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Everything posted by reg

  1. Hi. has anybody fished Carlingford loch. It's on the border of northern and southern Ireland .east coast We are taking two boats over in early june. I have heard that you do get the odd shark or two. but apart from that don't know much about the place. any info much apprecated Reg
  2. reg


    [MIck was in court for a double murder. and the judge said. you are charged with beating your wife to death with a spanner A voice at the back of the court shouted out you [censored] The judge continued. you are also charged with beating your mother-in-law to death with a spanner. Again the voice at the back of the court yelled out you [censored censored] The judge stopped looked at the man at the back of the courtroom and said, Paddy I can understand your anger and frustration at this crime. But I will have no more outbursts from you or I shall charge you with contempt. Now what is the problem Paddy at the back of the court stood up and responded for fifteen years I lived next door to that [censored] and every I asked to borrow a [censored spanner he said he didn't have one.
  3. reg

    A sensitive man

  4. There ain't no answer to that one Reg
  5. done Reg
  6. reg

    Abu 9000

    HELP Does anybody know where I might get spares for an abu 9000.? I know that I was put on to a person before. who told me to get in touch with pure fishing. Well when you ask the price for two side plates and a spool it runs to overr
  7. Glad to oblige Alan. The abu's take a bit of beating imho but I have allways gone for them and could be biased. Thanks for the info Coddy. will try them tomorow. Reg
  8. Hi all Sorry to butt in on the lad's questionaire. But does anybody know where I can get new side plate's for an abu 9000 twospeed reel which has done me proud over the years. the side plates are starting to rot away my fault in a way as sometime's it didn't get washed or dryed properly. Reg
  9. The fishing down there must be slow Reg
  10. reg

    Sand Wheels

    I must oplojise for not getting back sooner But I'v had a accedent at work .and am now back on my feet. Sand wheel If you can get hold of an old Indispension unit grind out the old axle. Then you need to make a plate up a bit bigger than your draw bar. drill a hole in the plate the same size as your axle and weld it in. then it is a matter of a plate for the other side of the draw bar then putting two ubolts through. or make a u shaped bracket and put one bolt through.Hopes this makes sense as I can't lay my hands on the lead for the camera to get some picture's on Reg
  11. done Reg
  12. If you can get hold of a Idispensoin unit that has been knacked and the hub is still ok you can make one up yourself. I wll try and get some photo's to post and instructions on how to go about it will do my best to get it done this weekend as I'm tied up till then Reg
  13. reg


    Im beginning to think we all need to get out more Reg
  14. reg


    Mike can one of the lads take you out for a days fishing. even if its the local duckpond I think you are suffering withdrawel symptons . Reg
  15. reg

    Vhf / Fm..

    if you transmit on your vhf. with the two antenna's being in close proxcimatry your vhf will overload the back end of your radio and damage it. so would be wise to switch your radio off whilst transmittig on your vhf hope this makes sense if not will phone you Reg
  16. reg

    Vhf / Fm..

    Yes it will. But don't transmit on your vhf as It will blow your vhf/am radio up. You can buy a splitter which should have a blocking gismo in it which should keep your vhf/am protected Reg
  17. reg


    Thats the one mate thanks for your help Reg
  18. reg


    Help. Someone put up an article about skate and rays and that there was only one type of skate all the others were rays. Iv looked through the forum and can't seem to find it anybody help?? Thanks Reg
  19. All right if they follow it through. Reg
  20. reg

    Old Man

    An old man goes to the doctors because he has problems with his manly bits The doctor has a look and tells the old boy to go home and do a seman sample and bring it in next week. A week later the old boy returns with his pot empty The doctor says whats happend there is nothing in the pot the old boy replies i tried with my left hand i tried with my right hand my wife tried with her left hand. then her right. she even tried with her mouth. Then mary from next door tried with her left hand. then her right. she even tried with her mouth and you know what Doc??????????? scroll down = = = = = = = = = = none of us could get the bloody lid off
  21. reg

    Inflating My Buoy?

    If you know of anybody that has a electric pump for inflating lilo's they have two valves anyone of them will do to inflate you bouy. as they are large and cone shaped. Reg
  22. reg

    Jamaican Sandals

    A married couple were on hoiday in Jamaica They were looking around the market place when they passed a sandal shop. From inside they heard the shopkeeper with a Jamaican accent say' you foreigners come into my humble shop So the married couple walked in. The Jamaican said to them. I have some speciel sandals I think you would be Interested in. dey make you wild at sex. Well the wife was really interested in buying the sandals after what the man claimed. But her husband felt he really did not need them. being the sex god he was. The husband asked the man. How could sandals make you a sex freak? The Jamaican replied jus try dem on man. So the husband after some badgering from his wife tried them on. As soon as he slipped them on to his feet he got a wild look in his eyes something the wife hadn't seen for years. In a blink of an eye the husband grabbed the Jamaican bent him violently over over a table yanked down his pants ripped down his own pants and grabbed hold of the Jamaicans hips. The Jamaican started screaming.. == == == == == = == == == ==YOU GOT DEM ON THE DE WRONG FEET MAN YOU GOT DEM ON THE DE WRONG FEET
  23. I am in southern Ireland this week and the sea's have been like that all week. Even on the surf beaches you can't stand up for the windsreg
  24. I had the same trouble last year with the 350c. I contacted the place I bought it from and they did not want to know. But on phoning the guy from silva in sterling he sent me the update next day. Can't fault Silva. Reg
  25. reg

    New Store

    You forgot to put the address on Reg
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