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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. Met office inshore waters forcast as issued at 1700. for the following 24hrs (sunday) Wind E/NE 4 or 5 decreasing 3 Sea state moderate becoming slight Looks good for the afternoon. Good luck to all you guys going out. ive got to work James
  2. Alan Next time im on the boat I'll grab the numbers, in the meantime youve got a PM tight lines James
  3. Lovley, nice fish helen
  4. 26lbs
  5. 29lbs
  6. 28lb
  7. 29lber
  8. Marks 35lber
  9. Hi all managed to get out today for those tope,after a bumpy start to the day (wind over tide at st Albans) Got to the mark for the slack and as soon as the tide allowed us to get our gear down we started getting runs from the tope .Mark was frist into a fish and a clonker at that 26lbs ,not bad for a first fish!!.... not to be out done I was soon bent in to a good fish too and I managed a 29lber , but it was marks day and his next fish tipped the scales down to 35lb ,on 12lb class gear and 2oz of lead!! After the tide started to push we headed in to the shelter of danceing ledge and chapmans pool but not alot just a couple of pollock and wrasse, 5hrs later back out for the tope simlar action to the morning ,I managed a 28lber and mark a 24 . the final tally 11 tope 1 upper double ,10 over 20lbs 1 thirty , great sport Tight lines James
  10. Im out tomorrow to, will be around danceing ledge at some point but im out for the tope in the morning. munter hunter whats the name of your boat? ,ill give you a bell on the vhf Tight lines James
  11. Go on then count me in James
  12. Rich ,will do
  13. What a fish .well done coddy, makes our turbot and brill from alderney look a bit tame Skate fishing next year ? James
  14. Thanks sorted it.
  15. last one My first Brill, Ive got more but they will have to wait!
  16. martins 14lber as viewed from Cara Cara
  17. 1/2 the days haul!
  18. the days haul
  19. My biggest Turbot
  20. Sorry I keep adding the no edited pics this one wong hurt your neck!
  21. My first turb
  22. rich's first Brill ..
  23. Rich's first Turb
  24. Our superb B & B The Armory
  25. some of the Cod and pollock haul from the wrecks
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