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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by DommyBoy

  1. Dom's back in business! Out wednesday night for some conger/bass so any other boats fancy a crack at it? Dom
  2. Yo Bro, i cant do tuesday cos nic,s workin but should be OK for wednesday, next weeks weather is lookin fine and dandy so hopefully it should be a goer. Dom
  3. DommyBoy

    2 Moons

    Two moons on 27th August 2007* *27th August; the day the Whole World is waiting for Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65 Million miles of earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again. Dom
  4. Thanks Mike, i will fit it tonight. Dom
  5. Cheers guys, i will call Ambrose today and see what they say. Cord not wire then!
  6. Cheers guys, Mike ill check the price tomorrow and mayeb take you up on the offer as our winch is a bit ropy anyway! Ill let you know tomorrow mate, Dom
  7. Well guys, after Dan's session on the river last week fishing from the boat, when he winched the boat back on the trailor he managed to snap the winch cord (lucklily it was when the boat was right at the top of the trailor). Where is the best and cheapest place to get a new cord from and how much? Dom
  8. Like Wedger, i too have only just returned from 2 weeks sunning it up in Spain and im off carp fishing for the whole of next weekend so this weekend is a no go for me, Dan is away until saturday i think so dont think he will be able to make it either. Sorry guys Dat Dam Boat is stayin dry this weekend.....! Good luck to those who make it out and hope the weather is good for you all! Dom
  9. Would have loved to fish it but amd away in spain for 2 weeks from this saturday so no boat fishing for me, only mullet bashing off the socks, is the Med in club waters , as i could grab a lilo and join the comp! All the best to those who do get out there and lets hope the weather holds for you all. Come on Dan........
  10. So i came last then!
  11. Hi guys, im out saturday so i might be up for joining the comp but i need to renew my membership first so i will get my cheque sent off tonight to renew. How much is entry and how and who do i pay cos im only out for saturday first light to about 3pm. I will be out on mine and Dans boat 'Dat Dam Boat' with a forum member Ian. Dom
  12. Plagued by smoothies......what a shame that would be on light gear! Give it a month or so Rich and well get out there and you can show us how its done! Cheers mate, Dom
  13. Coddy, if you are looking for Sowley then you need to head East out of Lymington and Sowley is a couple of miles along the coast. Popular for the smoothies!. Rich, are they catching the stingers in any numbers at all or is it still too early. Ive always fancied havin a go at them but not tried as yet so maybe you can show us how its done mate! Me and Dan will be at the slip about 5am tomorrow so we look forward to seeing all you guys out there. Call us up on channel 6! Good luck to you all! Dom
  14. Well Metcheck is holding out for some half decent weather for Saturday. Unsure of where were going to go yet but 9 mile banks are out of the question so either launching from Lymo and smoothie bashing at Sowley or launching from Mudeford and heading to X-Ray/Ledge. Fancy a few nice Ray though so probably heading to X-Ray. Where are the Macky coming from out of christchurch at the mo? Dom
  15. Alun, we'll be out in our boat 'Dat Dam Boat' and be heading out probably 7-8am, and heading in 4-5ish, depending on how the fishing is going. Ive also just checked BBC, then quickly changed sites as i didnt like what i saw! Metcheck is looking alright though......i cant believe how different 2 sites can be! Dom
  16. Al, weather pending me and Dan will be out from Mudeford, unsure of what were going for yet, probably get some Macky and head off to X-Ray for the Rays and maybe an early Tope. Feel free to buddy us if you want but unfortunately there is not a spare seat onboard. Dom
  17. DommyBoy

    Brain Teaser

    Count every 'F' in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTI FIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS... Now scroll down.............. How many F's did you count? Wrong! There are six of them above - no joke. Now read it again with more precision. Really, go back and try to find all the six F's before you continue to read this explanation. The reasoning is really intersting. The answer is that the brain cannot process word "of". Do you think it is incredible or what? Now go back and look again! The truth is that anyone who counts all the F's on the first go, must be a true genius If you're first answer was three, that is quite normal, if your answer was four that's quite rare. If you found this amuzing, send it to your friends. It will drive them crazy. And keep them occupied for several minutes!
  18. Anyone else?
  19. Yeah definately Paul, we would welcome a buddy boat. Like you said weather dependant of course but lets hope we can get out there and catch so me dirty blondes.......if not and well sit it out in the solent after a few smoothies. Dom
  20. Me and Dan aka Gnasher are lookin to get out for a trip out towards the end of this month but unsure what to go for. We fancy havin a go for either smoothies in the Solent or possibly some Blonde ray, we have Smoothie marks but no Blonde Ray marks, if any of you have any top marks please PM me with them so we dont blank........ Any help would be greatly appreciated as we have never fished for them before and need as much info as poss. Also are any conger about at all or still a little early? Dom
  21. The feature could go one of two ways- 10 fish afternoon target from venue A, or a 7lb fish from venue B................... Or you could blank! Mate you are a spawny b*$tard, give us a call later and tell me more!!!!!
  22. Paul it will probably be the 26th may as its my bday a couple of days prior and we try and plan a bdya day out each year for me and Dan, feel free to buddy us and show us the way to your'hot spot'! Dan PM me the marks matey and between us we can get loads of peelers in the next few weeks! Dom
  23. Also guys aswell as conger from Clan Mcvey, and Ray from xray, are there any Plaice marks to go out of xchurch? Dom
  24. Alun, did you manage to get out on wednesday at all and if so did you catch? Im still going out on saturday out of xchurch. Has anyone heard about any bream being caught off the ledge----early i know! Will there be any conger off of clan mcvey or any rays off x-ray at all? Any help will be greatfully required! Dom
  25. Guys, im looking to get out for a day over the esater bank holiday weekend and am taking a guy who has not fished before from a boat so i want him to catch a few fish to keep him interested for the future. Any ideas on marks out of mudeford or what i should fish for? Whats being caught and where? Dom
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