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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. Alderney in view
  2. Ive got a camera full of photos to add but I need to print them of first .For some reason once ive uploaded them on to the pc i cant acess them in the photo thingy at boots, any Ideas? will post them in the next few days. James

    Hi Spurdog

    Hi spurdog, welcome to the forum. If im right in thinking your an orkney owner ,Im pretty sure ive seen an orkney called spurdog recently? James
  4. Just spoke to a friend of mine who was amongst the bream yesterday and today about 25 on the boat on both days, they were of a good average size with the biggest about 2 1/2lbs. Just in time for sunday James
  5. Lovely haul! I can see why your all smiling
  6. Sam I wont be going out now to after alderney, Ill take you out for a day in may. heres anouther shot of that plaice
  7. Heres my biggest plaice caught on saturday. It was my first ever shambles plaice Whens the next trip!
  8. Hi Alun I to was out on the shambles yesterday on dawn raider. we started of good, with my first ever drift on the shambels produceing a 3lb 15oz placie! followed by a plaice a drift for the next 4 drifts(all around the 1 1/2lb mark) then it all went a bit quiet with only 2 more for the rest of the day . but the weather made up for it ,a cracking day all in all. Lovely turbot Alun, we to tried launce, but no turbot for us James
  9. Went back out this morning to have a try for those bream again. Tides for today were LW 7.45am HW 1ish, so the plan was to drift the piers around the slack for a plaice, then off to the ledge for a bream or two when the tide picked up. It was an early start 6am and just scraped out of christchurch on the last of the tide, to be met by an glassy smooth sea in the bay, every thing seemed perfect apart from the lack of fish! no wind and nice slow drift (1/2 knot) we stuck at it for a couple of hours but gave up in the end. on the ledge it was much the same,there was a good bit of tide but no bream lots of dogs though and a bonus huss that saved the day Those bream cant be far away now tight lines James
  10. Dawn raider will be there, I have crew but might have space for 1 more if theres more crew than boats James
  11. Neil, That's good news I use kimmerage slip myself and was a bit worried after your post . Interesting about the fish on the sounder,i was speaking to one of the poole charter skippers the other day and he mentioned about fish showing on the sounder that he couldnt catch. He said they're probably male bream making their spawning pits, once they're done they start feeding,ready for the female bream to arrive. If I were you I would mark the spot and return in a couple of weeks, those first male fish in are normally pretty big ones ! James
  12. JIMBOB

    Cuttle Fish

    Yes please ,count me in for as many as you can spare!!!! About a dozen or so If you can get them Thanks James
  13. JIMBOB

    Flipping Boat

    That looks better Paul Would love to help sat but im at work shes looking good James
  14. Sounds like you all had a good day, would love to go on the next visit. I couldnt make it due to a revoked fishing pass due to me forgeting it was my outher halfs birthday on sunday sounds like the fishing's pretty good up there, when rays are as abundant as dogfish down here! I was hopeing to get out this week but the weather seems horrible, fingers crossed for the shambles on the 17th Tight lines James
  15. Happy Birthday Adam, James
  16. Dan You have a PM
  17. JIMBOB


    Bob ill be at work , But I may well venture out on wednesday if the weathers ok, i Will keep a look out to see how you got on, Im going to try for the plaice in the bay Good luck James
  18. It was just inside the outer harbour wall, tucked in out of the wind
  19. Heres my PB !! 4lb wrasse caught yesterday. James
  20. After all the tooing and frowing due to a rather changable forcast,Loyal Royal and DR made it to weymouth today but the wind was agaist us and the "silght/smooth" F2-4 forcast was more 4-6 and the sea was a fairly moderate one! so we couldn't make it out to the shambles, so we opted for the harbour and scratched around. Not a lot showing with LR bagging a couple of pollock and blennies and on DR we only had 1 blenny but I did manage a 4lb Wrasse on a spinning rod ,with 10lb braid that saved the day. All in all I enjoyed today ,Its a nice harbour and the sun was beaming. Those shambles plaice are just going to have to wait for anouther day James
  21. I am going tomorrow now The forcast as issued at 1700 hrs by the met office for the following 24hrs is 3-4 east ,Sea state slight or smooth . Its got to be worth a try:D James
  22. I wish I to could do sat but I have to work I do have monday of though and there giving F1-2 then , so I might well go then instead, I will make up my mind tomorow James
  23. Paul I Am going to leave at about 6/6.30 to get down there.I planned to meet up with Adam on the way. I just hope the weather forecast keeps getting better they have dropped the wind speed on sunday by 10mph in the last 24 hours. fingers crossed. I was going to take some other baits as well to maybe have a go for the wrasse in the habour if the weather gets bad. James
  24. JIMBOB

    river fishing

    Thats a cracking looking fish , looks bigger though
  25. JIMBOB

    Drag Weight?

    I also was thinking along the same lines as Adam, but to make a giant lead weight. In a garage cook up,with 5ish kg of lead,a coat hanger and a large saucepan!! Would that work? James
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