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Everything posted by reg

  1. reg


    Hi all. I don't know if any of you read last month boat fishing mag. In it was a piece about halibut fishing in Norway. The write up was that you should never fetch a decent size halibut over the side unles it was well exhusted. as it can inflict some serious damage to boat and anybody onboard. The other way is to spear it and attach a bouy to it and let it swim back and tire itself out' We would only do this on the one we were going to eat. we will be using bronze hooks so that we can cut the line and free it. the hook will disintrgate over two weeks and cause no permenant damage to the fish' My question is has anybody got one of these harpoon/spears for sale. not sure if that is the right title for this bit of kit. or where i can buy one i have had a go at the divers store's up here and all they sell is spearguns which are no good for close work Reg
  2. The chart plotter has now been sold to Rob. Sorry Tomo he just beat you to it Im sure he will buy you a pint at the next meeting.LoL Reg
  3. Hi P.J Its the lawrance globalmap 3500c sorry about that have edited the first draft as well. and is three years old the unit is unmarked. screen is ok no scratches but the cover has a few scuff marks. the manual + a downloaded one which is an a4 size make's easier reading The only reason it's going is another boat which come's with all the bells and whistle's Reg
  4. I have a 3500c chartplotter with uk charts for sale open to offers from club members all bits are there pod cables and spare lead for connecting to PC or just playing about at home. will accept any decent offer + postage which looking on the dark side should not be more than a fiver. phone 01914178574- e-mail regsar04@aol.com.or pm Reg
  5. reg

    alvey 4/0 reel

    thanks lads have not had time up till now. will ring them on monday. so no harm done reg
  6. reg

    alvey 4/0 reel

    cheers mate will try ringing them later reg
  7. reg

    alvey 4/0 reel

    Does anybody know where I can purchase an alvey 4/0 lever drag reel my eyeballs are hanging out of my head trying to find a uk dealer thanks Reg
  8. We have them up here as well. last sat the sea fret was down to nothing. two blokes went out in a speedboat god knows what happened the boat sank they were found three hours later clinging to a petrol can by a local fisherman. they had no safety gear on board not even a mobile phone. It's beyond belief reg
  9. reg


    Iv kept mine in food bags for about three years now and they don't seemed to have suffered as I bought a load from the guy on the I.O.W. the same types I keep together and don't mix them with others. reg
  10. reg

    custom and excercise

    Another thing that was stamped on the side of the box was that a private person sending anything to another private person. anything over
  11. reg

    custom and excercise

    Well I finally got the reels and the bill which was not as bad as I thought
  12. reg

    custom and excercise

    Just heard that it has been released by the british customs on the 23 so sit back and wait for the shock" I ordered a shimano culcutta 400. plus a shimano tld 30 two speed
  13. reg

    custom and excercise

    Thanks Lad's I know the first
  14. reg

    custom and excercise

    Hi all. When you have gear sent from the u.s.a and the customs over here have it do they inform you what they want in the way of vat and whatever. or do you have to chase them up as they have had two reels of mine for ten days and not a word from them Reg
  15. reg


    the ferry we have been told is not going to be running for much longer as they say it is not viable. That was the way we was going to go. Reg
  16. reg


    Thanks for your input. Looks like flying is out as we allways take more than we need. So the most feasable way seems to drive. As there is four of us that drive that should be no hardship. Missed you at the London boatshow Tom could not find you on your stand. but don't think we will be going again as it's not for the little man anymore.
  17. reg


    Thanks for that mate. Any other comments would be more than welcome. Reg
  18. reg


    Hi all. I am picking your brains again. We have had two unsucsesfull trailaways this year one to Scotland for the tope. and one to Ireland all small fish and blown off for two days. The swash didn't get a look in the shipping channel we had to run had two tides running and water over the cabin roof. Well as they say nothing ventured nothing gained. It's an adventure one of the lad's faverite sayings. We are now thinking of going to Norway without the boats. prefer self drive boat We have been quoted
  19. Its rough out there today. or another day of blanking. Reg
  20. reg

    help "again"

    We have found a chap that will make a trailor up to whatever the boatmakers specs are and for the 165 has said he will do one for
  21. reg

    help "again"

    Sorry lads it was a slip of the finger it is a 75 lump and thanks for all the reply's Reg
  22. reg

    help "again"

    Looking for a new trailor for a 165 warrior Have been quoited
  23. reg


    Thanks coddy. that will make him an happy bunny. Reg
  24. reg


    Hi Peteg. I think he was thinking the table top model. as I don't think his wife would let him have one in his garden anyway thanks for the reply. Reg
  25. reg


    My boss is looking for a build it youself kit of a liverpool class lifeboat. anybody got any idea where he might get hold of one. stands me in good stead if anybody knows and I might even get a brownie point . Reg
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