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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. As Adam said 4 rays per boat, I was out with Mark B as crew And He had quite a few tope All relesed with the T-Bar , At the water,Best fish estimated at 18lb and a Blonde ray of 10lb 8oz. I had a few tope only to about 12lb but 3 rays to make a ray hatrick!,of 3 different species, a 10lb 8 oz blonde ray ,a 13lb 8oz undulate and a 3lb 4oz spotted So a fair go it, But I could of done with the undulate's I caught Tuesday! James
  2. There was a fair bit of tide ,we held with 8oz to 1 1/2lb of lead for most of the night.As for the depth 50/60ft . Kam the camcorder is a digital, but not mine! I have the photos now but a dead scanner! Im having driver problems Any of you computer wizards have any advice on downloading a driver that actually works! James
  3. Mark "aka" sleeping beauty woke at about 6am,after much shouting to find 3 rays in the landing net awating photos!, a huss in the live well! and a very very angry eel on the deck ..........and we took a camcorder so weve got most of the fish on video, I will post some pics soon ,My digi camera died last fishing trip so im back to prints and a scanner James
  4. Forgot to ad all the fish went back alive apart from a bass each
  5. Hi all I set off yesterday afternoon from kimmerage for an all night trip. The plan was to do a bit of specimen hunting, no target speci as such, we just wanted to get a good bend in the rod. I anchored of St Albans on one of the reefs hopeing the larger fish would venture out from the deep water after dark It was rod bending stuff from the start with 16lb undulate to open the inings, then another of 12 lb soon after, Then it didnt stop ! I took 5 undulates by 2 am all doubles and a couple of small congers 20/25lb, and a 91/2lbs huss. mark had two congers 25/30lb , I this point tiredness was catching up and after we both lost a couple of fish and mark called it a nite and fell asleep, I Was also thinking along the same lines,except I had sneaked out a beast rod ,With 3/4 of a 2lb pout! on a 10/0 .........................4.20 am I was awoken to the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz on the reel and while half asleep I found my self doing battle with a fair sized eel with one problem I couldnt wake mark so a solo netting job was the only way ..................Buy the time I next looked at the clock it was nearly light and 5.30am but with a smile on my face as I had a 52lb eel in the boat ........As I was awake, a re-cast on the rods was in order ,then back to the bed chair for some sleep ........10 mins laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .At first light it went mad again and another 4 rays came to the boat, 3 undulates,2 going 15lb and one 14lb! and a spotted ray then a 1lb red gurnard . Once the sun was up We had a quick blast for the bass I had a 7lb 8oz and a 4lb and mark Had A 4lber too... what a day! Tight lines James
  6. A freind of mine (not a club member,but im working on it!) Went out last night and fished all night ,off st albans and managed a 14lb undulate ray, several huss to double figres,a fair few large congers, and a coulple of bass to 10lb!!!!!!........................watch this space, im following in his footsteps next week and haveing an all nite sesh . I was planning on next tuesday nite, launching from kimmerage, any boats that want to come let me no,(weather permiting ) James
  7. I enjoyed the day out on the race but didnt expect quite that much tide! It all started well with joeys not too hard to find then we headed to join the "carpark" at the west bouy, with one minor obstacle in the way ....... portland race.........not for the faint hearted as Dawn Raider took a wave straight over the bow .its a bit like a washing machine and I wouldn't recommend it. I took a bass first drift Then third and it was a bit like that for most on the tide, but a bit disapointed with the average size,even on joeys they were all about a 1lb 1/2 best fish about 5lb but all very fat with a strong stench coming off them !!??..anemone remains? Rich and I had 8 between us. On the slack we headed to the shambles for some launce and then back to the bass only to find I was low on fuel. So I dropped anchor a bit closer in but due to the tide it was unfishable!! and a 2lb lead was going at right angles from the boat. So we headed in with the others only to run out of fuel at the entrance to the harbour Thanks Adam for the extra drop to get me home Most enjoyed the Spyglass on the way home Tight lines James
  8. Hi Dave I have a raider 16 and am very pleased with it.When I was buying, I did find it hard to choose between a warroir and a raider I had been on both boats and is was a tuffy.I picked raider because Its the boat ive always wanted . But due to Dave Baxters recent death I dout you will see them in production in the near future. I also agree with what others have said about your boat ..re launching and recovering,its all about the trailer not the boat. Good luck James
  9. Headed out from kimmerage early thursday morning,on a flat calm sea with the sun beating down . The plan was to have a go for the bass and then a crack at the tope and maybe a trigger. All started well with loads on tiny joey mackrel jumping up the lines, then 1/2hour later on the last of the tide I hooked a bass 6 1/2lbs on my carp rod and it gave a great scrap on light gear so it was of to the tope grounds ,we got there in no time at all on the flat sea.put the hook down and fished the last of the flood and an hour of the ebb, Not a touch!
  10. JIMBOB

    Live Eels

    Jack Alec has sundays off. but pretty good most of the time, (weather dependent) James
  11. Teeth and a translucent nose and caught on macky (smoothhounds dont like fish baits much). There 100% tope. James
  12. JIMBOB


    Headed out yesterday quite a bit later than planned, Bout 11ish ,as my crew three freinds from brum got caught in traffic on the way down. Two of my mates have never been sea fishing ! but all compitent anglers, one had even had a samon the day before!!. So the plan was just to get some action and they all wanted to catch bass I was going to head to the Island but due to the forcast (4-5 SW in the afternoon)and the late start it was a change of plan so we headed to southbourne ruff on a flat calm sea for a few drifts. Mackrel seemed to jump aboard and as I lined the boat up for the frist drift all seemed to be going to plan.First drift BASS ON ! and this was the case for 4 out of five drifts I sneaked in a drift as i was sitting out and spawned out the biggest bass at 4lb It was misson acomplished with every one bagging a bass buy this time the wind started to build and after a very brief stop at x-ray we headed back to the shelter of the habour for some mullet. These were a bit hard to find, but we kept trying and managed a few in the end. all in all a good day and I think Ive converted 3 more people to sea fishing Tight lines James
  13. Plaicemat. Not sure what time we are going ,I hoped for an eary start to beat the tide but it depends on what time my mates turn up from brum.Your welcome to tagg along, I planned to head to the Island for half the day then a bit of bottom fishing. you can give me a call Ill PM you my number,or channel 6. James
  14. Dan Im out thursday, Ive got 3! novices on board some mates from Brum are comeing down. I was thinking of a bit of bassing ,your welcome to tag along. James
  15. Hi Martin Had a fair day on dawn raider, I bagged 9 species. bass ,mullet, wrasse,pout,dogs,bream,tope,macky and 4 rays all small eyes 9lb 8oz the biggest with an 8lb 8oz , 7lb and 5lber. best bass went about 2 lb, not to bad a day James
  16. Hi Sam mike "Just mary" , Andy "Random Harvest" , steve " tango bravo" and of course peter on QT would be my recommendations. James
  17. JIMBOB

    Live Bait Tank

    Trevor. 12v 35 watt blower where do I get one? Ive been on the look out for one of those for a while. a recirculating pump is good but a blower as well James
  18. Hi charlie I will be out on Dawn Raider tomorrow ,"going at it! "as usual With Rich JAW as crew ,going for a late start due to the tides . Ill see all you guys heading out from xchurch out there. Tight lines James
  19. What a beauty! and a great photo of it to o ,nice one paul. James
  20. Will Last time I was out bassing there was a guy flyfishing for bass on Tomcat, a charter boat, out off the Island .We were drifting quite close and I was watching them, he was only casting when one of the outher guys on the boat was hooked up on a fish ,presumably for bass following a hooked fish to the surface. Which on that day they were doing a lot. I had a 7lb fish on nearing the net when a smaller bass came and dived in to steal the mackrel out of the mouth of the hooked fish! and the cheeky little begger missed first time and came chargeing back a second time, got hold of it second attempt shakeing his head trying to get the mackrel of the line and we very nearly netted both of them!! Tight lines James
  21. Ive got wednesday and thurs of work so its possible . I am all out of browine points tho ! I will see what the weathers doing, change a few nappies and do some housework!!! James
  22. Wangled it,(well from work anyway) I havent told the better half yet So put me down for the 21st, with Rich as crew? James
  23. Top fishing Adam, I bet that took some pulling in .I had a 15lb conger on my 12lb class rod and that was a struggle. well done James
  24. Looks like you had a good day and that "toy rod" looks like fun
  25. I managed an after work short session, and I to found it a bit choppy with a bit of a swell rolling in from the SW. I headed to X-ray for a couple of hours and we bagged 2 rays a 10lb 6oz small eye to me and a 6lb thornback to Andrei. Back in before dark.
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