Well What an afternoons fishing
With bigmac wetting my appetite for those big bream I set of this afternoon to have a go. (on my own as my crew cancelled at the last minute!) I had some live eels and launce on board that I aquired earlier for a quick drift for a bass and first drift, bang! bass on , only a small one but a good sign for the summer.
Then onto my bream marks got there with about 1 to 2 hours left of the ebb,so I was a bit apprenhensive after last weeks bream blank on the slack ................an hour later and about 20 wrasse later I finally hit a bream then a steady stream followed up until almost dead slack when it went dead, the best fish went 3lb,3lb 2oz , 3lb 8oz and the beast and a new PB, a glistening male of 4lb 6oz
On dead slack I motored to Xray to kill an hour and bagged a smoohound a few more bream and a couple of dogs then back to the ledge for the first hour of the flood . The bream must be stacked up out there I must of had anouther 30 or so in 2 hours fishing but nothing over 3lb on this tide.
Paul J turned up as I was going so he might of snared a few.
Tight Lines