really good mullet of a guestimated 6lb. The only one all on it's lonesome, but a great start. Woohoo, the Summer fish are on their way back. Tom
  19. TomBettle


    A Woman was out golfing one day when she hit her ball into the woods. She went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap. The frog said to her, "If you release me from this trap, I will grant you three wishes." The woman freed the frog, and the frog said, "Thank you, but I failed to mention that there was a condition to your wishes. Whatever you wish for, your husband will get ....... times ten!" The woman said, "That's okay." For her first wish, she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world. The frog warned her, "You do realize that this wish will also make your husband the most handsome man that ever lived, an Adonis whom women will swoon over and flock to". The woman replied, "That's okay, because I will be the most beautiful Woman and he will have eyes only for me." So, KAZAM!!! - She's the most beautiful Woman in the world! For her second wish, she wanted to be the richest woman in the world. The frog said, "That will make your husband the richest man in the world by far. And he will be ten times richer than you. "The woman said, "That's okay, because what's mine is his and what's his is mine." So, KAZAM!!! - She's the richest woman in the world! The frog then inquired about her third wish, and after careful consideration she answered, "I'd like a mild heart attack." Moral of the story: Women are clever. Don't mess with them. ATTENTION female readers: This is the end of the joke for you. Stop here and continue feeling good. Male readers: Please scroll down. The man had a heart attack ten times milder than his wife!!! Moral of the story: Women are really dumb but think they're really smart. Let them continue to think that way and just enjoy the show. PS: If you are a woman and are still reading this; it only goes to show that women are nosey cows and never listen!!!
  20. Happy Birthday Martin M (Snag Man) Old Git!!!! I knew you were getting on a bit now mate, but even less of a spring chicken than I realised. Have a good one Tom
  21. I have a provisional crew booked to come round with me on my boat on the 12th, but as yet all othe dates available. Any company will be gratefully accepted! Tom
  22. Have several boat moves around Easter and wonder if anyone fancies coming along for the ride? 1) After work on the 12th I need to bring my own boat around from Weymouth to Salterns. If anyone wants to come they would need to be at Salterns around 17:00. I will drive us to Weymouth to collect my boat, back at Salterns for about 20:30ish 2) Once she has been antifouled, new anodes and had trim tabs fitted I need to run her back to Weymouth (probably Good Friday). Time to suit us and tides etc. 3 & 4) Anytime after the 13th I need to bring a Leader 805 Sports Cruiser and a Merry Fisher 655 back from our offices in Southampton. Unfortunately I cannot let someone loose without me onboard, but we can do two completely separate trips. Whatever days we agree on we will meet at Salterns at about 9:00ish, drive in one car to collect whichever boat. Arrive at Salterns and then go back in the other car to collect the car which is in Southampton. 3 & 4 would be ideal if we had a total of three drivers as we could get both boats over the course of a day and still all get our cars back. Does any of that make any sense???? If so and you fancy coming along then please let me know as you will be welcome to join the ride. No fishing unfortunately as this is workish related and we will go in any SAFE weather, bumpy or not. Let me know Tom
  23. "Martin" Thanks for the email. Happy to help. Have sent you a reply asking a couple of questions. Please answer those and I will see what I can come up with for you. All the best Tom
  24. You have to be a wee bit careful. The recommended size from Bennet is WOT for most boats. I have an amusing video somewhere of a rather substantial boat that we fitted the suggested size tabs too. The guy doing the driving drops the nose with the tabs and the nose keeps dropping... and dropping... and dropping... It looked something like a car driving full speed into three feet of water. The guy filming from a different boat was wetting himself laughing, the guy driving the boat fitted with the tabs was handling it from the flybridge and needless to say was a little damp afterwards. We now tend to go for the tab down from the manufacturers suggested otherwise you need a distinctley gentle touch! Tom
  25. Hi Martin I understand that you don't want to chat too much about it here on an open forum. I am sure that there is a really simple solution to where the appropriate paperwork is and the dealer will find it if you give him a list of what is required. You are welcome to email me at tombettle@southernmotorboats.co.uk or during working hours give me a call at the office. You can get my number by holding your mouse over the scrolling banner above at the top right of the page. Sorry, didn't want to stir anything up when you asked a simple MMSI question, but you have a right to the appropriate title docs for your boat and any reputable dealer will supply them from the off, or give a good reason why they are still waiting for them. Tom
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