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Everything posted by reg

  1. A eight foot 30-stone portbeagle was cought in net's about 3 miles off sunderland this week in fairness to the skipper they did try to release it but was so entangled in the net they had to land it. it is thought to be one of the biggest cought up here There have been more sighting's of shark by pier angler's at seaham four sighting's last week they were about 500 metre's off the pier. Rich if you are going to bridlington its only another 100 miles further up the road I was down there last week the sea was flat. but I was not down for the fishing more's the pity reg
  2. I agree with Tom i meet the above bloke a few years ago and was not inpressed by his knowledge Reg
  3. reg

    Hole Filling

    Thanks lad's for all your imput I have found a contact who will weld the hole's up for a few pint's can't be fairer then that. Reg
  4. reg

    Hole Filling

    thanks lads. all idea's taken onboard. will hunt round and try to get it welded will I havs to take the leg off regarding the electronic's??? when they start welding Rich I shall be down on the 16th sept. There are two boats coming down. got fixed up in a house rather than a caravan. anyway nice to hear your back. will pm you nearer the date. Reg
  5. reg

    Hole Filling

    Hi all. I have just installed trim tabs. I had dolfinns on the o/b which seems to counteract with the tabs. so the plan is to do away with the dolfinns but what is the best way or what to fill the four bolt holes which are left on the outboard. REG
  6. reg

    Loch Linnhe

    As promised a report on the lad's trip to loch linnhe two weeks ago. I myself could not go this year owing to work. But will be there next year. Out of seven days. six and a half days were fished the other half day was when england played and the lad's finished up in the pub watching the game. four skate cought. the heavest being 186lb. two lost on the dive back down. . they also fished two wreck's on the mull taking pollock to 8-9lb on leadheads. One lost tope weight unknown. Also cought. maccy'sl cukoo wrasse coley thornback and doggy's'. Reg
  7. I have a two year old 30 hp two stroke when I put the muffs on to flush it the prop spins but I think that is probally thorugh vibration or the water running out of the exhust. stand to be corrected if Im wrong as I probally know as much as you. no offence intended Reg
  8. reg

    Cracked It!!

    save one or two for us when we come down Reg
  9. reg

    Football And Fishing

    nice one
  10. reg

    Launch Ramp

    thanks lads looking forward to it Reg
  11. reg

    Launch Ramp

    Is there a launch ramp at sandbanks as we might be stopping there in sept Reg
  12. Happy birthday to you all may all your tiddlers be big one.s Reg
  13. Thanks guy's. seeing as you was not here I had a pint or two for you all' It's now sunday morning and im just sobering up the older you get the longer it take's to come round.No fishing today as I have some electrical work to do on the boat. out last weekend no cod at all in the north sea flattie's and whitting were all that seem to have been making themselves available. Hope to meet up with all in september tight lines Reg
  14. I have for sale or W.H.Y two navionics charts .thougt I would post them here first. The first is one I bought off Plaicemat which covers from lyme regis to christchurch 5G169S I paid fifity pounds for it but I am willing to lose a bit on it or if you have somthing to swop as in boat gear or fishing gear open to offers. The second one is navoinics 23g which covers from worthing all up the east coast round the top of scotland to just north of stranrear dated feb 05 same deal as above or
  15. reg

    Luce Bay

    Well landed in luce bay wednesday sea was to lumpy to fish comfortably so gave it a miss as did a few of the other chaps. Went out on the thursday loads of mackie twice as many doggie's pulling them in two at a time as they were hanging onto the mackie flappers which were meant for the tope. anyway managed one tope to just over twenty pounds. but one of the chaps had one up to thirty five pounds. the tope seem to be in late this year so having to come back as work was calling it was a bit of a letdown. { should have stuck a sicknote in and had an extra week up there} But it's not to far to travel from here once they are in the bay. port logan was very poor with the lad's just bringing in small wrasse and undersize pollack. Anyway hope you lad's have better luck on the comp this weekend tight lines Reg
  16. reg

    Luce Bay

    Hi all Im off to luce bay next week with the boat as the tope should be chasing the mackrel into the bay. will let you know the outcome when Im back. Mackrel still a bit to far offshore from where I regular set out from. cod are still a bit thin on the ground. Its been a long winter. so let's hope the weather start's picking up. Reg
  17. Nice one Simon.L thats my pocket money spent for the week. Reg
  18. Thanks Bob wil do Iv just made a contact over here who is allways going back and forth to the state's and who also live's there. Reg
  19. Kam I have try'd looking for digi charts on ebay for the lowrance 3005c but all I can come up with is cd charts. do you have a site for them as I want to get some sent over. Reg
  20. Another one who like's the greenhouse onboard Reg
  21. reg

    Anchor Trip

    Mike. Thanks for the link one bruce on the way to practice in the north sea with. Reg
  22. reg

    Anchor Trip

    ok Duncan. Thanks Reg
  23. reg

    Anchor Trip

    Duncan Can you give me the address of the place where they sell the Bruce claw/m claw copy's I would be much obliged as I can come down ready prepared. Thanks Reg
  24. reg

    Anchor Trip

    Ok Duncan all what you said has been taken in. like I said I will try working the bow end and see how I get on. Reg.
  25. reg

    Anchor Trip

    Thanks for your imput lad's. But it is the only way we trip the anchor up here. But it was the way I was tought by the lad's . And that is by men that have been doing this for year's. So next time I am out I will give the bow end a go and see how I get on. As when I come down I don't want to tred on your safety officer's toe's. But how did the subject get round to drinking ???it must be a verry sore point down there Reg
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