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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. Ive got a brief morning pass, my plan is to take my lightest gear and try and find an inshore bass then be back for lunch, James
  2. Sounds great Simon,I was thinking this morning how flat it would be out there today, I past a wind sock on an air field near Porton Down and in was just flopped towards the ground. Am I the only person who has to work James
  3. What a cracking start to the bass season and on neap tides! Thats one fine bass well done Al James
  4. Coddy The easiest way to weigh a conger is in the net , I do have a carp sack also, but dont use it much as they cover it in thick slime . I used to just hook the scales on to the gills of the fish but its damages the eel and you can barely get there tail off the deck James
  5. As I just got my film developed I found this picky of Adam in Blue warrior trying to dodge a tanker, nearly mid channel. A little bit close for comfort.
  6. ...
  7. kevs conger
  8. try this.......
  9. Sorry about the size of these pics cant figure out how to enlage them The stay whiting
  10. 9lb huss
  11. ..... .......gone
  12. going going....................
  13. 48lb conger (if it works!)
  14. maybe tis might work!
  15. 3lb 8oz bream
  16. well Ive only just recovered. I think I took the 48hour comp a bit seriously! as I fished the whole 48hrs (nearly). Day 1 I had promised two friends a day out on the bream so Friday saw me head out in the morning for the ledge, hoping not to snare a Bream or two once on the mark the bream came thick and fast and we boated about 70 fish most over 1lb up to 3 1/2 lb. I( had both of our 3lbers one at 3lb 8oz before the comp started. and a 3lb 4oz at about 6pm. Then it was back to the quay for a crew change and back out to sea for a night time ledge conger . passed Paul D on the way back out waving his tiny little bream about we settled in to the old favorite mark and soon after dark my crews rod bent double and was shortly followed by mine and we thought it was a double hook up....but it turned out our lines were tangled and my hook was in the conger's mouth and a bit of a lump at 44lbs that was it after a couple of missed chances but a 100% specimen on the boat. Day 2 Another change of crew and it was off to kimmeridge, for the rest of the comp with my only hope of beating Paul's "tiny" bream I thought was a huge conger and I know where they live The first part of the day saw us waiting for the slack to have a go for the tope,so I found a good looking bank in about 85ft and sent down the tackle and before long I had a 9lb thonback.That was a good start then it was 7miles south for the tope . No monsters but good fun 10 on the boat the biggest to Kev at just over 20lbs and my best went 19lb 8oz. Day 2 night We then headed in to st Albans to a spot I fished last year to settle in for the night ,it was a bit slow to start with but we were catching plenty of "bait" including a whiting!!! ...............in June Ive got a photo just to prove I wasn't dreaming!! it took till after dark to hook the first lump a bull huss of 9lb 14oz then that was it until 3.45am when the drag on my heavy rod started screaming ..and after a very odd fight ( I thought it was a tope due to how fast the fish was running)up came the fish I was waiting for a beast conger it was just about light so we just left it in the net,bagged anothers hours sleep then headed into the beach at chapman's pool for our BBQ breaky Then after an onshore weighing and photo shoot we let the eel go. she weighed in at 48lbs. Day 3 Both exhausted we just wanted an easy day so we found a nice bank south of kimmeridge.Then after an hour or so I the preceded to loose THE BEAST Thought to be a very good ray ,but ill never know! and Kev had a 35lb conger,all in all a super trip,I dont think Ill fish quite that hard next year ,but I will be back to the conger hole we bagged 3 almost 4 100% specimens and 16 species! those being ray tope conger bream huss dogs pout mackerel scad gar poor cod red gurnard wrasse launce pollock and a very unseasonal whiting! ............................roll on the species comps
  17. Dont blame Adam its all my fault!
  18. I was just checking specimen sizes for the 48hr comp from our club records list(from the link on the site) and they seem to "clash " with present NFSA specimen size's. Are they up to date Charlie? the main one that caught my eye was the Bull Huss in our record list it says 10lb is 100% when on the NFSA list, it says For Dorset its 13lbs and for the IOW its 12lb there's quite a bit of difference! James
  19. JIMBOB

    Bully Pb

    Nice catch guys, and a clonking huss Dan well done They do show up quite a lot on the ledge at this time of year I think those big females come in to drop there eggs,I snared one a few years back at 12lb good to see there still a few out there James
  20. I'm drawing up my battle plan I booked it off work so Ive got a pass for Friday Saturday and Sunday Rich don't know what weather site your looking at but it looks the dogs b@*$!%@'s for Friday through to Monday I'm out of Christchurch Friday, I didn't fancy the ripps this year so I'm going for an all nighter for big undulates and conger Tight lines everyone James
  21. Happy Birthday Sam.....mmmmm when I turned 16, I dropped the fishing rods and discovered girls!! don't fall in to the same trap James
  22. I think the weather is looking rubbish all week and into the weekend, Sunday maybe OK but its a long way away for a good forecast. Ive got work Saturday and Monday and the family down Sunday...............................................so after the weather for the days I booked as holiday for fishing tomorrow and Wednesday........... I hope you lot out at the weekend get a hurricane and maybe a cyclone, as well as a monsoon:lol: James
  23. Hi Rupert welcome aboard mate James
  24. looks like im mullet fishing in the harbour. Rich make sure you take your handheld
  25. Well as the weather is looking pants all week and in to next weekend my two days prospective tope fishing are just looking like a big no go, so as I've got the days off to go fishing its plan B The solent, Any one know whats fishable weather wise? could you get out and find some fish from lymington in say a F 5/6south westerly? (that's what its looking like for next week) Any reports of many hounds being caught yet? Thanks in advance James
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