Hi all. I don't know if any of you read last month boat fishing mag. In it was a piece about halibut fishing in Norway. The write up was that you should never fetch a decent size halibut over the side unles it was well exhusted. as it can inflict some serious damage to boat and anybody onboard. The other way is to spear it and attach a bouy to it and let it swim back and tire itself out' We would only do this on the one we were going to eat. we will be using bronze hooks so that we can cut the line and free it. the hook will disintrgate over two weeks and cause no permenant damage to the fish' My question is has anybody got one of these harpoon/spears for sale. not sure if that is the right title for this bit of kit. or where i can buy one i have had a go at the divers store's up here and all they sell is spearguns which are no good for close work