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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. Dan Ive used most of my points up in the last week or so, I've been out 5 times in the last week alone!! Shes not a happy bunny so This thurs maybe a bit hard but maybe next week. James
  2. Well your certainly finding some monster bass out there this year, two doubles in two days, It doesn't get any better than that?....................................until you guys go out again that is And your returning them to let them get even bigger ,super job Rup and Al James
  3. Well done, well worth that 2 hour steam. I'm not to jealous at all ,I was on the beach all day with the kids thinking of you guys out there mid channel. I might have to tag along if you go again. James
  4. as I write this post there's 16 guests and 4 members, whats going on! is it an over active Google bot?
  5. sorry crossed wires. That fridays fine, start praying to the weather gods.
  6. I'm out from either wick or mudeford, depends on what time I finish work ,LW is at 8 ish so I want to be out by 6 or 7 . I'm after conger and Bass not sole so will be out on the far reaches of the ledge .Your best to call me up on the VHF Channel 6. HW is at 1.15 am. I'm heading in probably round about then. as ive got work at 8am! James
  7. Week commencing 10th July looks spot on for tides maybe Wednesday for an early,say 1am return or Friday for a late 3 or 4 am ...............or both sole do taste good
  8. We cant have that Rich!! You first on the list James
  9. I was just thinking of a sole trip soon I'm up for a night trip anytime, just give me a shout and I'll buddy up. I'm out Friday night anyway, Sole would be a good starting point if you've never been out before as its so close in. you just need a high water any time from 12 till 3am. James
  10. Ive been out chasing the bass on the last two evenings, somewhere in club waters ...... Tuesday was the best day with 12 bass on DR best just shy of 8lb not to me ) with two fives as back up , last night was hard going for the better fish, but still managed quite a few 14 in total but mostly small ones, best just about 5lb most were returned just a couple of the better fish kept for the pot ............just had bass fillet in butter for my breakfast yum yum I'm out all night fri on a big bass /conger hunt................ James
  11. What a fish Rich, I just realised its in Poole harbour! I just assumed it was at weymouth when I first saw the pic. Super result. James
  12. The species hunts are fun but require a lot more thought than a normals days fishing . It does take timing, that's limiting yourself to one or two hours on each mark for each species Firstly you need loads of different bait,worms, squid, custom 2 hook shrimp rigs, spinners and even peeler. Then you require an assortment of fishing marks. Then loads of different rods spinner,12,20 and even 30/50 class gear. maybe its all just a bit much for some people? When i fish out of Christchurch i start in the harbour with spinning rods to bag my mullet and bass, then 30 Min's later you can be in 100ft of water on 30lb class gear doing battle with a conger, or drifting a rocky outcrop scratching for Pollock or that bonus gar or gurnard. To me that's what a species comp is about.But is there any point if only One or two other boats are doing the same? Personally Ive decided not to put the effort in this year,im just going to do a "normals days fishing" ,I'll still fish them and still book in my catch but I seem to be one of the minority that put in the effort so I think the club should re think the species comps and do some thing that's a bit more mainstream. like A specimen comp of some sort , we don't yet have a Bass or tope comp(they seem to be everyone's favorite fish) or maybe a conger or huss comp? or even just a monthly monster comp! so my catch to book in for Sunday .............. 4 Bass( well 8) 4 macky (bait) 3 Pollock(bait by catch) 1 wrasse (jumped on my feathers thinking it was bait) James
  13. Lovey bass Helen ,Showing paul how to catch them again James
  14. Live wells is a subject I can shed some info on, as its basically what I do for a living ,That is keep fish alive.(I would say tho mackerel are probably the most challenging!) A venturi would be the best of both worlds IE Aeration and circulation both from one pump simultaneously...but does require a bigger pump to work and to be honest most of the oxygen gets in to the water via water movement not aeration.(not necessarily bubbles in the water! ) anything that keeps the water surface moving will work eg. aerator, circulation pumps or a minimiser. Where TEK Tanks slips up in having an enclosed system. that causes the ammonia the fish are releasing to build up. Then the temp rising in the tank causes the max o2 levels to drop . Meaning the higher the temp the less oxygen water can hold. and the more fish the more ammonia. So to sum up the best live well would have very cool water and lots of surface movement with a good water turnover. Hope this helps.........................................And not to forget the anti-clock wise swimming James
  15. So who's fishing on Sunday? I'm out with Adam as crew on Dawn Raider from Christchurch. Any one else out for a go? Just weighing up the competition! James
  16. Jack thats 100% Undulate nice fish too
  17. Thats one hell of a summer cod! ace photo too,well done chaps James
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY chaps. James
  19. What difference a day makes! went out yesterday and bagged 14 bass in 2 1/2 hours!!! when there was only one in the same time span the day before. James
  20. JIMBOB

    Bream Comp

    And my daughters birthday
  21. Hi Rich I'm out Wednesday with PJ but could do with crew for Friday if your up for it. Wont be mullet tho going for a bass James
  22. Managed a couple of hours out yesterday, got out there just on the high water slack had a couple of very slow drifts over the mark with live eels but only got Pollock and macky. Once the tide started to run the mackerel came at quite a steady rate. we then headed to a new mark for a bass, second drift had a nice 3 1/2lber for the barbie We were bit low on live bait so I slung out a dead mackerel for one drift and hit a much better bass, that after a spirited fight sored uptide and managed to find a snag, parting the line . also bagged a monster cuttle. hope to sneak out again this week James
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