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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. I'snt that the weekend of the 48hr comp?
  2. new club record!!!!
  3. Fred It wont let me enlarge the picture so I cant have a good look,it does't look like a wrasse though,if it is a goldsinny its a new British record!.Its currently stands at 3oz! more like a mullet or type of shad/herring family.. need a better picky. James
  4. You should need a firearm licence for that
  5. Andy the upto date number for the range fireing times is... freephone 08000 856628 James


    Help, My PC has got the gremlins Its stuck in safe mode,Ive tryed the ctrl or f8 to acess the strat up menu but nothing, the computer thinks its in normal mode. When I actualy put it into safe mode the only differance is that when it starts up it has safe mode written at the bottom of the screen.its driveing me mad thanks in advance James
  7. Rich I think mullet is mullet and the specimen weight is 4lb. (I could be wrong) James
  8. Ive given up waiting /hinting for Adam (trailaway Guru) to orgaise a trip so im going on my own (hopefuly)To follow in Paul D's footsteps,so Im off to Utopia Ive booked 2 days off work on the 23rd/24th may. One day im going off St Albans and the other to Utopia. Its Just off neap tides 1.6. 1.7 ish so looks good for a fair go at it, fingers crossed for the weather . If any one wants to tag along just post here or send me a Pm James


    Billy I recon he just wants to spend more time fishing .On the BFM final he was saying how he was stuggling to get the mag edited in time and fit in all his fishing. When I saw him he was just back from the world champs in weymouth, then to the channel Islands for the Final ........Then of to South Africa for a spot of fishing 2 days later!! and some how he had a whole mag to edit and get to press in a couple of nights know suprise the bloke has packed it in( its a hard life for some people ) I expect you will see a bit more of him on the match scene He's a good angler James
  10. Well done guys ,super result 2 years running Martin way to go . I coulnt fish had to do a family day . Sounds like it was a bit of a car park on the "hot spots" around poole and christchurch.30 odd anchors going do on a tight spot followed by dozens of weights and noisy crew probably scared all the bream half way back across the channel Tight lines James
  11. Thanks for the pics Paul.
  12. weighed on dry land at 4lb 6oz a new PB
  13. Well What an afternoons fishing With bigmac wetting my appetite for those big bream I set of this afternoon to have a go. (on my own as my crew cancelled at the last minute!) I had some live eels and launce on board that I aquired earlier for a quick drift for a bass and first drift, bang! bass on , only a small one but a good sign for the summer. Then onto my bream marks got there with about 1 to 2 hours left of the ebb,so I was a bit apprenhensive after last weeks bream blank on the slack ................an hour later and about 20 wrasse later I finally hit a bream then a steady stream followed up until almost dead slack when it went dead, the best fish went 3lb,3lb 2oz , 3lb 8oz and the beast and a new PB, a glistening male of 4lb 6oz On dead slack I motored to Xray to kill an hour and bagged a smoohound a few more bream and a couple of dogs then back to the ledge for the first hour of the flood . The bream must be stacked up out there I must of had anouther 30 or so in 2 hours fishing but nothing over 3lb on this tide. Paul J turned up as I was going so he might of snared a few. Tight Lines James
  14. Martin How would you want the info (marks/general areas) I would be willing to add a few,its just getting them on to the map. Would it be possible to down load the map to add to it ? ( most of mine would be christchrch ledge area) James
  15. WOW! thats a nice haul of bream, your on fire at the moment Your groundbait seems to be doing the trick. Im out tomorrow PM so hopefuly I will be getting in on the action James
  16. Al Great link. never seen a boar fish before James
  17. Dawn Raider will be there, but I think im going tope chaseing as my main target . but will have a go for the bream . James
  18. Hi all managed a couple of hours out on friday, didnt find the bream but did get loads of wrasse,pollock,gars, a couple of mackrel and a bass nothing of any size but good fun fished the ledge over slack water (not the best time ) one of the boats out friday AM had 18 bream on the ledge. So I think its just down to sate of tide ( first 2 hours of the flood seems to be the time ) James
  19. Random Harvest had loads there on thursday afternoon but not all boats had the same luck James.
  20. Go PJ !!! what a brace well done mate Tom great report, nice ling and you got in amongst the flattys James
  21. JIMBOB

    Seat Cushions

    You can try Zebedee fabrics in southbourne they make seat chusions to any size. James
  22. well looks like they had a red letter day 21 !!!! turbs best 15lb and a MASSIVE 11lb brill dont know who had what. I also dont no how Tom on Quest and Duncan on pheaton are getting on. Paul D ? Im not bothered I didnt go this year at all jAMES
  23. Latest update day 2 =============== spoke to Adam this morning he said it was beaming sunshine there this morning with only a light breeze Got a tx from Adam about 2pm and they had 10 turbs to low doubles, waiting for the final tally for the day. James
  24. Happy Birthday guys, hope you both had a good day.Charlie isnt that boat ready yet!! James
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